The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 28.


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“So the Elders think Eva spilled the big secret and now they want what?” Darryl rolls his head on his

shoulders, I hadn’t noticed how much he’s aged over the last few years. It’s even more apparent now s

sitting in front of me, fantasy lore would have you think shifters live forever but actually we age much

like everyone else. We are just fitter and our wolves keep us living longer, it’s not unusual for a shifter

to hit triple digits before passing. Darryl is nowhere near that age though, I know he’s pushing forty-five

though, his look of age comes from him not mating, Alpha’s need their mate.

“Honestly, I have no idea, with her being your mate I can’t imagine,” a seriously loud bang and the

sound of glass smashing above us has us both looking towards the ceiling. “What the hell?” Darryl’s

words are muttered as he launches from his chair at the same time as me, together we race through

the office door and up the stairs. I’m only a step or so ahead of Darryl so I see the carnage before he

does, I actually stop at the door and just stare for a second.

The entire lounge has been ripped apart like someone has gone on a rampage, the cream sofa has

been flipped, the glass coffee table is across the room and in shards, no doubt the sound we earned.

“What the da mn hell?”/I demand of my mother as I step into the room, she’s just standing there looking

at her handy work while sipping on a glass of gin.

“Martha what the hell did you do?” Darryl is looking around the room




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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 28.

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in shock, he’s seen my mother drunk, he’s seen her oblivious but he’s never seen her this mad before.

“He never wanted you to stand here,” I quickly glance to the lounge door and see Rowan swooping

Sally and Selena away. “He never wanted you back at this Pack, taking over like you have. And look at

you now.”

“Your drunk Martha, go to bed. Get some rest.” I’m just standing here feeling much like the small child

she once said the same words to, the night I left she told me my father didn’t want me here. It was the

last push I needed before running for the door and never looking back.

“Don’t tell me what to do in my Pack,” she points at her chest with a long red nail, it digs into the top of

her breast leaving a white crescent mark. “I built this Pack, I made this Pack what it was. No Alpha is

anything without the woman behind them, I was that woman. Me!” She’s screaming by the time she’s

reaches the end of her rant, she is looking directly at Darryl so she doesn’t see me move when I swipe

her hand and sn atch the drink from her.

“The great Luna of Everfur, forever drunk and drowning in gin.” I can’t keep the bitterness from my

voice as I walk over to one of the bookcases and put the half full glass down. I have her drink so my

mother’s eyes trail me as I walk across the room, “care to tell me what the hell brought this on while I

have an Elder in the house?” I’m trying to keep myself from shouting and creating more of a scene.

Darryl is standing by the basement door but he keeps looking behind him like he’s checking Eva hasn’t

come out.

“That’s exactly it, forty years me and your father ran this Pack and never once did an Elder ever step

foot in here. Less than six months and you have one sleeping on the first floor, they bring nothing but

problems.” I shake my head at her, I don’t understand how she can be so clueless.




His Rogue Omega Chapter 28.

288 Vouchers

“The Elders never came here because father cut the Pack off from

everyone, he refused outsiders. The Elder is here because of an ongoing issue, it’s got nothing to do

with the Pack.” I see Darryl about to say something but I shake my head, the last thing I need is for him

to set fire to this gin soaked mess.

“Oh and I guess it’s got nothing to do with the rogue Omega who attacked your intended mate?” I roll

my eyes, Sookie is not my mate and Eva did not attack her but naturally my mother only heard what

she wanted to hear from the story and I’m sure Sookie was only too happy to spill the beans.

“Sookie is not my intended mate.” I say each word clearly so there can be no mistaking my words.

“She’s the strongest female in the Pack.” I smile as Storm whispers in my ear, he’s been soothing Eva’s

wolf and trying to get to know her.

“She was, there is a new female in the Pack now.” Darryl chuckles as my mother’s eyes go comically


“So what? Is she your intended now? You can’t mate a rogue.” She actually stamps her high heeled

foot like a small child.

“No.” My mother smiles a little like she’s just won a battle, “she’s not my intended. She’s my fated

mate.” My mother’s eyes shoot from me and then to Darryl like she’s trying to get one of us to deny

what I just said. Her face starts to go red when she realises no one is going to say what she wants to

hear. “You can leave now, this is your last warning. Stop drinking or you will be removed from this


“You ruined him, you know.” She spits at Darryl’s booted feet as she stumbles from the lounge, I shake

my head as she clutches the wall for stability before disappearing from view. I hear Rowan murmuring

to her so I know he’s making sure she gets to her room and not to



His Rogue Omega Chapter 28.

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somewhere she can cause more problems.

“How long has she been like this?” Darryl walks over to the shattered coffee table and rights the frame

so the legs aren’t sticking out.

“Like this? She hasn’t done anything like this, I don’t know from one day to the next if I’m going to get a

drunk raving l unatic or my silent mother who watches everything.” I run my hands through my hair as I

look around and catalogue the damage, it’s not about the money it will cost to replace things, it’s the

lack of disrespect. She trashed this room because it’s directly above my office so she knew this would

get my attention, it was calculated and planned.

“This can’t just be over Eva or Elder Iris.” Darryl is shaking his head as he starts to brush the glass into

a pile with his booted foot.


agree, there has to be something more going on but right now I have too much going on to deal with

her.” Darryl nods his head but remains silent, he has this pensive look on his face which I know means

he’s already thinking twenty steps ahead of me. “What’s that look for?”

“I don’t know,” Darryl shakes his head like he’s trying to clear his thoughts. “How about you show me

John while the Elder is down?”

“Sure he’s out in the cells.” Darryl’s eyes go wide for a second before he nods and walks over the glass

head towards the kitchen and the back door, “we didn’t know where else to put him. I needed him

somewhere so he couldn’t get more drugs while he calmed down.”

“Well that didn’t work did it? Someone is still getting the drugs to him, there is no way the drug can still

be in his system.” We enter the kitchen and I notice Sally and the girls are missing which means

Rowan cleared the house when my mother started kicking off.

“You don’t think it could still be in his system?” I have to admit I don’t





His Rogue Omega: Chapter 28.

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know anything about drugs in shifters so I just assumed it was some kind of long lasting thing.

“No way, it takes a heavy duty drug to affect a shifter and for him to still be affected someone is getting

him doses of whatever it is regularly.” I instantly start making a list of names in my head as we

walk across the garden towards the cells, I’m shocked to see Selena already standing there, I assumed

she would be with Rowan. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Alpha Darryl, I thought I should be here so I can discuss what I’ve found out about the drug he’s on.”

Darryl just raises an eyebrow at me, he’s clearly impressed, he follows Selena into the cell block as I

link to Rowan and ask him to keep an eye on Eva. The last thing I want is for her to wake up panicked

and alone while I’m dealing with Pack things.

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