The Stained Omega

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Chatper 194

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 27.


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“Darryl, I didn’t think you were coming until Friday?” I pulled up seeing Darryl’s Impala in the driveway, I

didn’t like the idea that he had arrived while I was out so I ordered Sookie and Selena to wait with Eva

and dashed into the house.

“Elder Iris here wanted to come sooner.” It’s only then that I notice the elderly woman wearing a red

robe and tiny half moon glasses.

“Elder,” I bow my head a little at her as I shake Darryl’s hand.

“I won’t sugar coat it Alpha Castiel, I’ve been sent here about the rogue you have here.” My eyes widen

and I look over at Darryl who just shrugs his shoulders, he looks tired with bags around his hazel eyes

and grey flecks are starting to show in his hair.

“If you’re talking about Eva, she’s hardly a rogue, she doesn’t even have a wolf.” I’ll be the first to admit

that I’m a little defensive when it comes to Eva, “how far you come into my Pack land and demand to

know anything about my guests.”

“Calm down Cas.” Darryl’s hand on my shoulder has me looking round and I can see Rowan standing

in the doorway with a worried Selena, “where is she?”

“I left Sookie with her.” I growl as I storm past Selena, she’s lucky she moves out of the way quickly

because I’m pretty sure I would have flattened her.




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 27.

288 Vouchers

Walking out of the front door I quickly start sprinting over to the car, Sookie’s wolf is facing down

against a massive white wolf. Much bigger than any female we have in our Pack, sniffing I’m shocked

to find it Eva.

“Sookie stand down.” I command as I pulse out my Alpha aura, I hear a whimper behind me but I keep

my eyes on Eva’s wolf, she’s beautiful and clearly deadly from the way she’s snarling at Sookie.

“I thought you said she didn’t have a wolf? Now you have a dangerous ́ rogue on your land.” Eva must

not like what Elder Iris shouts out because she snarls again while snapping her jaw.

“Just stay where you are, Darryl, a little help.” I hear Darryl quietly shuffle Elder Iris back into the house.

“Hey beautiful, you picked some cracking timing to shift for the first time.” Standing in front of Eva I hold

out my hands showing her I don’t mean her any harm. “As beautiful as you are, we have guests right

now. Think you can let Eva come back out?” It takes a moment but her wolf comes forward and starts

sniffing at my hand. She must like what she smells because she starts rubbing herself against my legs.

I don’t think she realises it but she’s treating me like a mate. It’s extremely intimate how she’s rubbing

her whole body against me, letting me feel her every curve and muscle. “If you let Eva back out I

promise you and Storm can go for a run later.” Her wolf must like that idea because she suddenly starts

to vibrate and with the ease of an Alpha she snaps back into herself, naked and gasping for breath she

stays on all fours on the concrete driveway.

With Eva in my arms I get a good smell of her for the first time, she smells like her normal wet grass on

a hot day but there is something else. Something I’ve only ever smelt a handful of times and it has me

walking through the house quickly.






His Rogue Omega Chapter 27.

200 Vouchers

“Cas?” I ignore Darryl as I open the basement door one handed and practically fly down the stairs with

my naked mate in my arms. I don’t let her go until we are back in my bedroom and that only so I can

place her in the bed and climb in next to her, she’s still crying. I don’t know if it’s the shock of shifting or

if it hurt her so badly that she’s crying through the pain.

“You’re safe now Angel,” I stroke her sweaty black hair as she curls. herself into my side. I can feel her

taking lungfuls of my scent, she probably doesn’t know what my scent means to her and right now is

not the time to educate her. “What happened?” I don’t understand why she and Sookie were in a

confrontation, I know Sookie can be annoying but apparently I’ve been blind to something.

“She told me,” Eva gasps for breath as she tries to speak. “She told me to ‘learn my place’, and

something just snapped. So many people have told me that and with her, I don’t know Cas something

just snapped inside of me.” I hum low in my chest, letting it rumble out in a soothing way, it seems to

relax her as she settles her head over my heart.

“Everyone has a breaking point Angel, I guess Sookie just found yours.” A knock sounds on the door

but I ignore it, an Elder might be here but right now my mate needs me. I keep stroking Eva’s hair until

her breathing evens out and tells me she’s fallen asleep, if she’s like anyone else after their first shift,

she will sleep for a good while. Carefully I extract myself from her and slime from the bed, I’d love to

just lay here and hum for her but I do need to deal with the Elder. I have no idea her real reason for

being here but Elders don’t just turn up

for no reason.

Opening the bedroom door I see Darryl and Rowan sitting on the small sofa, both of them stand as

soon as I step out.



17:06 M)

His Rogue Omega Chapter 7

“Sorry.” I say quickly as I fish out my office keys from my jeans.

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“Don’t be sorry, your mate just shifted for the first time. No way to plan ahead for that.” Rowan grunts in

agreement with Darryl as they both follow me into the office. I sit down and watch Darryl look around at All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

the new Alpha office, if he finds it odd that I’m down here he doesn’t say it.

“Why is the Elder here?” I ask him once they are both sitting in front of


“The human that Eva was seeing, he knows she’s a wolf. Elder Iris is here to see if Eva is the one who

told him.” I look at Rowan and can

tell from one look at his face he had no idea this was coming.

“It’s not as cut and dry as you think,” I don’t really want to tell Darryl – all about Eva but I will if I’m

pushed. I’m not sure it’s my story to tell.

“Rowan already told me,” I try to keep my feelings to myself but they must show on my face because

Rowan drops his head in shame. “Don’t blame him, I might have forced it out of him while we waited.

It’s one hell of a story, I knew about The Shalamayne but that human is a piece of work.” Sighing I just

nod my head at Darryl, chances are that after a few glasses of whiskey he would have had the story

out of me too. “You know your mate is an Omega right?”

“I had no idea until about fifteen minutes ago, that was the first time she shifted.” Rowan sits up in his

chair as if he’s suddenly paying very close attention to our conversation.

“I’ve already told the warriors to tighten up patrols, we haven’t had an Omega before so I need to train

the guys on how to protect one.” I just blink my eyes at Rowan, how this man takes it all in stride is

beyond me. “Actually I’m going to get a new schedule written up now, the ‘ Elder is on the first floor.

She’s gone for a nap so you have some time.”



17.06 m)

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 27.

288 Vouchers

With that he stands and leaves the office, with it just being me and Darryl I open my draw and pull out

two clean glasses and a fresh bottle of Jameson.


you still drinking that cr ap?” I chuckle as I pour using both a three finger amount, using one finger I

slide his glass across the desk. “You know you need a new Head Warrior right? That lad has Beta

written all over him.”

“Yeah I know, when I find the time I’ll get right on it.” Holding up my glass Darryl clinks his against mine.

“To your Omega and all the drama that comes to be fated to one.” I don’t say anything as I open my

mouth and slam the whole of my drink back in one go, I might have thought I have a lot going on before

but I know it’s about to get a lot worse.

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