The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 29.


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Waking up I’m really confused, the walls around me are metal and not the soft silk I fell asleep in, the

floor is dirty and covered in tiny stones that are sticking into my bare skin. I’ve never been here before

so I have no idea where I am. Feeling around on the floor I determine that the room I’m in is actually a

very small metal box.

“Shi tty isn’t it?” I recognise the voice but I can’t place it, I keep feeling around for a way out as it

speaks to me. “It’s time for you to see how it feels, to be made small, to be kept locked away, it’s my

time to be out there.” A growl tells me that whoever is talking is a shifter so I stop moving and bring my

knees to my chest, trying to make myself as small as possible.

“Who are you?” I can’t stop the shake in my voice, not only am I scared I’m suddenly starting to feel

really short of breath like someone is pushing down on my chest.

“Don’t you know?” I hear heels clicking on the floor just out of my line of sight as the person walks in a

circle around the small room I’m in. “I’ m the person who was in this cage before you, trapped, alone

and scared I would never escape. And then you opened the door, just enough for me to squeeze out

and I’m not going back.” The snarl as she speaks reminds me of a sound I’ve heard before but my

mind isn’t working and I can’t think of who it is.

“Please, I’ve never seen this room before.” I feel something furry brush against my back, spinning

quickly, I try to see what it was but it’s gone by the time I adjust my eyes in the dark. “Who are you?” I

try to rack




His Roque Omega Chapter 20.

288 Vouchers.

my brain, heels clacking, fur, snarling and growling, I list each thing. off in my brain like a song. It’s on

the third go around that I realise what I’m dealing with, “you’re my wolf?”

“No, you’re my human.” A pure white muzzle pushes between the bars in the wall and the cold black

nose pushes against my arm, “you stink of fear.”

Pulling away from her nose I start to rock back and forth, I will myself to wake up because the only way

I can be seeing my wolf this clearly is if I’m in a dream.

“This is a dream, just wake up.” I keep repeating myself as the wolf walks around the cage, I can see

her more clearly now, like someone is slowly turning the lights on.

“Not a dream, more like my nightmare, I’ve been here all along, locked down, chains around my neck

and bars stopping my growth.” The wolf snaps her teeth at me and I jump before continuing my

muttering, “I tried, Goddess knows I tried. Each time I spoke to you, you brushed me off, ignored my

wisdom.” Her frustration is clear, as her tails starts to swish along the floor, “then to add insult to injury

you bow to a human, a human. He almost had you killed, I could have fixed that too but again you kept

me shut down.”

“I’m sorry,” I wail loudly as she starts to growl menacingly, it’s almost like she’s working herself up into a

frenzy. “It wasn’t my fault, I had no idea you even existed. I thought I didn’t have a wolf, that you had

left me after what they did.”

“You didn’t even try to find me,” she’s right and she knows it. Back with Fraction and Anna I thought

about how good it would be to have a wolf but when I was banished I figured it was a good thing. So I’

ignored all signs of my wolf until she was pushed down so deep I



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 29.

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forgot she was even there. All text © NôvelD(r)a'ma.Org.

“You’re right, I messed up and now we are disconnected, I broke our bond. It’s all my fault.” Wiping at

my face I look up to see the white wolf sitting on her haunches and looking at me with her head tilted to

the side. “You can’t keep me locked in here, what I did was a mistake. I didn’t even know I was doing it

but without me there is no you, you will be just as stuck in here as me.”

“I’ll let you out under a few conditions,” she starts to lick at her paws, she knows I’ll give her anything

she wants to get out of this cage. Waking up doesn’t seem to be an option so I figure I need to actually

give in if I don’t want to be trapped in my own mind. “I want freedom, regular running, training to protect

ourselves.” I nod my head at her, both of those are kind of a given, “I also want you to reject our mate.”

My eyes widen as she says this.

“My mate?” I shake my head, I don’t think I’ve met my mate but clearly this wolf thinks differently.

“Cas, he’s our mate. He’s known for a long time but he’s waited for you to come of age, I have no

desire to be tied down to a Pack, I want to run free, hunt and lay in the sun.” She turns her nose up to

the ceiling like she’s imagaining the sun in her fur, she even closes her eyes as if enjoying the


“I can’t reject Cas, I mean I barely know the man and Go d only knows I don’t love him but I can’t reject

him. I won’t do that to him.” The Shalamayne didn’t often teach us much but they did tell us what

happens if an Alpha’s mate is killed, he becomes feral, aggressive and in some cases murderous. “I’ve

lived in three places my whole life and this Pack house is the most free I have ever been, Cas has

done nothing to harm me or control me. We are safe here.”

“I can keep us safe/out there,” I can hear the hesitation in her voice,





His Rogue Omega: Chapter 29.

288 Vouchers

she’s not sure she can keep us safe. She’s untrained and all but a newborn thanks to how I kept her

trapped all these years, it’s my fault she is so bitter and angry.

“You can’t and you know it, let me out and I’ll get us the training to be able to be out there in the world

alone.” Pulling myself off the floor I grab a bar in each hand and press my face against the cold metal,

“work with me and we can be a team.”-

I’m not sure what happens but one second I am pressing myself against the metal bars of a cage and

the next I’m standing in the centre of the room in a pair of leggings and a white t-shirt.

“Ghost, my name is Ghost.” Tentatively I take a step towards the wolf and when she doesn’t move I

keep walking until my hand is in her soft fur.

“I’m sorry I broke things, I didn’t know what I was doing. It’s not like I had anyone to show me how this

is done.” I bury my face into her snow white fur as I s ob out my pain for the both of us, I don’t think

even I realise how badly I had hurt us. I cry until Ghost’s fur turns wet under my cheek and my throat

starts to ache from the heaving.

“I won’t stay in a Pack for long, please don’t make us.” Pulling away from Ghost’s fur I wipe at my face

and nod my head.

“How about we stay for a bit? Ask for some tips on how to survive alone and then when we are ready

and fully prepared we can leave.” I don’t know why but the thought of leaving Everfur suddenly fills me

with a dread it didn’t just a week ago.

“It’s Cas, he’s working his way under your skin. If you give him even an inch the mating bond will take

over and you will have no choice but to fall for him.” I have to admit that sounds awful, kind of like being

around him too long would just take my choices away from me.





His Rogue Omega Chapter 29.

288 Vouchers

“I’m sick of people making my decisions, telling me what to do.” Ghost nudges me with her nose, like

she’s agreeing with me. “I’ll make sure we get out, no matter what I won’t let him worm his way in but I

can’t reject him Ghost, you know as well as I do what happens when an Alpha loses his mate.”

“Like it will be better once you leave?” I don’t get a chance to ask her what she means as a massive

bang sounds somewhere to the left of me. “Time to wake up kid,” Ghost wipes her tongue along the

side of my face as I start to feel the silk sheets below me. “Maybe don’t ignore me now?” I don’t answer

her as I blink my eyes and stare up at the pure white ceiling of Ca s’s bedroom

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