Fated To The Alpha

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Chapter 273: Marabella

I caught a taxi to the graveyard before spending a good twenty minutes trying to remember where

Kyan’s family plot was. Once I had found it, though, I got the same strange sweeping feeling as I

stopped in front of Dominic’s grave. What took me twenty minutes took Eziah only minutes to find.

Eziah appeared behind it with a not-so-happy expression on his face when he dropped the duffle bag

that was hanging from his shoulder onto the ground at my feet. 1

“Got everything but the kitchen sink,” he growls at me before tossing a shovel at me. I snatch the

handle out of the air.

“By the way, dad is on to us. Apparently, he questioned mum,” Eziah says as I rummage through the

bags to find the old books, none of them resembled any of Kyan’s family grimoires. However, I find the

dagger and a brown paper bag. My brows pinch together when I see a smiley face drawn on it and

recognize my father’s handwriting.

“Dad packed you lunch?”

“Us lunch, and yes, Mum told him we were having a picnic,”

“That involved a dagger, shovels, and old books?” I laugh, and he shrugs. 2

“You know our fathers won’t ask questions. They trust the fates seeing as mum is now one,” Eziah

says, leaning on his shovel. I examine the dagger. It was identical to the one back at the manor.

“So are you going to tell me why we are digging up Kyan’s father and why mum was that excited she

was nearly peeing her pants?” he asks before reaching out and touching the headstone. He gets a

peculiar expression on his face, and I watch him, wondering if he gets the same funny feeling that rises

in me, and I bite my lip.

“Well, first we have to dig him up and see if my assumption is correct,”

“Care to share this assumption, sis? If I am defiling a grave, I want to know what for,”

“I think Dominic is alive,” I tell him, and Eziah snorts.

“Oh, shit, you are being serious?” he asks, and I nod, looking down at the gravesite.

“Well, that explains the strange feeling I got,” he says, patting the headstone.

“So, this is why mum is so excited?” he asks.

“Dominic gave his life up for mine. He also gave me his magic. So grab a shovel,”

“You know if he is dead, I can’t bring him back, though?” he asks.

“I know, and I wouldn’t ask that of you,” he nods.

“If it was you, I wouldn’t think about it, but he has been dead a while, it would kill me to try t o, and it

isn’t like bringing back a dead lizard,” he says, making me remember when we were kids, and I

accidentally killed the poor little thing, and he brought it back.

“I wonder if it is still alive?” I chuckled, knowing the chances were slim.

“Maybe, but his buddy ain’t,” Eziah says as I stab the shovel in the ground. I stop looking at him.

“What?” I ask.

“To save a life, I must take one, sis. I gave you back the lizard you killed. However, you didn’t see the

other one I had in my other hand that I killed to bring it back,” he chuckled, and I frowned.

“You killed a lizard to bring my dead one back?”

“You were crying! I hate when you cry,” he says and shrugs. I click my tongue, turning back to my

shovel to start digging.

An hour in, and we had barely dug a hole. “Man, I am not built for manual labor. Can’t you like, I don’t

know, wave a wand with Daddy Dom’s magic and magic him to the surface?”

I pull a face at his term of Daddy Dom, “Ah, no, and since I have come back from the dream

revelations, I haven’t been able to reach him.”

“He is gone?”

“No, I just think I am having trouble connecting with him because I am calm. I will figure it out,” I tell

him, and he sighs.

“Well, this sucks,” he whines, stabbing the shovel into the earth while looking around suspiciously for

anyone. Luckily, we were at the back and hidden pretty well from anyone that may drive by. Eziah

curses, and I laugh.

“Ah, finally,” Eziah says, and I glance over at him. He tosses his shovel, and seconds later, mum

appears, only this time she brought both of my fathers, all with a shovel in hand.

“Need a hand?” my father Ezra asks, and I smile, chucking my shovel into the dirt and rushing over to

wrap my arms around him. He squeezes tight, burying his face in my hair.

“You told them what about not wanting to change fate, not that I am complaining?” Eziah says.

“Got sick of listening to you whine, and as long as we get out of here before you open that casket, I

think the future will be fine!” my mother tells him.

“You came to help?” I ask, looking up at my father.

“Well, if you are going to hell for disrupting a grave, I am coming with,” my father Mateo

says. I let go of my father to go give him a hug.

“But we open it, and there are ghosts or something. Ring your other father thought, I don’t do ghost, he

will bring the sage,” he chuckles, kissing my head and hugging my shoulders. “I missed you, and I am

sorry,” he whispers, kissing my cheek. NôvelDrama.Org content.

“I missed you too,” I tell him, letting him go and looking at my mother. She reaches over and squeezes

my fingers before grabbing a shovel, and we all start digging. It didn’t take long, especially with both my

fathers, who knew how to work and when I heard the shovel hit metal, we all stopped and used how

hands. Now, we had the issue of getting the casket out of the ground. Digging it up was one thing.

Getting it out was another thing entirely. I let out a breath and huffed. Now what? 2

“Now, how do we get it out?” I asked, looking around at everyone.

“Dig the sides out, so we can stand either side, and we are gonna have to lift it,” my father Mateo says,

wiping his face with the back of his hand.

“Why did he have to be buried? I figured he would have a crypt or something. Why the damn ground if

he wanted to be exhumed?” Eziah says, grabbing his knees and catching his breath.

“No, point whining, keep digging,”

“And where do we put the casket? We can’t leave it here?” I glance around to find a CRYPT! Which

was part of Kyan’s family plot. I point to it.

“You are fucking kidding me. He has a crypt! Was it for shits and giggles? Why Daddy Dom, why?”

Kyan whines. 3

“You really gotta stop calling him that,” I tell him with a shudder.

“Yes, please do not refer to him like that. Dominic actually gave those vibes off,” My father Mateo

shudders, and mum chuckles and clucks her tongue. 2

“Okay, enough now get him out to see if they can open it,” Mum says, clapping her hands and ordering

us back to work. We continue to dig. After half an hour more, we dug enough out that we could lift it

out. However, nearly the entire day had passed, and my phone began ringing. Mum motions for them

to remain quiet when she checks the phone and shows me the screen. I t was Kyan. I reach for it

dusting my hands off before answering it.


“Where are you at?”

“Out with my brother. Where are you?”

“Heading to the manor, if you are still in the city, I can come to grab you, or is Eziah going to drop you

home?” he asks.

“Actually, can you pick me up in an hour from the casino, or is Jonah still there?”

“He is. I will ring him and tell him to wait for you.” Kyan falls quiet for a second.

“Are you bringing your brother back to the manor?” he asked, and I could feel through the bond he

didn’t want to see my brother right now. I didn’t blame him would be hard seeing someone who killed

your Uncle.

Eziah shakes his head and mouths Jonah’s. I nod to him.

“Can he stay at Jonah’s in the Casino?”

“Yes, I just don’t want to deal with him. I’m sorry, Marabella, but not yet,” I chew my lip, and I watch my

mother open the crypt while my fathers and Eziah carry the coffin over, placing it inside.

“Sure, I will be home soon.”

“Love you,” he tells me.

“Love you too,” I tell him before hanging up. I race over to my parents, grabbing the duffle bag Eziah

brought with him. Eziah tried to open the coffin, and so did. We tried for about ten minutes, but nothing

worked, and mum became increasingly nervous.

“Stop. Your fathers can’t be here; it wasn’t part of my vision. And you had brown leather,” she closes

her mouth.

“You will find it; I can’t say anymore. I don’t want to interfere when I only have glimpses,” she says.

“You saw it am I right?”

Mum’s lips tug up, “I can’t say, and I don’t want to jinx anything,” but I knew that was her way of telling

me I am. We quickly pushed all the dirt back into the grave, which still had an enormous hole. Now it

was empty of the casket before we said our goodbyes and locked the family crypt up.

My parents left, and Eziah and I waited for our taxi. And man, did we get some strange stares from the

taxi driver? We didn’t think that through very well. Leaving the cemetery covered in dirt looked pretty


We got out at the back of the casino to sneak into the underground car park and use the

elevator to go straight to the apartment.

Once inside, we both shower and get changed into fresh clothes. I gave Eziah some of Jonah’s before I

chucked our clothes in the washing machine. Within seconds of hiding all the evidence of our outing,

Jonah stepped in. Eziah was going threw one of the books taken from the Moon Goddess realm.

“Kyan said you would be here,” Jonah said. He looked at Eziah nervously. The windows still hadn’t

been fixed, but I knew they would be worried about the hotel room one’s first since this room wasn’t

supposed to be occupied with us going back to the manor.

“Eziah,” Jonah says, Things were a little strange between them and I wasn’t sure if it was because of

Kyan’s unease knowing Eziah was here or if he was suspicious. I went with suspicious as he plucked

the book from Eziah’s hand.

“Why are you looking at spells and curses?” Eziah shrugs.

“Mum gave me homework,” Eziah lies smoothly with a shrug before snatching it back off him.

“Did you pack what you want to take with you!” Jonah asks, and I shake my head as he moves toward

his room. He grabs a few changes of clothes and packs them, along with our phone charges. He was

awfully quiet, which made me worry. Grabbing my pajamas, I place them in his bag when he leans

down next to me.

“You’re up to something,” Jonah whispers.

“I will tell you when I am sure,” I tell him.

“Eziah knows this secret, obviously,” Jonah murmurs, and I nod.

“Kyan knows you’re up to something. He rang me earlier, wanting to know why Eziah was in the city,”

Jonah says, slinging the bag over his shoulder.

“What did you say?” I asked him.

“That you were having lunch and hanging out. I trust you, but if you need help with something, please

ask,” Jonah says.

“Just not yet. I want to be sure.” I tell him.

“Come on then, I want to get to the manor before Kyan comes looking for us. I don’t think it is good for

him to see your brother right now, not so soon after Lucas,” I agree and follow him out.

“Stay away from the windows. You know where everything is, so help yourself. I will drop Mara off in

the morning so you can do whatever it is you are both up to,” Jonah tells him. Eziah nods, leaning over

and grabbing the remote from the coffee table and turning the TV on. Jonah walks out and I give my

brother my key in case he leaves to go anywhere.

“Had a thought,” Eziah says, and I stop while Jonah continues out the door.

“What?” I ask him.

“Dominic did the spell right, from that grimoire?”

“I think so,”

“Then wouldn’t he have it? You need to check the manor?” Eziah says, which makes sense. For him to

have used the spell, he had to have known it, meaning he had to have a grimoire.

“I’ll find it,” I tell him.

“I will see if I can find anything in these books tonight. And I will see you in two days, maybe see if you

can borrow a car,” Eziah says, and I sigh.

“Jonah works tomorrow. He will let us… wait, why two days?” Eziah chuckles. “You will be preoccupied,

you’ll see,” he laughed before waving me off to go home. I purse my lips, annoyed he wouldn’t tell me.

Shaking my head, I leave to find Jonah waiting by the elevator.

“Ready?” he asks.

“Yeah, let’s go home,” I tell him, grabbing his hand.

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