Fated To The Alpha

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

Eziah POV

Ah, Marabella and her odd requests, I think as I force myself out of bed. My wolf stirs angrily, not

wanting to wake

from his slumber. Malachi growls; he had become a temperamental bastard lately. He even tried to take

on Maddox last night, and mum only just wrangled both of us under control. We had been clashing

something shocking, so it was no surprise that my wolf growled when I opened the door and spotted

my father walking past my room.

Malachi was good at holding grudges, and when Maddox and he clashed, it was like a war of gods.

“Fucking stop it,” I snarl at my wolf, and my father stops. His back tenses as he looks at me over his

shoulder, stopping at the landing by the stairs.

“You good, son?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at me with a cross look. Clearly, he was still angered

over last night, too.

“Sorry, we just woke up. Have you seen mum?” I ask him.

“If this is about yesterday Eziah-”

“No, something else. I need her to take me to the Moon Goddess realm,” I admit. Maddox presses

forward as I approach my father. His warning was clear as I stopped beside my father. We were now

the same height, same build, and as each day passed, I could see the similarities between my father

and me. Looks-wise, Marabella looked more like mum and my father, Ezra. While I looked more like my

other father yet, I was undoubtedly built like the monster of aman I stood before.

Features similar though my hair was darker, my features not as sharp as his, but both of us equally

matched now in height and bulk. For now, and my father knew it. Maddox only just restrained us last

time, and soon he would be no match for me.

“Why do you want to go to the Moon goddess Realm?” he asked.

“Marabella needs something from there.” My father’s face instantly softens at the mention of her name.

“ How is she?” he asks, draping his arm across my shoulders as we head down the stairs.

“She is fine; I know she has marked Kyan and Jonah now. I can feel her. She feels stronger,” I tell him,

and he lets out a breath, nodding his head while he leads me toward the kitchen where I could hear

Mum laughing, and my father’s deep baritone voice reached my eals.

We stop in the doorway to see my father chasing my mother around the kitchen. Cream smeared

across his face. She squeals as he catches her, spreading a massive glob of cream on hers while she

cringes, trying to get out of his grip while he laughs before licking her face, making her cringe more as

she tried to shove him away.

“Ah gross,” I mutter, averting my gaze at the public displays of affection. My father laughs, and they

both freeze, not

having heard us come in. Mum straightens up, and dad wraps his arms around her waist and rests his

chin on her shoulder. Walking to the kettle, I turn it on, needing coffee, and graba mug down when dad

sets another beside mine before messing with my hair, making me swat his hand away. “You're up

early,” Mum says, grabbing a tea towel from the oven door to clean her face. I could tell dad was in the

middle of making pancakes by the huge stack on the bench, and I reached over to steal one of the top.

He clicks his tongue at me.

“Bloody wait, geez, you are so much like your father, impatient!” he says just as I watch Maddox come

forward and lean over the bench to steal one of dad's giant fluffy pancakes. My father slaps his hand

away, and Maddox pouts at

him. Seeing my father’s wolf act likea puppy around his mates was always odd. It was easy to forget

the monster he could become. Anyone dares touch one of his mates; it was almost certain suicide?

God help them, for not even

Marabella and I are safe from him. Sure, my father would kill for us, yet he nearly killed me when I lost

control of Malachi the other day and challenged mum. His claw marks still marked my ribs.

No doubt mum would have kicked my ass if it came down to it, but dad didn’t like the disrespect of how

I spoke to her, sending Maddox flying forward to try to put me back in place. I wondered if I would have

a mate bond like my parents or if I was destined to just watch her in my dreams and listen to her


Mum watches me carefully. She was pretty observant. Lately, her sole focus had been on me, and

Marabella; I had caught her more times than I could count watching Marabella in the fountains. My

parents felt guilty for not noticing her depression. However, I didn't even see how bad it was, and I am

her twin. I could feel her, and I know she could feel me too, linked as Gemini twins. Mum said her

depression was what was affecting me, and in turn, my anger was causing her depression. However,

that excuse could only be used for so long; my anger became uncontrollable of late. Malachi was

turning savage, and at first, I believed her when she said maybe it was our twin connection. Her

depression bled into me coming out in rage, and my anger had the opposite effect on her. | Our

energies constantly feed off each other, two halves of a whole, yet opposites. I was fun and outgoing,

and Marabella was quiet and reserved. It made sense to some point, but now she was marked. I

noticed I was feeling her less and less like she was no longer feeding off my aura and me hers.

How had I not noticed before what she was suffering was beyond all of us, me the most? I was so

consumed with my

dreams. And the girl in them I had forgotten Marabella also needed me. I was focused on my own

feelings and not watching her as I should? I failed my sister, and that guilt gnawed at me. Gnawed at all

of us! We assumed it was darkness, the madness we both knew could come for us.

“You want to ask me for something?” my mother says, her eyes watching me, and I know she was

scanning my aura. I look at hers in return. The gold was bright, the edge of darkness tainted the edges,

but she seemed curious, and her eyes bled white, something I know over the years as her visions. Her

lips part, and my fathers watched her. My father stepped behind her and pressed against her back.

Trapping her between the counter and himself. It wouldn't be the first time mum had fainted from her


“Come back to me, Kitty,” my father purred, and moments later, she did, blinking rapidly, and her lips

tugged at the corners.

“What did you see?” my father asks, scooping another pancake from the frypan before sighing. Mum

rarely spoke of what she saw, but I could tell whatever it was made her happy. It was rare that you

would see mum smile after a vision. Usually, they only meant a warning of something terrible. °

“That sly wolf,” she chuckles. °

My father purrs into her neck, kissing her mark, and I pull a face. It was bad enough to hear them from

the floor below; I didn’t need to witness how they melted into each other, especially before coffee. I

shake my head, turning back to the coffee I was making, when mum comes over to me and grabs my

arm. I felt the pull of her dragging me to the moon goddess realm. :

“My coffee!” I groan as the room fizzles. My father picks up his already made mug to sip it, but I reach

out, plucking it from him. I laughed at his outraged face before being sucked into the moon goddess

realm with my mother.

I was still laughing as I materialized in the fountain’s room. Mum moves around the vast room, moving

behind her huge gold desk to the bookshelf at the back.

“Grimoires?” she asks.

“You saw?" I ask her.

“I saw what you needed, and I saw something else, and for once, I hope what I saw is true,” she says,

scanning the shelves.

“Dagger is in the top drawer,” she says, pulling books down.

“None of these are it,” she murmurs as I retrieve the dagger.

“Can I take them? They might come in handy for whatever Marabella has me doing,” I tell her, and she

places a stack on the desk. I look at the leather-bound covers and shake my head.

“Don't suppose you have a bag?” I tell her, looking at the stack before I groan, dreading having to cart

them around. “Ah, Ineed some shovels,”

“And a picnic,” she laughs. I had never seen my mother look so excited about something, and I knew

she wouldn't tell me. She always kept her visions close to her, only letting slip what she could, not

wanting to alter the future.

“You aren't going to tell me anything, are you?” she smiles brightly.

“Nope, this is one future I would never tamper with, even slightly,”

“Why?” I asked, still a little annoyed about our argument the other day. Her smile falters.


“I know, you can’t meddle, but-” I shake the thought away, knowing it was no use, and I didn't want to

argue right now.

“Tell me why you are excited then.” I ask her.

“I have many skeletons, son, but one has haunted me the most.”

“And that excites you?” she shakes her head, moving toward the fountains. She gazes into one; it is the

same wolf I have seen many times before. Always floating aimlessly. Mum and I had tried to put him in

the fountain of life multiple times, but he always eluded us. We have wanted to set him free for so long,

yet he refused like he was waiting for something.

“Because he has a chance to go home,” she whispers, touching his dark little blob. A tear slips down

her cheek. “ You're going home; I promise. No matter the cost, I owe you this much,” she whispers to

him. She gazes at him at him a bit longer andI know mum loves all her Lycan blobs. Sometimes she

seemed almost crazy with how she spoke to them as if they were her children. 2

“Right, shovels, picnic, dagger, and books,” she counts on her fingers before disappearing, and I groan.

“Clothes, get me clothes,” I call after her, hoping she heard, or I was going in my boxer shorts. I shake

my head, hoping she doesn't take too long.

I stare at the Lycan in the fountain, floating in the abyss of mist, flickering and moving in its shadows.

My brows pinch, trying to remember who mum sald it belonged to or if she ever told me. Shaking my

head, I go to the other fountain and wave my hand through the strange murky mist, clearing it away to

see mum rushing about in the other realm. My father asked her why she needed a shovel before

asking if she was trying to bury a body.

I shake my head but am relieved when she sends my father up to my room to retrieve some clothes for

me. Turning from that fountain, I move toward the fountain of bonds. Moving the mist again, I spot

Marabella’s, Jonah’s bond had fully merged with her and Kyan’s, and I was glad I was right in the

feeling I picked up earlier when I spoke to her. However, her aura was no longer pitch black. It had

lightened as Jonah’s bond bled into both Kyan and hers?

“Jonah marked Kyan?” I gasp, shocked. Neither of them was gay or bisexual. I shake my head but am

happy to see a change in their auras. I scanned for mine, moving the auras just as mum appeared, her

hand catching my wrist as it waded through the mist.

“Eziah?” she says, dropping a bag at my feet, the shovels hitting the marble floors with a clang.

“Please, I just want to see,” I tell her, and she looks at the fountain.

“It could alter her future,” she whispers. “It can’t get much worse than it already i s because right now,

my mate has no future, not one worth living, please mum!” mum bites her lip, staring at the fountain

before looking at me.

“You would risk losing her?” she tells me.

“I wouldn't be losing her. I’d be setting her free. The things I hear!” Malachi growls angrily. The noise

emanating from me and echoing off the walls.

“It's so dark. She doesn’t like the dark,” I tell my mother. Mum nods, her eyes softening, and she smiles

sadly. She washes her hand through the mist. My bright gold aura floated in the fog, and for the first

time, I saw hers attached to mine, only it was blood red.

“Why is she red?” I ask her.

“It’s why I didn’t want to tamper with her fate, why I have kept her from you. Your mate is fragile,” my

mother says. I stare at her, confused.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. It’s just a feeling I get when I see her bond with yours. I don’t know what it means, but the NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

colors usually mean something. And I have never seen an aura quite like hers.” she tells me. Mum

washes her hands through the bonds, and mum was right. There were no bonds the color of my mates.

“Why do you think hers is red?” I ask, staring at her glowing aura, fighting to get inside mine, wanting to

merge with me completely.

“Mathias and I discussed it. He helped me go over some old books looking for answers,” she murmurs.

I turn my head to look at her, and he eyes glisten with tears.

“What did you find?” I ask her.

“Not much, but there was a mention of red aura meaning not of sound mind,” she tells me. I think of my

dreams, the way my mate screams, and how she talks to herself in the dark.

“So you mean fragile like Sage?”

“No, Eziah. I mean fragile as in crazy, asylum crazy. Barely functioning,” she answers, and I gape.

“That's all you found,”

“We aren't sure it was the only mention we found of a red ambiance. It could be wrong, though. The

person who wrote it wasn't of sound mind himself,” she shrugs.

“What do you believe? I mean, when you feel her aura?” I ask my mother. My mother looks away and

bites her lip to stop it from quivering.

“Mum! Please, I can't keep living with not knowing.”

“You don’t want my answer,” Malachi growls at her.

“Eziah? Just”

“No, for once in your goddamn life, don’t hide this, don’t hide her from me,” I growl.

“She can’t be saved. You can’t save her, not from herself. Liora is not of sound mind. She is too far

gone and,”

“Liora?” I ask.

“That is her name,” my mother tells me. I go to ask something else, but my mother waves her hand at


"Ican't tell you anything. It is all I know. I don't get to see your futures, not like everyone else's, and after

getting Marabella's wrong from the dribs and drabs, I did receive. Iam choosing not to judge what I

have." my mother tells me. "Seline really messed everything up,” I mutter.

"We all did, me especially. But right now, you need to get to your sister and maybe fix her future. For

now, focus on that. Marabella needs you. It is about time we put her first." I nod, I let her down and

now! would at least attempt t o make it up to her.

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