Fated To The Alpha

Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Chapter 274 Marabella POV

When we returned home , Kyan was in a strange mood , and I knew it was because Eziah was in the

City . Walking into the manor , I could hear the vacuum going upstairs , and Jonah sighed , taking the

groceries Kyan asked us to grab on the way home to the kitchen . Carrying the duffle bag , I start

walking up the steps to the second floor . Lucas’s bedroom door was open , and I could see an

extension cord running from the power outlet in the hall leading into Lucas’s old room .

Taking the duffle bag to the bedroom . I placed it on the bed , knowing there was no point and putting

anything away because Kyan would just wait for us to sleep before undoing everything I folded or hung

up , only to redo it or hang them a particular way . So I decided to wait for him and help him . Hearing

the vacuum cut out , I wander back down the hall and over to Lucas’s room . Stopping at the door , I

find Kyan cleaning the room .

The bed was freshly made , and I could smell the furniture polish . The old dusty curtains had been

replaced , yet the old furniture that Kyan despised so much was polished to look brand new . All of

Lucas ‘ knick – knacks are set back in their original places . And Kyan was now cleaning the window

tracks with a microfiber cloth .

Even while cleaning , he was in pristine condition , with not a speck of dust on him , yet he looked

different with his white button – up shirt , the sleeves rolled t o his elbows . So odd seeing a man of his

status doing ordinary , mundane tasks like cleaning window tracks . I knocked , not wanting to enter

Lucas’s room while he was upset .

I had been in here plenty of times when Lucas was alive . Lucas was very proud of his baseball card

collection and liked to show me them and his comic books that sat in their plastic wrappers , never

opened . It made me wonder which was Dominic’s room . I knew it wasn’t on this floor , and there were

two more floors . Maybe I could ask Kaif later if he comes forward . If not , I might have to explore a bit .

Kyan never minded when I looked around , although I never went to the upper floors unless I

went to the Seance room . Kyan looks over his shoulder at me and pulls his latex gloves from his

hands . He drops them in his little rubbish bin . ” You’re home , finally . I was becoming bored . Where

is Jonah ? ” he asks , walking over to me . He grips the front of my shirt , pulling me into the room and

kissing me briefly . ” Are you alright ?

” I ask him worriedly . The emotions through our bond were all over the place . ” Fine , where is Jonah

? ” he asks , glancing over my shoulder . ” Putting groceries away , ” I tell him , and h e nods before

rushing around the room , picking up his cleaning supplies , and I grab the vacuum , unplugging the

cord and packing it back in the storage closet in the hall . Kyan steps out of the room behind m e before

I see him lock the door with a key before pocketing it .

” Did you have fun with your brother ? ” he asks though I know he was only asking . not to be rude . He

didn’t care to hear about what Eziah and I got up to . ” Yes , it was good to see him , ” I tell him ,

and he nods while I follow him downstairs to the kitchen . Jonah was still putting groceries away ,

removing everything from the packets and placing them in their designated containers . It was bizarre

seeing how close they were , they were best friends , more like brothers , yet Jonah never complains

about how set in his ways Kyan is and did things Kyan’s way despite it being time consuming . Seeing

him like that made me wonder if it would come naturally to me after a few years .

Jonah didn’t even seem to think about it . Whereas I would have just stuffed the boxes in the pantry ,

Jonah took the time to remove them from their packaging and place everything in their designated ,

labeled containers . ” I broke the pasta jar lid . You didn’t have a spare lid , but I found this one , ”

Jonah tells him . Kyan visibly tensed , and I knew his OCD was running rampant today .

” I never labeled it . Figured I would leave the label for you , ” Jonah tells him , which surprised me

further that Jonah knew that would be what Kyan would worry about . Kyan sighs and his shoulders

relax as he takes the labeling device from the drawer and grabs the tall jar from the counter . Jonah

gives me a look of worry as he watches Kyan try to get the label on straight .

Kyan’s hands shook in frustration , and I chewed my lip , wanting to help him but not sure if I should

touch him . ” Kyan ? Are you alright ? ” Jonah asks , but Kyan appears to be absorbed in the task as he

mutters under his breath . Jonah , however , nods toward him , and I move , coming up behind Kyan

and wrapping my arms around his waist .

He stiffens before relaxing and lets out a breath . His hands stop shaking , and he finally gets the label

on straight . I rest my cheek against his back and look a t Jonah . His worry for our mate was clearly

etched into his face , and I think Eziah seemed to trigger something in him because he was okay

before finding out 1 was with Eziah . It made me realize I made the right decision about not telling him

about Dominic . Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

I couldn’t bear to see him get his hopes u p , only for them to crash down on him if I am wrong , no

matter how strongly i believe I am right . *** The night went by quickly . We did little , just sat around

watching TV while Kyan read over work documents , and it took hours for Jonah to convince him to

come t o bed . However ,

I finally noticed the bed was different once back in the room . How I missed it earlier was beyond me . I

had been in here multiple times during the night , and not once did I realize the bed was bigger , the

same bed , but bigger . Only noticing when I suddenly wasn’t squashed between them both . Kyan fell

asleep instantly , while Jonah actually had trouble sleeping . He tossed and turned all night but

eventually fell asleep , much to my relief . I wanted to see i f I could find Dominic’s room and knew

Kyan would ask questions if he caught me looking around .

I knew he wouldn’t mind , but I didn’t want to upset him with how h e was earlier . Climbing out of bed ,

the floorboards were cold under my bare feet . I could see the perspiration from my footprints on them .

I thought their body heat made me feel like I was sweltering pressed between them , yet I felt hot .

Closing the door behind me as I leave the room , I walk down the dimly lit hallway to the thermostat to

check the heating . It was stifling in here . Checking the screen , it was 21 degrees , so I must be

coming down with something . Shaking my head , I look up to the third level before quietly climbing the

stairs .

A shudder ran through me , and goosebumps rose on my arms as I felt unease roll over me when I

reached the top . Staring at the door to the séance room , I felt a strange urge to head down to the left

of the corridor . I stop at the front of a set o f double doors , twisting the handle ; I find i t locked . Yet

something was telling me this was a room that belonged to Dominic and his ” wife .

Chewing my lip , I knew I would have to get Kyan’s keys , which I saw Kyan place on the key hook by

the front door before bed . I was about to turn around and go grab them when I felt a warm naked chest

press against my back . My heartbeat thumped in my chest as his breath moved across my mark .

Sparks burst across my skin as his scent wafted to me invitingly , making my mouth water . “

Just me , love . ” Kaif’s voice whispers below my ear , and I relax when his hand moves in front of me

to place a key in the door . He unlocks it before pocketing the keys , twisting the handle , and opening it

. I let out a breath and peer up over my . shoulder to see Kyan yet Kaif’s demonic eyes peering back at

me .

He pecks my lips gently and growls softly , the noise turning to a purr . When he pulls his lips from mine

, he buries his face in my neck , inhaling my scent . Kaif’s arm wraps around my waist , pulling me flush

against him , and a strangled noise leaves his lips as he lets m e go . I turn to face him only to see him

dig the keys out of Kyan’s shorts pocket again . He fumbles with the fob key on them and presses it .

” Be quick . I won’t be able to stay in this form long ; I need to give Kyan back control , ” Kaif murmurs

when he growls , pressing the fob key again , but more viciously . Suddenly I hear the groan and rattle

of roller shutters , making me peek into the dark room that belonged to Dominic to see roller shutters

block out the night sky .

Kaif Nudges me into the room , and much like Kyan’s room , this room was spotless despite being

locked up , nothing out of place , and not a speck of dust , making me wonder if Kyan cleaned it

regularly , The room looked untouched , just like Lucas’s . Photos of Kyan when he was little hung o n

the walls . Frames were also on the dresser , even some of his artwork Dominic had framed .

It was clear he was a proud father . Moving toward the large closet , his clothes were set out like

Kyan’s . Everything had a particular spot a s I rummaged through , looking for anything that may

resemble a grimoire .. Finding nothing , I walk out to find Kaif breathing heavily as his hand clutches the

door frame . I moved toward the dresser beside the bed and opened the drawers . Sweat formed beads

on the back of my neck . The temperature in the room rose dramatically .

I wiped a hand across my forehead and pinched my nightie’s front , which was becoming drenched in

my sweat . At that very second , I realized why I was so hot , why Kaif was struggling with control and

glanced over at him nervously . My entire body was beginning to tingle , and I sniffed the air . I was

going into heat ! Kyan’s scent was potent and enticing , and I had to shake the urge to go to him away

a s I pulled the drawers out and searched them . Nothing .

Moving around to the other side of the bed , I pull the bottom drawer out and find socks . Closing it , I

move to the next , also nothing . Opening the top , my heart raced quicker when I spotted a brown

leather covered book . A leather strap was buckled around it , and it had a strange marking that was

partially obscured by the buckle . – Pulling the book out , a ripple ran over me when my fingers touched

it , and I knew I had found what I was looking for .

Grabbing the book , I look around the room and grab a shirt wrapping the old book in it before rushing

past Kaif . Careful not to touch him , or I risked attacking him . I swallow when I feel how slick my thighs

are becoming . Racing back to the room my vision blurred slightly ,

I stuff the book in one of my oversized handbags and place it under the bed . Pain twisted in my belly

and my vision blurred further . Getting up , I was about to run to the bathroom to try to have a cold

shower when hands grabbed me from behind . Kaif purrs and pushes me toward the bed , where I

could see Jonah moving around like he was uncomfortable . Kaif pushes m e onto the bed , climbing

on it behind me and flipping me onto my back .

The moment he gave control back to Kyan and my skin touched his , I was done for . Jonah rolls into

me , and sparks rush everywhere , and I moan at the feel of their skin on mine . Kyan’s eyes opened ,

and he blinked , confused before he sniffed the air , and his eyes flickered . He looks to the windows to

see the roller shutters locked in place and Kyan growls before his lips crash down on mine hungrily .

His tongue moves between my lips , his tongue brushing against mine , and I hear Jonah groan beside

me as he rolls into me . Kyan pulls his lips from mine and stares a t Jonah when Jonah leans over ,

kissing me with the same desire Kyan had , his hand grabbing my breast through the thin nightie when

I heard fabric tearing as Kyan ripped my nightdress and his lips wrapped around my nipple . At the

same time , Jonah fondled the other with his hand making me moan against Jonah’s lips .

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