The Stained Omega

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Chatper 184

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 17.

✩ Eva✩

288 Vouchers

Waking up I’m hit with a wave of confusion, the black silk sheet bed I’ m laid on is much bigger than I’m

used to. The four posters engraved with tiny wolves on each corner are ones I’m almost sure I’ve seen

before but at the same time I can’t quite place where I’ve seen them. The sheets below me smell like

soft leather and sea salt and there is this calming feeling settling around me which tells me I’m safe and

exactly where I’m supposed to be. I instantly distrust it. The last time I felt safe and like I belonged I

ended up in a messy and painful

situation, one thing is for sure, my gut instinct can not be trusted. If my body is telling me I’m safe it

must mean I’m actually in danger and

Recharge successful! need to get moving.


Sitting up I try to get my bearings but nothing from the dark wooden floor to the sofa looking armchair

tells me where I am. I try to block out my heart beating wildly in my ears so I can hear if anyone is

nearby, it’s either devoid of people outside of this room or my hearing is worse than I thought. I will be

the first to admit that since getting to Seattle my shifter instincts have worsened, almost like not being

around other shifters have somehow dampened what shift abilities I did have. While sitting and

listening I take a men tal stock of my body, my leg still hurts a little but otherwise I feel better than I

have since I left the hospital with Eric. Lifting the comforter off me I notice I am no longer in the hospital

gown and shirt, I’m now wearing some pink sleep shorts and a baggy white t-shirt, the thought of

someone dressing me makes me feel uneasy but given my situation I push it to the back of my mind

and slide from the bed.






His Rogue Omega: Chapter 17.

1288 iVouchers

‘I think we should stay here.’ The voice comes so suddenly that I spin around expecting to see

someone behind me but all that is there is a red painted wall.

“Hello?” My voice sounds shaky and croaky like I haven’t used it for a while, I wonder how long I’ve

been laying in bed.

‘No need to shout, I’m right here. I don’t think you should leave, I think we are safe here.’ doing yet

another spin on the spot I determine I am in fact alone, which can mean only one thing, I have officially

lost my mind. I should really get out of here before I hurt someone without meaning to.

Footsteps outside of the door make me stop and look at the door with wide eyes, someone is heading

this way and besides under the bed I am seriously lacking in hiding spots right now. Too late I spot

another door opposite me, I’ll never get to it though because the main door is now opening.

“Tell Cas, Eva is awake.” The door opens fully to show Selena in her medical clothes and her blonde

hair pulled back in a blonde hair tie. “Eva, you should really still be in bed.” I honestly have no idea

what I should say to her so I just stand there in my ridiculously short sleep shorts and stare at her. It

seems like only ten minutes ago we were joking in the diner and she was still my only friend, now here

she is all but confirming I’m in the one place I swore I would never go.

“I’m on Pack land?” It comes out as a question but I already know the answer, after everything that

happened at Swiftmane and with Fraction banishing me I swore to myself that I would never again risk

being anywhere near a Pack

“Sure are, hope on the bed for me and I’ll check you over.” Selena drops a big dark blue leather

medical bag on the bed but instead of getting on the bed’I take a step back from her shaking my head.





Hogue Comega Chapter 17

288 Vouchers

“Goddess, Eva.” The look that ghosts over her face looks almost like pain, “no one is going to hurt you.

Please I just want to check you over now you are awake.”

“And then I can leave?” Selena doesnt answer me, she just nods her head which makes me think I’m

not getting out of this room anytime


‘Could be worse, could be a cold damp cell. Least you’re not stuck in the basement of a Pack house.’ I

ignore the inner voice of my craziness and carefully sit on the very edge of the bed, I’m barely perched

on it so if something happens I don’t like I can flee with a second’s notice.

“Alright, let’s check your eyes first.” Selena rummages around in her bag and comes out with a tiny

flashlight that she clicks on and off a few times before walking from the end of the bed to me. “Just

follow the light with your eyes,” it’s bright as hell but I do as she asks. “Good, any headaches?” I just

shake my head at her as she clicks the light off with her manicured thumb nail. I have to wonder how a

shifter and doctor manages to keep such nice nails. “Alright, any pain? How about the leg? It wasn’t

fully healed when you left the hospital.”

“Hurts a little.” I keep my reply short and clipped, Selena’s blue eyes go wide for a second as she picks

up on the malice in my voice. It’s not my fault, I can’t seem to contain the anger I feel towards her.

“Alright, can I have a look?” She actually looks uncomfortable, a small part of me hopes it’s shame over

her betrayal she’s feeling, another part of me wants to comfort her but I stomp that down quickly. I just

shrug my shoulders at her before she sighs a little and drops to her knees and starts to carefully All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

squeeze the muscle around my left calf. I keep my eyes on the wall above her head but I can’t keep the

hiss of pain from leaving my lips as she cups the heel of my foot and starts to rotate my foot. “Okay, I

think you should stay off this for a bit. It will give your wolf more time to heal it.”





His Rogue Omega Chapter

288 Vouchers

“No wolf.” I know she wants me to say more as she raises from the floor but I keep my responses short

on purpose, if I start rambling I think I might actually swing for her and the last thing I want is to

physically hurt someone on Packland.

“You have a wolf Eva,” Selena shakes her head as she walks back over to her bag and picks it up. “No

one without a wolf could recover from what you have in less than a week. When you came into the

hospital I thought we might lose you, I’ve never seen anyone in that condition actually that’s a lie.”

Selena sighs before putting her bag back on the bed. “I had a patient once who rolled his car on the

freeway, his back tire blew out and he rolled over four lanes, causing a twenty car pile up. His wounds

rivalled yours, the only difference is another person created your wounds.” Selena wipes a tear from

her face as she looks me dead in the eye, “I thought my friend was gone. I did everything I could to

help you but your wolf did the majority of the work, she might be hiding or whatever but she is there.”

“We aren’t friends.” I feel a pain pierce my chest as I say this in a low voice, right now it’s how I feel

though, “friends don’t lie to each other.”

“If that’s how you feel, maybe one day you will change your mind.” Personally I don’t see that day

coming as I don’t plan on sticking around, as soon as I am able I will get out of here and I’ll just run. I’m

not sure where yet but I can’t stay in the Pack and I certainly won’t be going back to Jeremy.

I keep my eyes on the wall as Selena opens the bedroom door, I look out of the corner of my eye but I

can’t see anything past the door other than a cream wall and more wood flooring.

“Alpha, she’s awake and cleared to see you.” Selena looks back at me as she betrays me again by

calling her Alpha in on me, “she needs to stay off her foot though.”





His Rogue Omega Chapter 17

288 Vouchers

“Thanks Selena, I’ll be there in a second.” I shiver as I hear Ca s’s voice shout back, from the sound of

it he’s pretty close maybe even in the room next door.

“Stay here Eva, let us help you.” Selena offers me a small smile I think is meant to be comforting before

closing the bedroom door. With Cas so close I can’t escape now, I guess I just need to bide my time,


will have to leave me alone at some point.

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