The Stained Omega

Chatper 183

Chatper 183

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 16.


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“So if it’s not a ghost story what is it?” Rowan’s eyes have a healthy dose of scepticism in them, if I

hadn’t seen it for myself I would probably not believe it either.

“They’re a religious hate group, they move from place to place and take pups from Packs they feel are

becoming too strong. They arrest and detain shifters that they feel are a threat to humanity and they do

it all in the name of G od.” I can’t stop my distaste from bleeding into my words, to say I have a

particular hatred for these people is an


“So a small group of Go d worshipping humans are punishing shifters?” He makes it sound so simple

but I know it’s not so I just shake my head and down my drink before refilling my glass.

“Not so small, when Swiftmane faced them that was just a small group and they managed to take

Fraction’s Beta and mate, his pup was even kidnapped.” I don’t know why but I can’t bring myself to

say Eva took

pup, I still strongly believe that if she had been given the choice she wouldn’t have done it.,


“Humans managed all that? I think I remember them reaching out to your father for help but he refused,

something about the babysitter running off with the pup.” Of course Rowan would know about it, when

my father was approached and he refused to help it spread to the warriors like wildfire. They weren’t

happy about leaving another Pack to fend for themselves which is why I took a handful with me and

went anyway. Rowan would have been with me but he was away visiting his




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 16.

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sick mother at Grey Pack at the time.

“Yeah well it turns out it was The Shalamayne, they felt Fraction and Anna were getting too big, having

too many children.” Rowan scoffs like it’s the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard, “they thought he

was building up an army, they seem to think they are protecting humanity from abominations like us.”

“Why are ars eholes always using G od to justify their actions, like stealing a pup from its loving parents

is G od’s plan. Tell you what, give me the Moon Goddess anyday.” Rowan sips at his drink before

looking at the wall separating my office from my bedroom, “you said this was about Eva’s wolf.”

“Yeah, when they take the pups they don’t just get rid of them. They take them while they are young

enough to be twisted into their mind frame, they teach them that being a shifter is wrong.” A growl

leaves Rowan’s throat, I ignore him because as angry as he is about pups being kidnapped and

controlled it’s going to be nothing compared to what happens in the long term. “From what I understand

they force the male and females to mate to create new shifters, I believe the idea is they want a shifter

army they can control and use to wipe us out.”

“How do they control the shifters though? I mean Fraction’s Beta is a fully grown man, there is no way

they overpowered him.” I nod my head in agreement, under normal circumstances they wouldn’t be

able to overpower James but these people aren’t normal.

“They use these little tracking bullets, once inside of a shifter it stops them from being able to shift or

even communicate with their shift. James told me it was like his link to his wolf was just gone, like it

was never there, I think that’s what happened to Eva.” Rowan’s eyes go wide as he starts to put

everything together.






His Rogue Omega Chapter 16.

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“Eva was with The Shalamayne? Wait, don’t tell me you brought a d amn pupnapper into our Pack?”

He’s rightfully angry now so I don’t scold him for slamming his hands on the desk.

“She did and she is, trust me, if she had a choice she wouldn’t have done it. The Shalamaye messed

with her head, gave her no choice and for her entire life her wolf has been kept from her.” I don’t expect

Rowan to understand, he doesn’t know Eva or anything about her, not that I know much more. “I think

she just needs a Pack at her back, people to guide her and help her. Maybe if she is around other

shifters her wolf will emerge, that’s how it happens when pups are young. It’s the Pack that helps them

get in touch with their wolf.”

Rowan gets up from his chair and starts running his hands through his hair, for a long time he’s quite

and I just sit in my chair drinking my whiskey and allow him the time to process everything I’ve told him.

“So not only do I have to worry about Eva potentially still working for The Shalamayne, I have the

actual Shalamayne, a rogue murderous Alpha and a drug situation.” He looks at me with wide eyes,

“did I miss anything?” I just shake my head at him, i’d love to say he’s over reactivating but things really

are at boiling point at the moment.

“And all within the first year of being Alpha, any chance you want to swap roles?” My joke is met with a

stoney stare from Rowan, apparently he didn’t find it funny.

“You need a Beta and I need to get the warriors in shape, I’ll start training tomorrow.” Rowan drops

himself back in his chair, “actually that might be a good idea for Eva.”

“What? Warrior training? I don’t think so.” I scoff at him as I pour us both a fresh glass of Jameson.






His Rogue Omega Chapter 16.

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“No not warrior training but self defence training, it could trigger her wolf. Sort of a fight or flight thing,

nothing too intense just stuff to get the blood pumping and her wolf active.” I have to admit Rowan has

a good point, it could work but I don’t know how I feel about Eva training with a random warrior or even

Rowan himself. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“I’ll train her, I don’t know how she will feel about a man coming at her with fists.” Rowan’s face falls as

if he’s just realising what he suggested and how it could affect Eva.

“Alright, let me know if you need some help. Thanks to this,” Rowan puts the empty glass on my desk,

“I’m going to find someone to cover me and get some sleep. Shout if you need me.” He leaves the

office muttering about s hit hitting the fan and us not being ready, I can’t say I disagree. My father might

have established the Everfur Pack a long time ago but the shifters here are undisciplined and aren’t

ready for a big fight should it come our way.

‘It’s our job to get them ready,’ again I can’t help but agree with Storm, downing the last of my drink I

drop the glass onto my desk before getting up and heading to bed. It’s just gone three in the morning

so I figure I can get a few hours before Selena comes down to check on Eva. Walking into my bedroom

I marvel at Eva laid in the bed, her black hair spread across my silk sheets and her pale skin looks

almost like it’s glowing against the black colour. I’ve always had a thing for monochrome colours but

when I picked these bed sheets I had Eva’s hair in my head and these reminded me of the silkiness

and colour Sitting down in the chair across from the bed I can’t help but think I got the colour exactly

right, she looks like a peaceful sleeping beauty laid there.

‘I wonder how she ended up with a human who beats her,’ I have to admit it’s a thought that has

crossed my mind. I know Eva was in a dark place when Fraction banished her from his Pack but I have






His Rogue Omega: Chapter 16.

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idea how someone like that can go to being in a relationship with a man who beats her and makes her

work in a strip club. Now matter how I try to spin it, the maths just doesn’t add up.

‘We just have to make sure she doesnt go back, make her understand that she’s worth more than

being someone’s punching bag.’ I can feel Storm agreeing with me as I watch Eva for another minute

before closing my eyes and settling into the chair, I need to sleep but with her laid across from me I

don’t know how much I’m actually going to get. I just have to placate myself with the fact that soon

enough I will be laid next to her, holding her while she sleeps.

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