Sisters in Discord

•~Two weeks later~•


I flung my eyes open and got out of my bed in a hurry and into the bathroom as fast as I could. I bent over the sink and placed my mouth over it before releasing the liquid from my mouth into the sink.

Turning the tap on, I watched as the clear almost see through liquid poured out of the faucet, and washed away the disgusting one that came out from my body.

I stared deeply in confusion at the water pooling in the sink and going out through the drain at the same time.

I raised my head and immediately felt pain slash through my head. I felt a slight headache. Staring into the mirror that faced me, I realized soon what had just happened.

I vomited.


I vomited??!

It wasn’t like I was sick or anything.

Thinking of the possible reasons that could have made me throw up so early in the morning, I found only one that seemed to match my recent activities.

I became scared immediately.

It couldn’t be. It shouldn’t be.

My days of a carefree life would come to an abrupt end if that happened to be the reason for my throwing up.

I laughed a bit to ease the tension I felt and shrugged off the fear that had slowly started building in me.

“It’s not possible, I’ve never made a mistake while doing that.” I mumbled to myself inaudibly, comforting myself.

I bent over the sink once more, putting my hand under the open tap, and scooped some water into my mouth to rinse it. While washing my mouth clean, I took it as a chance to brush my mouth as well.

After finishing my business, I walked towards the door and back into my bedroom, straight to where I kept my stash of drugs and found one for headaches.

I didn’t think twice before opening up the medicine and popped out two pills to put it in my mouth to chew.

I went to my bed, plopped down on it and smiled thinking about all the fun I was going to have throughout the day.

I might seem like a really carefree person, but in reality, I have a company under my care, which I rarely bothered with since I had placed my younger sister, Stravis, who is a more serious and hardworking person than I am to watch over it in my stead until I was ready enough to handle it the way a proper CEO would.

Having my parents still alive was a perk for me as well since they granted my wish to stay off the company for a while and allowed me live my life to the fullest as a Twenty Three year old.

To me, I was still extremely young, healthy and beautiful to live life in a stuffy office, so I’d rather enjoy my life, only overseeing some matters in the company that Stravis couldn’t handle.

I still got paid all the money coming from my company by Stravis anyway, so I’m not really bothered.

However, I’ve decided that today, I’ll drag my legs to my company later in the day.

I got off bed and into another door at the side of my room did I walk into. It was a walk in closet that was verily big enough to hold all I had ever wanted, and even the ones I’ll want in future.

If you ever want to sum up how I spend my money, all you need is a peek at my closet.

Pulling myself out of my own thoughts, I suddenly recalled the reason I had walked in here in the first place; It was to pick out the outfit I am to wear for today, but choosing an outfit was beginning to prove too hard for me.

After deliberating severally though, rummaging through my clothes, section after section, I finally decided to go for a wine and cream checkered jumpsuit.

Walking between different cubicles which held different shoes from different designers, I finally picked out a multicoloured trainer under the ‘Nike’ brand and smiled to myself in satisfaction.

There was a reason behind me putting this much consideration into what I am going to wear today.

I liked to impress and influence Stravis with my rich lifestyle, because unlike me, she didn’t dress too elegantly and it annoyed and disgusted me every time I think about it.

Thinking about my sister’s sense of fashion made me squeeze my face in anger as I walked into the bathroom, took off my clothes and got into the bathtub to take a shower.


° Few minutes later… °

“Good morning, miss.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Welcome, miss.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

Was all that wafted into my ears as soon as I had walked through the glass entrance door of my company and I sighed inwardly after every single boring reply that I had given to every boring greeting.

The employees were simply just greeting as employees, but why was I so pissed and irritated by it? Why on earth did it irk me so much??

It wasn’t the employees that were irking me, it was the fact that as I walked down the corridors, all I saw were people working and the smell of freshly printed paper was enough to make me go crazy.

“Where on earth is Stravis?!” I finally let out, not hiding my frustration anymore.

“She’s probably in her office, miss.” My PA replied, appearing suddenly from the corner and walked behind me, trying to keep up with my brisk pace.

I paused walking and turned to look at him.

“How dare she not come out to greet me?!”

“She’s probably busy with some office work, Miss Walter.”

I huffed.

“Office work? Then what am I?? The irresponsible and lazy one??!”

” Obviously.” He muttered under his breath, but I overheard him well enough.

“What? How dare y…” I started and raised my hand to hit him in anger, only stopping midway when I heard an annoyingly familiar voice.

“Don’t take out your anger on him, he’s just a poor Personal Assistant, he isn’t God and isn’t the one who made you with laziness as an element.”

My hand dropped to my side and I turned around abruptly to take a look at Stravis.

” Hey! You’ve grown to be more rude and disrespectful than I last remembered you to be.” I said, my index finger wagging at my sister for a few seconds.

“It’s been such a long time since we last saw you here, what’s the occasion?” She asked, ignoring my remark on purpose.

“Wait, did you just ignore my statement about you?” I asked, my eyes bulging like they were going to fall off my eye sockets anytime soon.

“Do I even need to reply to that? It’s honestly not worth the fifty two muscles I need to move to speak. Just answer my question.” Stravis bashed me rudely, making me raise my head to stare at the ceiling.

If not for the fact that beatings were now seen as abuse, I swear, I’d have beaten Stravis to a pulp by now.

” I don’t even remember. Perhaps since two weeks ago?” I decided to answer, keeping my cool while at it.

” I wasn’t asking about when last you came here, I was asking about why you’re here… Besides, you’ve been absent longer than that.” She dragged, maybe her main purpose being the end of my mental health.

” Hey!!!” I screamed at her, but perhaps, too loudly, because now, everyone close by was feasting their eyes on the both of us as we discussed.

“Y’all are watching, right? This is the way she treats me, like a complete fool expected to bow down every damn time!” Stravis yelled unexpectedly like a maniac.

“Miss Stravis, please keep it a little low. This doesn’t look too good.” My PA spoke up and after rolling her eyes at him, Stravis looked directly at him, boring a hole into him.

“Who are you to give me advice?” She spat, her tongue holding fire like a volcano about to erupt.


“You’re fired.” Stravis dropped and immediately, I turned to look at my sister, then peeling my eyes away from her before turning to side eye my PA.



The two of us yelled simultaneously and as I watched, a victorious smirk crossed Stravis’ face.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“You heard me.”

“And who exactly are you to fire my PA?”

“The manager of this company.”

“Well, I am the owner of this company, the CEO!” I yelled, deciding on not tolerating Stravis’ again.

“And I’m the one who runs things here! You don’t know even half of what goes on in here!!”

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