A billionaire’s kiss


“The chairman of ATC, Leonard Kingston’s first trial will be held tomorrow on 8th of September one the charges of attempted murder of Hailey Evans and his own son Ian Kingston” The reporter continues. “The police are also investigating the possibility of Nathan Kingston’s death being a murder after the shocking video that was revealed recently and hence has placed Leonard Kingston as the prime suspect”

The screen changes into a video of people gathered around the SBS headquarters, throwing rocks at it, demanding for an apology. “The public are enraged at the SBS news channel for alternating the truth and creating a scandal that led to a misleading of the investigation of Nathan Kingston’s death. Several police also faces charges for bribery and the director of SBS, Mark Wood faces charges for tampering with evidences. Today we have attorney Allison Evans here with us to talk about the case. She also happens to be a relative of one of the victims-” I scowled and turned off the TV.

“What? Turn it on” Ian said from where he lies on the couch, his head on my lap.

“I don’t like her”

“So what? Turn it on”

I frowned. “What do you mean so what? I don’t like her. End of conversation”

“Then switch it into another channel”

I sighed and turned on the TV, switching it to another channel. In there also another one of my cousins, Josh Evans was talking with the reporter.

I cursed and quickly turned it off.

Ian chuckled. “Your mom is leading the battalion, I presume”

“Hmm. Seems like it. She’s dragging down Isaac too”

“Good. That fucker deserves it”NôvelDrama.Org owns this.


I leaned back on the couch and ran a hand through Ian’s hair, softly caressing it but my eyes darted to the bandage wrapped around his stomach underneath the shirt. My heart started aching again. Just today morning Ian was discharged from the hospital. He was supposed to be discharged earlier but I insisted he stay another week, in case something happened to him. And he didn’t argue either because he knew how worried I was for him.

That day in the forest, it still haunts me. It gives me nightmares and I had spent days crying in the hospital bathroom while we were there. But I hid it all from Ian. I had to be strong for him. I didn’t show him my tears because I knew if I did, he’d be worried about me.

Just the mere thought of losing him, it wrecks me. That few seconds I thought he was gone I felt myself dragged into a darkness, a darkness that frightened me more than anything. And that darkness was a world without him, a life without him and I didn’t want it.

He was my everything and I couldn’t even bear to see him slightly hurt and to see him almost dead, it tore me.

Ian noticed my gaze and sighed. He slowly sat upright and looked at me.

“Hailey” He said softly. His hand reached out and wiped a tear on my cheek that I didn’t know had fallen. “You think I don’t know that you cried everyday while we were in the hospital?”

My eyes widened in surprise and Ian stroked my cheek. “I wanted to talk to you about it Hailey but you hid it from me for a reason. So I didn’t press you”

My throat bobbed and I looked down, unable to meet his gaze. But Ian tilted my head up and cupped my face with both of his hands. His eyes bore into mine, a saddened expression on his face. “I’m not gone Hailey, I’m here with you”

At those words a sob broke from my lips. “But you almost did Ian” More tears fell down my eyes. “You almost left me”

His eyes softened and he kissed a tear on my cheek. “But I didn’t. That’s what matter”

He took my hand and placed it on his chest, making me feel his beating heart. “I’m here with you Hailey and I’m not going anywhere. You won’t lose me. And that happily ever after you talked about” He smiled faintly. “We will have it”

The corners of my mouth rose into a small smile and Ian beamed seeing it. He pressed a kiss to my lips. “My only regret it not being able to fuck you with these goddamn bandages” He muttered and a soft laugh rumbled in my chest.

I lightly smacked his shoulder. “How dare you make a joke now?”

Ian smirked. “If that makes you stop crying I will do it again”

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Don’t do it again Ian” My face turned serious. “Take a bullet for me or anything that risks your life because of me. Don’t do it”

Ian sighed and pulled me into a hug, burying his face in my neck. “If it saves you I would do it again Hailey. Without a hesitation. So don’t tell me not to because there’s nothing more dear to me than you” My eyes burned and he tightened his hold around me. “I’ll not live in a world without you Hailey”

“My thoughts exactly” I mumbled.

I felt Ian smile against my neck. “Then it’s good that I beat you to it”

My brows furrowed. “Shut up”

Ian chuckled. “Just joking” He patted my back and we stayed like that for a moment, holding on to each other.



“When I thought you die-” I swallowed the burn in my throat as I almost said the word. “left I got a glimpse of Alice’s life” I felt Ian tense against me. “To be without Nathan” I shook my head. “I can’t imagine how strong she is”

Ian stayed silent for a moment then slowly pulled back. He lowered his head, his throat bobbing with guilt. “I was wrong. I was wrong in many things. If-if I had believed Alice, I would’ve searched more about Nathan’s death. But I didn’t. I-” His voice broke. “I abandoned him Hailey” He looked up at me, his eyes glinting with remorse and pain. “I abandoned my own brother. If I had- if I had-”

I placed a hand on his cheek. “Shh. You had your own reasons”

“That’s not an excuse. In the end Nathan only had Alice. I wasn’t there for him. And to think that our father did that to him-” He swallowed.

His words brought me to another thought, the things chairman said to me that day. It felt as if he fit right in but at the same time not. Before I could ponder on the thought any longer the door bell rang.

Ian made to stand up but I kept my hand on his shoulder. “I’ll get it”

I moved to the door and opened it. On the other side stood Alice with a small smile on her lips. “Hi”

“Alice” I was surprised. “So good to see you. Come in” I moved so that she can walk in.

Ian lowered his head in shame seeing her.

Alice looked at me. “What’s wrong with him?” She whispered.

I smiled and whispered back. “He’s feeling guilty”

Her lips formed into an O.

We both walked back to the couch and I sat next to Ian, giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

Alice sat across from us. “How are you doing Ian?”

“I-I-” Ian cleared his throat, still not looking at her. “I’m fine”

“Hope you recover soon”

“T-thank you”

She smiled and turned to me. “Do you remember my wedding photo?”

“The one you hit the chairman with?”

“Yeah” She nodded. “It broke after I hit him with it and I went to a photo studio to frame it back but then I saw a letter inside it”

Ian raised his head. “A letter?”

“Yes there was a letter inside the frame” She took a paper out of her pocket and gave it to us. She smiled slowly. “It’s from Nathan”

Our eyes widened and we exchanged a glance. Ian took the letter and I peered in to read it.

Dear Alice,

First of all I wish I didn’t have to write a letter because there’s nothing more I want than to tell you all these personally. But sadly our circumstances are different. Baby there are many things that I want to say to you but I will start by thanking you for believing me when no one else did. You don’t know how much that means to me. When the video first came out I didn’t care about what others thought, I was only worried about what you thought of me. And then to know that you still loved me and believed me, you don’t know how happy I felt. It kept me going. You kept me going. I’m forever thankful for that. You’re the world to me Alice.

I know I have a lot to make up for since there are so many things that I want to apologise you for but the main one is not being at the hospital after your accident. It pains me deeply not to be there. I had my own reasons which you’ll soon learn but I’m not using that as an excuse and I don’t expect you to forgive me. But I just want to say I’m sorry. I know Ian will hate me thinking I abandoned you but please try to understand him. Don’t hate him for it. He worries about you and I’m forever grateful for that because I know even if I won’t be there for you, he will. Such a man he is, my brother.

Lastly I want to say how blessed I’m to have you. I’ve always known you as my brother’s best friend and when we were forced into a marriage I was worried that I might hurt you or make you sad. I attempted to keep away from you but you broke all my walls and made me fall in love with you. You made me the happiest man Alice. You’re my everything. You’re my better half and I’ll always love you, to the moon and back.

Your poetic husband,


By the time I finished reading the letter my eyes were clouded with tears. Alice and Nathan deserved to be happy. They deserve so much more but fate has a twisted sense of humour.

Ian’s fingers trembled and he squeezed his eyes shut, unable to control his emotions. “I’m-i’m sorry Alice” His voice quievered. “I’m so sorry”

Alice’s eyes softened. “It’s alright Ian”

Ian shook his head. “No, it’s not alright. I should have believed you. I should’ve trusted my own brother. But instead I hated him”

Alice placed a hand on Ian’s. “You didn’t hate him Ian. Deep down you know it too. You loved him. I know who you truly hate. It’s yourself isn’t it?” Ian lowered his gaze, his lips quivering. “You think all of this is your fault. You blame yourself. But it’s not true Ian. Because of you, Nathan and I got married and that’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I found the person I love. I found my happiness. Even if it was…taken away from me-” She swallowed. “Those days I spent with Nathan are the best days of my life and I wouldn’t change it for the world. And I think you now understand me better, don’t you?” Her eyes flicked over to me, a smile tugging in her lips.

Ian glanced at me with reddened eyes and swallowed. He slowly nodded.

“See, you made it happen Ian. So don’t blame yourself. And I’m also sorry for treating you badly. I should’ve tried to understand you. I hope we can forget all that and be friends again”

Ian looked at her and smiled faintly. “Thank you Alice”

Her lips twitched up. “You have nothing to thank me for Ian. So friends?”

His smiled brightened. “Of course”

“Good, though I like your fiance better. Sorry for favouritism” She joked and we both laughed.

Everything will be well.

Alice spent the day with us and left after having dinner. We went into our room as night fell and I made the bed.

“Tell me when you’re going to take a wash. I’ll prepare your bath”

Ian kept his hands on his hips. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of my own self”

“Sorry that’s not going to happen for another month or so”

Ian’s lips tugged up. He came over to me and hugged me from the back, resting his chin on my shoulder. “I’m seriously fine”

I sighed and looked at him. “I know but let me take care of you. At least till I feel like you’re seriously fine”

“And I guess that’s not gonna be anytime soon”

“You’re right”

Ian smiled and pressed a kissed to my neck, holding me tightly.



“What was in your letter?” I spun around.

Ian raised a brow. “What letter?”

“The one inside your photo”

His eyes widened. “There was a letter inside the photo Nathan gave me?”

“Yes, I found it the day Emma accidentally broke it…” Broke. Alice found hers after her photo was broken. Ian’s wasn’t broken till that day, so that means he had never…I looked up at him in surprise. “You’ve never seen it?”

Ian shook his head.

I inhaled sharply. “I-I kept it in a drawer. Come” I jogged to the walk in closet and Ian followed me.

I opened the same drawer I slipped the letter in and took it out.

I gave it to Ian and he nervously opened the folded letter.

I waited as he read it. His eyes ran over the letter and he staggered a step back, shock claiming his features. His chest heaved up and down rapidly as if he was suddenly unable to breath.

“Ian, what is it?” I asked worried.

“W-was there a photo of Himalayas in Nathan’s studio?”

My mind went back to that day at the studio with Alice and I remembered it being there, placed on a table. “Yeah there was one. What of it?”

Ian shook his head. “We have to go and get it. We have to” He turned around to leave but I grabbed his arm.

“Ian, what is it?”

His eyes brimmed with tears.

“It-it wasn’t my father”

His throat bobbed, swallowing the pain in his next words.

“It was my mother”

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