A billionaire’s kiss


I felt myself being dragged across a damp ground, my knees scraping on the gravel. In the distance I could hear some muffle sounds but around me it was utter silence, save for the footsteps crunching on what seemed to be dried leaves.

My face fell flat on the damp ground and I groaned slightly, my own voice hoarse and muffled as if something was tied around my mouth. I groaned again and slightly opened my eyes. My vision was momentarily blurred but it quickly adjusted to the darkness around me.

Darkness? In confusion I tilted my head up and found myself lying on the forest floor.

Panic surged through me and I jerked up but went toppling back to the forest floor. I glanced down at myself to see what was wrong and then saw that both my feet and my hands were tied and my mouth gagged.

“You’re finally awake” A hoarse voice said above me.

My blood froze in my veins. Slowly I looked up and saw Leonard, Ian’s father standing above me with a gun in his hand.

My belly cramped with fear.

His mouth twisted into a smirk and he crouched down. “For someone who had the audacity to open my safe” He ran his gun down my cheek. “You cower like a little mouse” He chuckled.

“Did you think I’d allow someone like you to destroy me?” He pressed the cold metal to my throat and I squeezed my eyes shut. “To take everything away from me? Did you plan on rousing the media to throw me out of the chairman position? Was that your plan?” He spat.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

He trailed the gun lower and I whimpered. “Well it would have worked but you’d have to live to do that first”

My face blanched and I glanced up at him. A sly smirk spread in his lips. “That’s right. You’re going to die”

He raised me to my knees and gripped my chin, forcing me to look at the direction of the lake. “My friend’s grandson told me you can’t swim” He gave a malicious smile. “Let’s see how long you can survive in the water”

Terror stabbed my heart and I wriggled under his grip, trying to free myself but it only angered him more. “Damn you bitch” He elbowed my face and a sharp pain shot up my nose and I felt blood drip down.

“I like to very much shoot you and be done with it” He hissed. “But that would cause a lot of drama and investigations and I don’t want anymore damages to the company. So you’ll just peacefully drown and I’ll make your death look like an accident” He grinned. “How’s that? The little fiance wandering in the woods accidentally slip and fell to the lake. How sad” He pouted.

Tears brimmed in my eyes and his grin widened. “No one can challenge my position darling. Both my sons did. One unfortunately wasn’t privileged like the other but you” He tapped his gun on my forehead. “are nothing and soon will be forgotten by everyone. Shame that you have distanced yourself from the Evans family. Heard they’re bit of a powerful lot in the law field”

Then he started dragging me towards the lake. Tears pooled down my eyes but I couldn’t even manage to wriggle under his strong grip, not when my hands and my feet were tied.

“Ian would be better off a cheating bitch like you. You think he cares for you just because he brought you here?” He laughed. “He’s my son for a reason. Just like Nathan, who didn’t care about Lauren when he fell in love with Alice. That’s why she had to seek solace somewhere else. Shame that I didn’t know she recorded everything. That was a mistake. It could end up ruining my career but” He smirked. “Not if no one knows. Let’s get this-” He was cut off as we heard a twig snap behind us.

I whirled around as the best as I could.

“Hailey” Ian’s voice was heard not far away from where I was and a sob of relief escaped my lips.

He’s here, he’s here. He will save me but his father has a my blood ran cold. He has a gun. What if he hurt Ian? No no no.

Leaves crunched under his Oxfords as he approached us but he didn’t come to view yet. “Hailey where are you?” His was voice now close.

“Shit” Leonard muttered and pulled at me. “We need to get out of here”

I sobbed and shook my head. He gritted his teeth and gripped my throat. “Don’t make a sound or else I will do far worse things than kill you” As if showing his warning he cupped my breast and utter horror struck me. I flinched from his grasp.

He smirked. “That’s right. Now quiet-”


My eyes widened and I turned to find Ian standing a few feet away from us. His gaze fell on me and panic washed over his face. “Hailey!” He started to approach me but stopped mid way as he saw a gun in his father’s hand.

“Father what are you doing-”

“Step back Ian” Leonard raised the gun to my head.

Shock struck Ian and he turned to look at me. His face blanched as he noticed for the first time the state I was in the gag in my mouth, my tied hands and feet. Hot red fury surged through him, his eyes turning into slits. His enraged gaze slid back to his father, his fists clenching.

“Put the gun down!” Ian hissed.

“You’re not in a position to make demands Ian”

Ian took a step forward and Leonard pressed the gun to my head. “I said step back”

Ian’s face darkened with a rage I had never seen before. “Do you think I’ll let you fucking live if you hurt her?” He snarled.

“I’m your father Ian”

Ian laughed. “And that would stop me?”

Leonard gritted his teeth and grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet until I was standing in front him like a shield, my back pressed to his body. His hand closed around my throat and he tilted my head up in a odd angle that made tears prick my eyes. “She should just die Ian, if not she’ll destroy the company”

“Do you think I care about a fucking company?” Ian roared. “Release her”

“You’re better off without her Ian. You’ll remember her just as a fling. Marrying her would give neither you nor our company benefits”

“Shut the fuck up!” Ian snarled.

“Walk away Ian. It’ll be better for all of us”

Ian’s face contorted into a murderous fury and he took another step forward.

Leonard’s grip tightened around my throat, his other hand holding the gun to my head. “If you take another step Ian, I’ll shoot her”

Ian halted and looked at me. The anger in his eyes dimmed and fear, grief, pain clouded them. His hands shook, body trembled. Tears welled in his eyes as my own fell down. He glanced back at Leonard. “Let’s solve this another way father. Release her”

“You never learn” Leonard hissed. “Maybe this might teach you” His finger went to the trigger and I felt everything slow down. Ian’s eyes widened and he made a move to run towards me but I knew it’d be too late. He can’t reach me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for my impending death but instead I heard the sound of wood splinter and Leonard released his hold on me as he went toppling to the ground.

I looked behind me to see what happened and then saw Alice standing behind me, holding a broken photo the photo of her and Nathan’s wedding, which she now used to hit Leonard in the head with.

My eyes traveled to our surroundings and I noticed that we were near to her and Nathan’s spot. Of course she would be here. She heard us. Relief flooded through me.

I glanced back at Leonard and saw him trying to get up but Ian pounced on him and started punching him. “You mother fucker” He snarled, beating him till he bled. “I will fucking kill you”

I saw Leonard’s fingers trying to reach the gun that fell down but Ian didn’t see it. He was blinded with rage. Panic surged through me. I turned to Alice and she knelt down, loosening my hands.

As she did it and I pulled away the gag. “Alice call the police. Now!” She nodded and took her phone out.

I turned back to Ian but it was too late. Leonard had already picked up the gun and he kicked Ian. Ian staggered back and Leonard rose to his feet.

“I don’t want to do this Ian” He raised his gun at him. “You’re my only heir” His finger went to the trigger again and blood pounded behind my eyes. “But you need to know how to choose and when to choose. You need to know your priorities” Then he angled his gun towards me and pulled at the trigger but the only thing I saw was Ian jump before me as the gun was fired.

A scream that would rip the world broke from my lips as Ian fell to his knees.

Leonard stumbled back, the gun falling from his hand and shock taking over his features. I heard all sounds in the auction stop and footsteps rush to us but I didn’t care. Nothing matters.

I went to Ian and pulled him down to my lap. “No no no” I cried, pressing my hand on the wound in his stomach but blood spilled out, it kept coming out. “No no no this can’t be happening” I shook my head, tears streaming down my eyes.

“Hailey” His voice was faint.

“No Ian don’t speak. Don’t. You will tire yourself. We have to stop the blood. I can- I can” I looked around but my eyes couldn’t focus on anything as they kept welling up with tears. “I have to stop it”

A loud cry broke out from the crowd now gathered in the clearing and I knew it was Elisa, Ian’s mother. But I didn’t care. I have to do something. I need to do something. He’s not going to die. He’s not going to die. He won’t die.

I ripped my sleeves and pressed the cloth on his wound. “You will not die. You will not die. You will not die” I kept chanting but my own tears betrayed me.

A sad smile played in his lips. “Hailey I-” Blood gushed out of his mouth and he coughed.

“Shh Ian shh” My body trembled with sobs and I ran a hand through his hair. “You’re not gonna die on me Ian. You’re not” My tears fell on to his chest. “We’re gonna have a happily ever after. I know it”

He smiled faintly and his hand reached out, wiping the tears in my eyes. “Then don’t…cry”

And that only made me cry more. Grief consumed me, ripped me from within. I felt myself being dragged into a darkness. A world without him. A world full of pain and agony. A world I don’t want to live in. He’s not gonna die. He’s not gonna die. He’s not gonna die.

Ian’s eyes slowly started fluttering close and panic surged through me. “Ian don’t” I cried. “Please Ian don’t. Look at me baby please look at me” I begged desperately.

He slightly opened his eyes and I could see that action even pained him. A faint but pained smile tugged at his lips. He gently squeezed my hand. “I love you Hailey” He whispered.

“No no no Ian stay with me” I sobbed my body shaking vigorously. “You’re not gonna die. I won’t let you. You can’t leave me Ian, you can’t” I cried loudly but I felt his life slowly fading away as his grip on my hand loosened, his eyes closing. No no no.

“Ian, Ian” I called him desperately but he wasn’t responding. “Ian” I shook his shoulders but he wasn’t waking up. “No Ian no!”

I wailed loudly, the forest shaking with my grief. All the memories we shared together, his smile, his loving eyes, his kind words everything started banging in my head as if saying a final goodbye. No no no. This can’t be happening.

I cried my heart out, the pain burning me.

This can’t be happening.

He can’t die.

My heart ached, a wide hole opening in it. I felt empty. I felt void. I felt a sheer darkness engulf me and it frightened me. It felt as if a part of my heart was ripped apart. Every happiness I’ve ever had, every glint joy and love I’ve ever shared was taken away from me, torn from me, shredded from me and it hurt so much. It hurts so much that I wanted to die.

Then then I heard sirens in the distance.

I felt cold hands on my shoulder. “Hailey” Alice sobbed. “He’s going to be alright. Ian is going to be alright. An ambulance is coming”

“A-ambulance?” My voice broke.

“Yes. Ian won’t die”

He won’t die. He won’t die. He won’t die.

I looked at Ian and his eyes were shut, his face paled. I slowly placed my ear on his chest and felt a faint heart beat.

Relief flooded through me and I sobbed.

He’s going to be alright.

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