Zero and Beauty's Breath (A Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club Series Book 3 - 4)

Chapter 72 (Beauty's Breath) (Zero)

Chapter 72 (Beauty's Breath) (Zero)

I don't need to be an Enforcer to understand that Beauty is going through some heavy and deep shit.

She is remembering what happened, recalling all those long ago, dark memories, where my brother

was the star of the show.

I stand by the door asking myself do I even deserve to be in this room. When I left her here, I went to

hunt down Thorn with every intention of killing him.

The way my head was thinking, I was a train wreck when I found him.

I beat him up but I couldn’t do it. Truth is Thorn is my brother and I can’t kill my brother.

I wanted to get him locked up but Thorn reminded me why I couldn’t do that.

“You forget that your woman is a wanted fugitive, if I call the cops they’ll arrest her. Her family will make

sure she gets killed by the morning. They don’t like it when things get messy.”

My chest is heaving, as I stand over my bleeding brother. He’s confessed to a lot in this short time at

this small cabin I found him hiding in. He left the facility walking perfectly fine. He had me fooled.

I shake my head in disgust, “I once looked up to you, but now when I think of you, I just want to spit on

the ground. You will always be family, but Thorn, you are no fucking brother to me.”

I walk out, and I do it hoping that he leaves and never looks back. Because maybe I can’t kill him today,

but I have no idea if I will wake up tomorrow and feel the same way.

So hesitation as I stand in front of this hospital door is granted.

Do I even deserve to breathe the same air as she does? Where she looks for vengeance was once my

place of peace, and now just a reminder of how life can never be predicted.

I told her that I couldn’t do it.

She told me that she would.

I open the door, she is sitting by the window, looking out. She has sat there since I last saw her last

night. I know because I have a camera on the light above the door.

“You didn't have to come so early,” She says to me.

“I wanted too, I love you, Beauty.”

She faces me and I wish she didn’t. She looks so frail in that hospital gown, her hair knotted. Her body

so small, like she is defenceless but I know that isn’t true.

Her smile proves it, “Do you? When I kill your brother will you still love me then?”

“I just might, that’s what scares me, but do you know what kills me?” I ask her, as she faces the window


“Yes, I do.”

“What is it?”

“That your love for me will destroy you.”

“It kills me that my love for you is not strong enough, it kills me that deep down I want it to be even

knowing that he killed my unborn child. But he is my brother Amariya and what kind of a man will I be if

I don’t ask you to have mercy.”

“Mercy is for those who have something to lose. Where was my babies mercy?”

I march up to her, place my hand on hers. My knees bend as I go head level to hers.

“You’re not thinking clearly. You are hurting.” I touch her cheek, her hand lays on top of mine.

She gives me a sad smile, “I am thinking perfectly fine Zero."

"He is my brother." This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

"And he killed your son. What does that say about your brother?”

"Really?” I sound incredulous as I stand up and take a few steps back from her.

“That’s it. You’re just going to kill him? You’ll give up everything, throw away all that we can have for

what? We can try again, have ten dozen kids Amariya.”

“It was always going to be this way Zero. I told you we aren’t meant to be Zero and Beggar. I was

always a passer-by. There is nothing that you can say that will change my mind. So just leave."

My head drops at her confession, can't blame her for her actions.

"What about Lucca, will you kill him too?"

"Lucca will get what is coming to him. There are worse faiths than death. But now I need you to leave,

jump on your bike and go away. I need my strength to fight another day."

It breaks me when she says that, she won’t even look at me.

Understanding that this is what she wants, I leave shortly. I don’t say goodbye to Beauty.

Once I am on my bike, I hit the road full speed. I travel for hours until I reach Liston Hills.

My head is a fucking wreck. River has called a meeting but I just couldn’t deal.

I needed to get far away from everyone.

I have no idea what I’m doing this side of the tracks but here I am in Liston Hills.

I shoot Killer a text letting him know I’m in his parts. I’m parked on the side of the road with my bike.

The place stinks of money and secrets.

I have no idea what I am doing here.

Snake sends me a text.

Got a place not too far from The Estate, it’s a bit dusty, you can use it. Will send the pin drop in a few,

keys are in the pot plant by the window. Take your time brother.”

That is exactly what I intend to do.

“Why did I agree to this again?” I am currently hiding in a nine-meter tree with a binocular and the

brother that showed up a day after I got into Liston Hills.

It has been a week since I last saw Beauty.

It doesn’t help for shit, because at night she is all I see. Right now, the time is needed.

As much as it kills me, this is the way she wants it and I need to respect that.

Doesn’t mean I haven’t texted her, called over and over like a love-sick fool.

“Michael asked us.” Snake says next to me on the other branch.

“He could ask us for anything, why the fuck do we have to spy on a high school girl. Chicks hot, but

isn’t she a bit young for him?”

“That’s Dainy Hallow, Sabastian Delroy and her got into some deep shit a year back, now shit got real.

Delroy’s and Stones stand together.

“So why are we here and not down there, that pool looks a lot better than this tree.”

“Her parents are around, apparently her father could be a killer.” Snakes says as he puts his binoculars

to his eyes again.

The call comes just after midnight. I hand Snake a beer as I grab my phone off the black glass table.

Killer’s name flashing.

“Hey man what’s up?”

“I’m heading out. Kylie was shot, I need you here man, she needs you,” I close my eyes.

Killer has never asked me for much, if he needs me, I’m there.

“We’ll be there in a few.”

“Shot brother.”

Snake looks up as I put my phone down on the table and sit down on the brown leather lazy boy.

“Kylie got shot, we need to head back.”

Snake frowns, but doesn’t say a thing about it. We pack the necessities we need and hit the road in an


My mind and body hums with the knowledge of seeing her after so long. Does she want to see me?

We make it to the clubhouse in good time. It is close to ten at night but all I want to do is see my

woman and jump into a bed with her body next to me.

“Hey, I am headed out. How’s the ride?” Killer says as he walks toward Snake and I. I look to my room

window and see the light is off.

“She’s out, best sneak in now and save the chit chat for tomorrow.” Killer hits my shoulder and I put my

helmet on the seat of my bike and head inside the clubhouse.

My feet don’t slow down and I am glad everyone is on their own beat upstairs because I really just want

to get into bed with my woman. Killer is right, tomorrow is a new day.

I open the door and true to word, I remove my rings and clothes and sneak into bed next to Beauty.

She stiffens as my arm goes around her waist, “Sleep Beauty.”

My words must relax her because she snuggles closer to me and does just that. For all my exhaustion

that has weighed on me this last week, I don’t sleep. I hold my woman in my arms and pray to a God I

never believed in that we make it through this shit storm.

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