You’re Mine

Chapter 191

Chapter 191

Chapter 191


The moment we all climb off the bus, the bright sunlight smacks me right in the face, making me wince, holding up my hand to shield my eyes.

"Oh God.” Easton slips on his sunglasses, looking sexy as hell despite having slept on a bus for the last three hours.

Sometimes it's painful how good looking he is.

“Thank God we're home.” “Actually, I'm sad we're home.

That went by way too fast,’ Sadie says as we start walking across the parking lot toward Easton's Jeep.

"I'd stay five days in Disney if I could.

Hell, I'd live there.” “You would.” Ryan ruffels her hair, making her duck away from him with a yelp.

“You guys want to come back to my house?"

Easton asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we continue walking toward his car.

“You should come too.” “I'm down,’ Sadie says as she hooks her arm through Ryan's, briefly leaning her head on his shoulder.

“Mom and Dad knew I was going over to Easton's once we got home, my brother tells me.

“Oh.” I pull my phone out, wondering how I should word this.

My parents trust us.

Sort of.

But they wouldn't like it if they knew I was going to Easton's house to sleep.

In his bed.

With him.

Preferably naked.

That would be a hard no from the parents for sure.

“Just tell your mom I'll be there.

She can't say no to that,” Sadie suggests.


Knowing Mom, she might.

Though lately she's been pretty agreeable, letting me do more things, giving me a little bit of freedom.

Can't hold you back forever, she said at one point.

So true.

I'm leaving in a few months.

About to live on my own in the dorms at UCLA. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

I can't freaking wait.

Once I get the okay from Mom, we head for Easton's house, the mood subdued.

More like we're exhausted.

I didn't sleep that well despite using Easton as a pillow.

AllI want to do is collapse and go back to sleep for the rest of the day.

“My parents are already at work, so we'll have the place to ourselves,” Easton says as he pulls into the driveway of his house.

"Not like we're going to party,” Ryan says as we all exit the Jeep.

“I'm way too tired for that shit.” "Same,’ Sadie says.

I nod in agreement, shuffling my way through the garage, trailing after my boyfriend.

“Anyone want a snack? Something to drink?"

Easton asks as we enter the house through the kitchen.

"I just want to lay down.” Sadie stretches her arms above her head, yawning loudly.

“Let's chill in the family room.

We can put a movie on and crash out on the couch for a while,” Easton tells us.

We follow him into the family room and find a spot on the giant sectional that takes up most of the space.

It's big and comfy and Easton's momis a big believer in cozy throw blankets, so I snag one off the back of the couch and grab a pillow, lying down facing the TV.

Easton lies next to me and Ryan and Sadie are cuddling on the other side of the couch.

“That was so much fun,” I say once I've got myself positioned just right with the blanket tucked up under my chin.

“And I'm so freaking tired” "Me too,’ Ryan says.

I glance over at him to see he's leaning against the back of the couch, Sadie in his lap and his fingers in her hair.

They look happy together.


And that warms my heart, I swear.

My brother and my best friend together.

Who knew? “You two make a cute couple.” I can't resist telling them that, knowing it'll please Sadie and most likely irritate my brother.

But Ryan doesn't seem irritated at all.

He glances down at Sadie with a soft smile before lifting his head to meet my gaze.

“We do, huh.’ "Definitely."

“You know, I didn't expect our senior year to end like this, Ryan says.

I frown.

"What do you mean?"

"Me with Sadie.

You with Easton—especially you and Easton.” “Watch it,” Easton murmurs, his eyes closed.

I elbow him in the ribs, making him grunt.

“He's being nice.” “Oh, I'm being so nice,” Ryan says, his tone sarcastic.

He starts to laugh.

"But seriously.

I didn't want you anywhere near my friends, Harp.” “Why not?” "Because they're jackasses and I didn't believe any of them were worthy of you.” Ryan points at my boyfriend.

"Especially that guy.” "I proved you wrong,” Easton says.

“Yeah you did.

Now I can't imagine you two not together.’ Ryan smiles.

“It's been a crazy senior year.” "Crazy good,” Sadie adds.

"Totally agree.” Ryan smiles down at her.

Aww, they're so adorable.

“A couple of weeks ago, I started to panic,” I admit, about to share with them something I havent told anyone.

Not even Easton.

My boyfriend stiffens next to me.

“About what?” "Life in general.

What was going to happen after high school.

How we're technically going to be adults now, and have to fend for ourselves.” A shiver moves through me.

"It's kind of scary.” “Yeah it is’ Sadie chimes in like the good best friend that she is.

“leven believed at one point that I didn't want to graduate.

Couldn't we just stay in high school forever?"

I'm trying to make light of the moment, but I really did think that.

Life is scary.

Going to college is too.

I was afraid to move on.

Move forward.

Not anymore.

“You don't want to stay in high school forever, Easton says, tucking me close to him.

"That sounds like a living nightmare.” “Full of nonstop Aisha,” Ryan reminds us.

We all start laughing.

That's the last thing any of us wants.

“Are you scared of the future now?” Easton asks, his voice low and just for me.

“Not at all” I whisper, smiling at him.

I know everything is going to be okay as long as I have him by my side.

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