Wolf’s Bane


“Don’t worry, bro, if she doesn’t accept your request, you can stay with me,” Jack said, still hugging Eron, who turned and looked at the smiling, innocent boss of the site.

“Bro, I don’t know what to think about what you’re offering me,” Eron said, smiling/smirking, but above everything, putting a big effort not to burst into laughter.

Jack looked at the newbie’s naughty expression and took two steps back.

“What the hell, bro!?” he laughed. “Seriously? I mean that we have a campsite, way safer than the middle of the forest, and you can stay there for free as long as you’re working here. Damn bro, your mind… it’s filthy, haha!”

Eron’s thoughts: “Sure… My mind… filthy? After the way you’ve been looking at me, I hope it’s really just my mind, bro.”

“Well, doesn’t sound bad at all. I’ll take it. Hope it’s less dangerous than the forest, though,” he said, now letting out a hearty laugh. “Who knows, there might be more people there that would be giving me invitations to ‘stay with them’, hehe…”

“Shut up, man,” Jack said, laughing hard as well.

After finishing the day’s quota of chopped lumber, Eron found himself relieved from his job hours earlier than usual. Jack was obviously impressed and was very happy to show him the location of the campsite via a map. He even marked the place where Eron could set up his tent and park his motorbike.

*Well, it was a pretty good first day. It’s more physical than my last “job,” but not more than the regular training that I’m used to… *

Eron walked, following the instructions that Jack gave him, and arrived at the Logging Camp, which was under a massive tarp that was stretched and hung over a treeless area of more than a hundred meters in size. Underneath it were various tents, a few vehicles, and a lot of vacant spaces.

However, as soon as he arrived, a group of workers turned to look at him and whispered something among themselves while “checking him out”, all of it so obvious that Eron felt embarrassed for them. He braced himself, then they finally walked towards him.

“Damn it guys, please don’t do this on the first day. I am REALLY not in the mood,” the new arrival whispered to himself, his jaw tightening.

“Hey,” one of the approaching men said loudly, aggression oozing out of his tone.

Eron glanced at the speaker. He was a shorter, slightly smaller man with reddish hair as well, but it was obviously dyed. He could see this clearly now since this stranger’s mushed-up hair had black roots showing below the orange strands.

“Hello there,” Eron answered with a fake happy tone but with a wide smile in full force. “Anything you need, dude?”

It may have been the new hire’s face or voice that was “wrong” but whatever it was, it evidently pissed the guy in front of him even more. His face and stance showed it off more than his reply…

“I’m Maximilian Fuchs, and I’m the team leader of your squad. I saw you today, sorry that I didn’t introduce myself. The day got kind of… busy.”This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hey, Maxi. I’m Eron,” he said while smiling even wider, enjoying the look of surprise that the other guy couldn’t manage to hide.

“Yeah, so I’ve been told. Here they call me Mad Max,” the carrot top announced, taking the time to pause for effect. “And that’s because I’m that good at work. That’s also why I’m the team leader.”

“Because you’re mad?” Eron chuckled in his face, not minding anymore how pissed this braggart was getting. He continued walking, searching for the place Jack said he could set up his tent.

“No, because I’m so good and so fast that my record is almost humanly impossible to beat. And that’s for all kinds of lumber work. Or even more…”

Eron could hear Mad Max following him while continuing his unwanted self-promotion. The city guy stopped for a moment and chose to humor this country mouse.

“That’s VERY HUMBLE of you to say, Maddy. Or do you prefer Maxi?”

“Maximilian, or Mad Max. Choose one and stick to it. And I didn’t finish talking to you, yet, PRETTY BOY,” the veteran logger snapped while catching up to Eron. “I also saw you walking with Diwana.”

“Oh, yes. Really beautiful lady. She deserves a REAL MAN with her, bro.”

“Well, I am VERY REAL, ‘bro’ and I don’t just let any player, pretty face, get close to her.”

“Well, is she your wife? Your lady? At the very least, have you told her that you like her? Because you’re not a man if you can’t AT LEAST DO THAT!”

The words that came out of Eron’s chest were mixed with a blood-chilling growl.

In his head he was already puzzled at his reaction: “Wait, when did I get that affected by what he’s saying? And why? I was even having fun with his stupid superiority complex AKA insecurity game… Why did I suddenly…?”

Max’s voice interrupted his thoughts….

“No, she’s nothing like that… YET. For now, I reserve the right to call her MINE! So, BACK OFF Prince Fucking Charming!”

Eron’s sarcastic laugh was now laced with barely controlled anger. Also, that dangerous side of him, the side that had gotten him into so much trouble in the past, was now sliding out…

And he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to stop it.

“Mine, huh? Well, I think that’s entirely HER CHOICE! And BRO, if you don’t have the balls to tell her what you feel, don’t you dare start claiming rights that are not even yours! First, BE A FUCKING MAN AND TELL THE LADY, SO SHE CAN CHOOSE HERSELF!” Eron roared once more, then began to walk away.

Oh wait, there’s more…

The newcomer turned around swiftly, one finger in front of his face as if he suddenly had an afterthought that he felt should really be said to this arrogant son of a bitch…

“Ooooh, wait, wait, wait… I know why you’re not telling HER, and you’re telling everybody else instead! It’s because YOU KNOW that she would NEVER choose a COWARD like YOU! And that’s why!” declared Eron as he turned to walk away again. “Oh, by the way, I think a squirrel died on your head, man. Better give it the burial it deserves…”

“I’m not FUCKING DONE WITH YOU, new guy!”

The angry newbie felt a sinewy arm stretch while a gnarly hand grabbed his shoulder…

And that’s when he saw red!

However, as Eron was turning, his hands already clenched into fists and his thoughts intent on sending the guy to the hospital, he suddenly heard Jack yelling in the background.

“What the HELL is going on here?! MAX!!!! You’re supposed to keep the place in order, not mess it up! Why are you looking for trouble, AGAIN?! I thought we were clear on this matter already. Don’t make me look for somebody else to take your place, you hear me? You might be good, but you’re NOT irreplaceable!”

Eron’s gaze cleared as he looked at his boss, who was fast approaching him and Max. The Foreman’s face was completely red as he was yelling at the top of his lungs.

He definitely didn’t look like the fun guy that he saw with him the whole day today. But this was quite a welcome change.

“Yes, sir,” Max said, lowering his head as their employer stepped up to the group.

Of course, the bully still managed to send killer looks towards the new hire, while turning to leave with the rest of his groupies. As if he fucking cared…

As soon as they were alone, Eron spoke up, “I’m sorry, boss. I do admit that I was having too much fun teasing him. I really tend to avoid guys like him.”

“And I think you have the right to tease him. But yeah, I can’t get involved with anything personal, just with anything and everything connected to my family business. Speaking of which, did you find the spot I’ve offered to you here?”

“No, I… I’m sorry, Jack, but I think I’m not a good fit for your campsite. You’re a good man and that was nice of you to offer, but I had my doubts about staying here from the start…”

“Because of Max? Did he say anything that you didn’t like?”

“No, I mean, there’s always a guy like that one but… Look, I’m ok. I’ll just go back to my tent, no worries,” Eron said with a smile as he turned to leave, bringing whatever things he had with him.

Jack just sighed as he watched his new hire walk back into the heavily forested area of the mountainside. He was just thankful that Eron still decided to stay despite the “welcome wagon” care of Mad Max. He glanced back at the rowdy group of men who had their bully team leader standing in the middle of them.

“One of these days, you’re going to find someone who will teach you that you’re not always right, Max. You’ll then learn the meaning of true respect. When that happens, I’ll be there to tell you ‘I told you so’, you just see.”


Eron managed to get back to his own personal campsite in less than half an hour. It wasn’t too far, really.

The small tent was positioned in the middle of two big, old trees. Leaning on one of the bigger moss-covered wooden trunks was a black BMW K1600 under an army camouflage-colored tarp.

“Hey girl, I’m sorry I left you for a while, but I’m back now,” he said to his wheeled companion, then sat on one of the nearby logs that he had turned into small stools around his campfire.

After about half an hour more, his small bonfire was burning and crackling. He also had coffee boiling in a dented stainless-steel teapot, while an opened can of beef and potato stew was placed near the roaring fire in order for it to heat up.

“Yes, a lot, a lot better,” he sighed, talking to himself as he sipped a massive tin mug of coffee. “So girl, anything interesting happened to you today?”

He paused for a minute, half-hoping that there would be an answer, half-scared for the same reason. Considering the many years, he had wished and waited that there would finally be a voice who would answer his internal and vocal monologues, he was a little unsure if he really still wanted to hear it.

Meanwhile, his father was a different story…

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