What Your Love Felt Like-The Dragon Saga

Imperial Doctor/Master

Soon enough the Master, imperial doctor, arrived. He also had been waiting at the door for too long. He had paced in front of the doors a little, put his ears against them for a while then sensing something was a miss, he had ordered the soldiers to immediately barge in.

The chaos that followed was very much indescribable. Everybody was too shocked and scared at what greeted them.

“Wherever did the queen go? What are we supposed to do? ” Came a panicked wail from a lady in waiting.Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

“The king will not keep any of us alive. Scatter around. Look for anything. Anything that might let us know what happened. ” exclaimed another with her hands over her head.

The Master, however, silently looked around the room for some times. He went about touching the bed the queen was on and sniffed what he touched repeatedly. He then went about touching and sniffing several other items and then with a very serious look, stormed out of the room. He went straight towards the ministers’ residential quaters. He barged in without permission inside the chief minister’s office.

“Master, Master, you can’t come in like this. Let us ask for permission… ” The guards were desperately but respectfully trying to stop him, but he came face to face with the minister attending a meeting, nevertheless.

The chief minister looked up and immediately dismissed the guard and the other officials, after seeing the look on Masters face.

“What happened Master? ” He immediately asked him as soon as they were alone.

“The king needs to return right now. ” He announced urgently.

“Why? What happened? Word was sent, if you are worried about the queen’s condition. But you know he takes his own time and decision. ” The minister tried explaining.

“His child might be in danger. ” The Master said a little louder this time.

“What? Is her condition that bad? ” The minister asked worried.

“The queen is missing, ” The Master turned to reply.

“What? The queen what? ” The Minister felt like the earth under his feet was gone, ” What do you even mean? ”

“I think she did it on purpose. This brings to light another serious issue. There is a blood thirsty imposter , right inside the Royal palace . ”

The Master said with his brows raised.

The minister looked at him one last time and then hurried inside his back office. He unlocked the treasure chest there and quickly brought out the ancient telecommunication mirror. It was a magical mirror that let dragons communicate face to face from any distance. But it’s use was limited as it drew power from the Blue Moon.

The minister right away tried connecting with Draco. After a few failed attempts, the perfectly sculpted face of their king immerged infront of them. He was what seemed like , in the middle of a training ground.

“What made you use the telecommunication mirror at this time, Minister? ” Draco called out.

“Hail the dragon Lord, I dared not disturb you my lord. But Master here had something important to say. ” He turned the mirror towards the Master.

“My greetings Master” Draco bowed before him, ” I thought you were in meditation. What happened? ” Draco asked. He had practically grown up under Master. He regarded him as nothing less than a father figure. Their bond was something enviable.

” Draco, you need to come over right now. ” The Master literally ordered, without even bothering to give an explanation. ” We can’t replenish this mirror’s power at our will , so i will explain everything once you are here. I will meet you at the north-easthern entrance to your castle. Be there on time. Hail the dragon Lord. ” The Master wrapped the mirror and handed it over to the minister . He then left the place in as much hurry as he had come in with.

Draco knew something huge was up back at the palace. He had been married to his queen the last season. He was actually very reluctant with his marriage. His only focus in life, had been to perfect himself and his skills. He hardly ever had to or thought to give anything other than self perfection any room or space in his daily routine. But he had to marry in the last season if he wanted to keep his throne. He had been a king and single for decades . His family had left no stone unturned to persuade him to get a bride. But he never felt like he wanted to share his life with another. However, the high priest had suddenly called for an urgent meeting with the Royal descendants.

“Listen carefully, o! remnants of the great dragon bloodline. ” He had warned them from his trance-like state, ” A mighty calamity is about to be ushered in this blessed realm.

If the progeny of this pure bloodline is not secured, there hovers a terrible uncertainty over its future. Listen, loud and clear, o! protectors of the mighty dragon clan, protect the threshold of your homes before the last season is past. ”

His warning had left no other option for Draco to either marry before the last season was gone or to abandon his throne and hand it over to any of the others in waiting, so that they could be a ruler with progeny, to guard the realm from the upcoming turmoil.

So Draco had finally agreed to the nuptials. He hadn’t even bothered to meet or know about the girl that was going to be his mate. For him, it was another one of those difficult missions that needed to be done with.

Even the pregnancy of his wife and the eventual birthing process of his first child, were all part of the game of thrones for him. He was happy, really happy, when he had first heard the news. Not because he was going to be a father. Not because it felt so special. But because it was a seal. A seal that marked the invincibility of his kinghood. A seal that meant there would never ever again be a dispute about who the authority belonged to, as long as he was alive.

So naturally when he was sent the news about his wife’s difficult labour, he hadn’t paid much attention, thinking it was the women’s and doctor’s department. He had other important works at hand that he needed to tend to. His heart didn’t even flinch once out of concern for the to-be mother of his child. However, now that the Master had called him back, he knew something grave was happening back at the castle. He wasted no time briefing his subordinates at the borders, before heading right back to his appointed place.

“There should be no room for even a minute’s hindrance to our honourable plans. My absence, rebounds your responsibilities. Every general should report back right on time. And every subordinate must report back to me on their regular basis. Is that understood? ” He roared.

“Yes my Lord. Hail to the dragon kingdom. ” Echoed across the grounds as Draco blasted off, into the clouds, towards his destination.

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