
Trojan Horse


Ruby pov

“So let me get this straight. You plan to sneak me into Elena’s coven, carrying as many weapons as I can hide, like some kind of Trojan horse?”

Correct. Covens like Elena’s never turn down any vulnerable-looking humans who wander into their path. You will be taken as a human feeder in an instant.”

That doesn’t sound particularly safe to me, but if it will get me to Klaus, I’ll do it.

I assume they would lock me up, right? So I’ll need some way of escaping, to get from the human holding area to wherever they have Klaus.”

That’s right. I’ll give you some lock picks and show you how to use them.”

I’m still a little doubtful.

“You really think they won’t search me? I know vampires are much more powerful than humans, but still, they surely wouldn’t want their food carrying weapons?”

They will search you, but not as thoroughly as you think. They see humans as stupid, inferior, and weak. It’s a view compounded by the fact that they keep all of their humans drugged out of their minds. They never really get exposed to human determination or


Ok, sure, but they’re still going to take any bag I have, won’t they?”

“You won’t be carrying the weapons in a bag. Come with me.”

I follow Katherine into another room I vaguely recognize as storage.

Katherine lifts several large boxes of files with one hand and pulls open a drawer set in the wall I’d never noticed before.

I gulp.

“Please tell me that’s not real human skin.”

Of course not. This is the stuff that TV producers use for special effects, but it works just as well for the types of disguises vampires need. Lift up your shirt.”

I watch as Katherine takes a padded piece of fake skin and puts it over my stomach. “Hm, a little darker, I think.”

She rummages around in the box until she finds a piece she’s satisfied with.

I have to admit, it looks realistic. Wearing it, it looks like I’ve just put on some weight around my stomach.

I think I see where this is going.

We’ll strap weapons to your stomach and remove the padding as needed to make room.

It’s not perfect, but it’ll withstand the quick examination Elena’s people will do, at least at first. They will do a more thorough one once you’re drugged and more cooperative.”

How exactly am I supposed to avoid getting drugged? It’s not like I can fight them off.”

I know what they use. I’ll give you an antidote just before you go in. That’ll neutralize the effects of the first dose, but you’ll need to get to Klaus before they come with more.”

I nod, trying not to frown. There seem to be a lot of things that could go wrong with this plan.

What about you?”

“I’ll gather the coven and wait.”

“You and Klaus wait for our signal. Once we start the attack, you two start trying to fight your way out. We’ll meet at the site of the explosion.”


Katherine grins. “The signal.”

I swallow back my fear. Klaus needs me.

Then let’s do this.”


Klaus pov

I cringe as the door opens. They’re back already.

I’m not sure how much more of this my body can take.

They’ve been bleeding me for almost a day. I can already barely move. They haven’t fed me. Blood starvation is a painful way for a vampire to die.

I stare at the figure who enters.

Great. I’ve started hallucinating.

“Klaus!” Ruby closes the door and hurries to my side.

I sigh, breathing in her familiar scent. Even if it is a hallucination, that doesn’t mean I can’t take pleasure from it.

The hallucination Ruby lifts her shirt.

This is going well.

Then she starts pulling weapons out from under the skin.

Shit. Why can’t I get the sexy vision? I have to get the bizarre one.

Talk to me. What did they do to you?”

Ruby throws away her skin, but there is more skin underneath it. I close my eyes.

Klaus!” She shakes me lightly, and I look at her again.

“Crap, they bled you, didn’t they? Katherine warned me they might, but she didn’t think it would be this bad already. Ok, you need to feed.”

She starts undressing.

That’s more like it.

“You’re going to have to work with me here, Klaus. I can’t do this alone. This place is… let’s just say it’s not exactly putting me in the mood.”

Ruby kisses me gently. My mouth is dry, and I kiss her back eagerly, taking her tongue into my mouth, sucking on it.

God, she feels good, even if she isn’t real.

She slowly pushes me back onto the floor.

She wriggles her hips over my cock, which slowly starts rising.

I didn’t think I had enough blood left in my body for an erection, but apparently, Ruby can make my cock rise even when I’m half dead.

I moan and try to flip us around so that I’m on top. I’m too weak to do it properly and just end up sending Ruby sprawling.

She doesn’t seem to mind. She takes my arms and helps pull me on top of her.

I’m too weak to hold myself up properly, which means my cock is pressing down on her with my whole weight behind it.

Desire starts to overtake exhaustion as I kiss her more deeply. The scent of her arousal tickles my nose, and I break the kiss to taste her pussy.

She’s already wet for me, and her pussy positively gushes as I lick every inch of it.

I move up to her clit, loving how her scent changes. Her muscles were tense as she writes beneath me, responsive to my every touch.

“I’m ready. Get inside me.”

I usually draw things out more, but I don’t have the energy for that right now. Nor do I have self-control.

My cock throbs angrily, demanding attention. I push myself onto my elbows and thrust into Ruby’s pussy.

She almost cries out, but cuts herself off, glancing anxiously at the door. She pulls me in for more kisses, letting me swallow her sounds.

I forget the stiffness and tiredness in my limbs as I thrust steadily. Ruby’s pussy feels divine, clenching perfectly around my cock.

She brings a hand to her clit, rubbing furiously.

That pushes her over the edge. Her face is a picture of ecstasy as her pussy contracts wildly. Ruby grabs my head and pushes my mouth against her neck.

The scent of her blood is overwhelming. As she comes, the chemicals in her blood change, making it perfect for vampire consumption.

I bite into her without thinking.

Ruby’s hips jerk as she keeps coming, the chemicals in my teeth sending her to an even greater high. The sweet blood pours into my mouth. I gulp it down eagerly.

My cock explodes, pouring my come into her. I keep drinking, unable to stop. I’m so hungry, and her blood is the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted.

Ruby’s body goes limp. That jars me out of my feeding high and I pull away.

I quickly check her pulse, which is weak but steady. I drank more than I should have, but my body needed it.

She will recover, with time.

As I stare at her, horror slowly starts to well within me. Now that I’ve fed, my mind is rapidly clearing.Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

This isn’t a hallucination. This is real

“What are you doing here?” I whisper checking the door.

No one seems to have heard us, or they’d be in here already, but that doesn’t change the fact that Ruby is in terrible danger every moment she’s here.

“I’m here to rescue you, silly.”

I give brief consideration to the idea that I’m still hallucinating.

“Ruby… you do realize that this is a vampire coven, right?”

Elena’s coven, yes. Now, you should arm yourself. Katherine said you’d know how to use these.”

I follow her gaze to the small pile of weapons. My eyes widen. “Where did you get these?”

“You’re safe. Katherine says they’re made by witches, and the only thing likely to work against vampires.

lt seems I have to reconsider my opinion of Katherine.

I’ve seen her as a rival for so long – the one thing keeping me from being with Ruby – but she’s going to take an incredible risk to rescue me.

I’m sure she’s doing it because it benefits her coven, but I’m still grateful. Mostly.

Why did she have to bring you into this?”

I wonder if she thinks that if Ruby dies, I’ll mate with her after all?

“She said Elena’s coven is too powerful to assail from the outside. You and I need to start the break-out on our own. Katherine’s coven will help us from the outside.”

That’s probably true, too.

I’m about to ask Ruby what the plan is when a sound makes me freeze up.

Footsteps in the corridor outside. If anyone finds Ruby here…

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