Trapped with the Alpha

Chapter 42

Derrick suddenly became worried, he did not know how Sophie would take the news that her only human friend was leaving very soon, he knew how sad she would be.

” How am I going to tell her Stephanie is leaving soon” he said looking at his brother like he had committed an offense

” Don’t look at me that way, she can come with us to New York, Stephanie had a very accommodating roommate in New York and I’m very sure she would love to have a third roommate” Audrey said and gave off a fake smile to his brother.

” I wonder where they went to, ” Sophie wondered, interrupting their conversation.

” I think they are with Sir Roland, I know Audrey said something about going to meet his father. Maybe Derrick joined his brother, ” Stephanie replied.

The two brothers decided to stop eavesdropping on their conversation and entered the room letting their presence be felt by both of them.

” Heyyyyy girls” Derrick said in his usual cheerful manner.

“Guess who wants to see you in his office right now” Stephanie asked

” Oooh who else my father of course, he requests the presence of his Royal highnesses Stephanie and Sophie, the girls who have managed to steal the hearts of his only twin boys” Derrick replied jokingly as he carried a mug beside him and started making noises like it were the Queen of England walking down a red carpet.

Sophie immediately jumped up from the bed, ” are you serious, does he want to punish me for what I did, I know he hates me now” she said looking down dejectedly.

Audrey could not help but laugh at the scenario in front of him, he knew Sophie to be such a dramatic person that is why his father actually warmed up to her. He loved how adorable she was but he could not laugh for long because Derrick gave him a very Stern look which had to make him compose himself immediately.

” Babe, you actually need to calm down you do spot of mental thinking, dad just wants to see you that’s all, I’m sure he has missed you and wants to talk to him, he is your best friend yahoo, sometimes I even wonder whether he gave birth to me or you” Derrick reassured and teased her

” And you too, Steph what are you still doing in the bed, my dad wants to see you” Audrey chirped in.

Both ladies left for sir Roland’s room in high spirits like people who just asked out for prom by their crushes.

” Good morning sir Roland, how are you feeling today” Sophie greeted as soon as entered the office

” Oooh please, don’t patronize me, he knew when Sophie greeted him like that, she was just trying to get him to like her. she feigned ignorance and went on with her act like she did not know what his first statement was.

“Me, Patronize you, what would it profit me to Patronize the only Alpha I have known all my life” Stephanie said putting her hands on her chest like she has just been stabbed .

Stephanie and Mr Roland entered another round of laughter as she demonstrated her acts.

How did you get my son to like you?” he asked her.

“You know, some of us have this charm that we use whenever we want people to like us , plus I am a werewolf our lives are linked together, we sync in everything we do”she said teasingly.

” Anyway, that is not why I called you here, that is a discussion for another day” Roland said getting serious.

He cleared his throat and proceeded to start talking with Sophie,

” You know I was very mad when I heard it was you who brought that man to my house and what’s worse you kept him under my roof without actually arresting him” Roland said looking at her disappointedly.

,”Dad, i told you but you were not listening to us that day, we had to let him go besides I did not know that he was not invited to this house, he did not tell me about the crime he did ” she said

” How brave of him to come to my house despite stealing from me ” Roland said and sighed

” I’m sorry Sir, he made Stephanie uncomfortable that is why we made him leave in a hurry” Sophie said.

” What do you mean by that?” he asked.

” She’s here she will be in a better position bro tell you the story herself ” Sophie said

He then faced Stephanie hoping to hear something from her but she was not talking as she had zoned out since the conversation was not in any way connected to her.

Sophie looked at Stephanie and called her on her shoulder,” are you comfortable talking about Boston to dad? ” Sophie asked.

Roland liked it whenever Sophie called him Dad, she often called him Sir Roland like she was not a member of the family but whenever she said Dad it made his heart swell with pride like she was the daughter he never had now he was going to have two beautiful daughters

Stephanie came out of her self Inflicted trance. “Oooh, yeah sure I can talk about Boston to him, it’s something my therapist told me I have to let go by talking about it, if I leave it bottled up it would only destroy me” she said and chuckled.

Roland immediately became worried for her, ” you visited a therapist?” He asked

” Yes sir, but it’s all fine now I guess I am learning to leave with the fact that I was raped ” she said.

“Raped” he asked shocked

” Yeah dad, Nathan raped me while I was drunk , made a video and sent it to his friends, that’s why I became hysterical about him the day I saw him here” she said in a low time.

All this while Sophie had held her hand so she would not be scared of talking about this.

Roland instantly became sorry for her, he could not imagine what she had to go through in the hands of the monster, all the anger he felt towards Nathan came rushing back, all he wanted to do at that point was smash his head.

Stephanie began breaking down in tears as she narrated the whole incident that happened in Boston, it felt like Everytime she talked about it it hurt her the more but she gathered herself, she did not want to cry in front of Audrey’s dad.

” So what has been done about this case, did you take it up in court” Roland asked

” No, Nathan’s aunty works in the High court they used her Influence to strike out the case in court” she replied

” Whattt, what rubbish is that?” Roland screamed, he could not believe his ears.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

” Why would they do that?” he asked.

” They all said I was lying that I was the one who came to their son, they said I forced myself on him which isn’t true at all, I did not force myself on their son, he did” She said with tears rolling down her eyes

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