Touch Me While I Taste You

Chapter 38

Chapter 38


Arabella Rivera

“Arabella this is Christian, our new transfer. Christian Arabella, our top student in this school.” Mr. Gibbern said proudly.

Transferring to a new school in your last


Christian’s smile stretches as the blue of his eyes twinkle happily. “Really? Then I’m afraid you’ll have some competition this year Arabella.” The way he said my name was almost like he was tasting it on the tip of his tongue.

His smile was very contagious, which also made me crack a small smile. “I like a little competition.” I stated.

Christian laughs lightly and turns his attention back to Mr. Gibbern. “Seeing that Christian over here is new to this school, he’ll need someone to show him around. Who better to show him than the most reliable student?” Mr. Gibbern boasts.

The ache in my belly because of anxiety,

e ache in my belly because of anxiety, finally eases knowing I wasn’t in trouble but just needed to be a tour guide


“Are you okay with that Arabella?” His bushy brow with tiny white hairs raises i n question.

I shook my head. “I’ll be happy to.”

Anything was better than being in trouble. Besides, he was boasting me quite a lot, so that’s the least I could do.

“Great.” He clapped his hand and brought both his elbows to rest on his cherry oak wooden desk. “You two can be on your way then.” NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Christian rises to his feet, swinging the black bag strap over his shoulder and makes his way over to me. “Thank you

for the opportunity to study here Mr. Gibbern. I promise to beat your top student over here.” Christian jerks his thumb towards me and chuckles.

“Of course, we are honored to have a student like you in our school. Please if you need anything, I am available. As for beating Arabella, good luck.” Mr. Gibbern’s last words were accompanied b

pbern’s last words were accompanied b ya chuckle.

When the door closes behind us with a light thud, I turn to Christian. He was taller than me by quite a few inches, still, his height wasn’t as intimidating as my brooding neighbor. Come to think of it, I had no idea why I had been comparing the two.

“Mr. Gibbern has much faith in you. You must be one of a kind.” Christian smiled, revealing his white teeth. For a second there I thought he had just come out of a teeth whitening commercial.

Wait, was he flirting with me?

Not wanting to dwell on the thought, I answered him with a shrug of the shoulder. “You can say that.”

I outstretched my hands towards him. He only stares at me in confusion, eyebrows pinching together to show exactly that.” Uhm, am I suppose to place my hand in yours?” He chuckles. “Didn’t know that’s how

you guys do it around here.”

“No.Your schedule.” My face was hot,

flaming, my embarrassment showing REDMK like a fine painting. I was very surprised AI QUAD CAMERA

LIBELLE 5: I was very surprised that I had not stuttered. I seem to do that a lot with Haiden.

Again another Haiden comparison. I needed to stop that.

Christians’s mouth part with understanding. “Ohhh.” He drawled out with a laugh. He quickly rummage through his bag and pulled out a neatly folded white paper.

“Here. I kinda just tossed it in when he gave it to me. Come to think of it, it was kinda a stupid move.” He laughs and hands me the paper.

My lips quirked in a smile but I didn’t feel the need to answer. I unfolded the paper, my eyes quickly scanning over the words. A hum left my lips as I noted he nearly had the same classes with me, except for two. Fortunately, we had the same first period.

“Okay, so your locker is next to mine so

that won’t be too hard. We also have a lot of the same classes.” I murmur and lift m y eyes to his.

Christian boyish grin made me smile REDMI NOTE ogsciously. “Great.” He said. eves CO AI QUAD CAMERA

Sual vuyisn grin made me smile unconsciously. “Great.” He said, eyes dancing with happiness.

“Come on, I’ll show you to your locker.” I spoke as I strutted ahead of him. His long legs quickly kept up with my pace. His earthly scent surrounds me as he gets a little closer.

“So Arabella, do your friends have any nicknames for you? Usually, girls with long names like yours have a shortened form of it to be easier on the tongue.” Christian questions.


I swiftly brush the name Haiden calls me, away from my mind. We weren’t friends.

I shrugged, turning to face him a little. “N 0. Why?” Curious as to what prompted him to ask such a question.

Christian shrugs. “Well I assume we’re going to be friends, so I guess I just wanted to know.”

I smirked, eyes dancing with amusement. “Woah calm down, we only just met. I don’t befriend strangers.” Of course I was

joking, Christian’s aura was warm REDMI NO O AI QUAD CAMERA Actricand face


ing, Christian’s aura was warm enough to not raise any red flags. I wouldn’t be surprised if we would actually become friends in a matter of seconds.


He throws a hand over his heart, feigning a look of pain. But the small amused quirk of his lips led on that he wasn’t at all hurt by my words.” Ouch Ella, that hurt.” He grunts.

Ella? Why did the name not sound as pleasing as Bella?

I groan inwardly, hating that even with Haiden not around me, I just can’t stop thinking about him.

Christian then lets out a quick laugh, pulling me out of my tangled thoughts. “I guess you’re right though. You only just met me.”

Christian halts in the middle of the busy hallway, which made me stop also. My brows crinkle in puzzlement as I turn to him. Christian only just smiles and juts out his hand. “Hi, I’m Christian Hayes, Math genius, English Lit genius – “.

I laughed, cutting him off. “Okay I get it,


His blue eyes twinkle with mirth. “A certified genius.” He corrected.

I smiled, giving him a quick handshake.” Hi Christian the certified genius, I’m Arabella. Probably not as genius as you.” I narrowed my eyes mockingly.

We both laugh, dropping our hands to our sides. Christian lifts a hand to scratch the back of his head and grins crookedly. “I guess that was stupid since Mr. Gibbern introduced us already huh?”

I shrugged, still with that stupid smile on my face. “You’re right….but he didn’t mention that you were a certified genius. “I pointed out with amusement coloring my voice.

Christian throws his head back and laughs. I freeze as the scent of cigarette and mint fans over to my nose. A huge body roughly passes between Christian and I, intentionally brushing against Christian viciously enough to have him stagger back.


My heart skips a beat as I watch the brooding boy walk away with his hands i n his pockets. His body look more stiff



phis pockets. His body look more stiff than usual and his aura was as dark and angry as an approaching storm.

He’s here. He’s okay.

Then his actions registered in my mind and my brows crinkle. What the hell was wrong with him?

I turn to Christian, finding his eyes glaring at a retreating Haiden. I cleared m y throat, drawing his eyes away from the intimidating boy. “Sorry, don’t mind him, Haiden can be an asshole sometimes.”

I furrow my brows in thought. “Scratch that, he can be a very big asshole.”

Christian turned around just in time to catch a glimpse of Haiden before he disappeared around the corner. “I know, I live with him.” He turns back to me and mutters in an arid tone, shrugging nonchalantly. “He’s my step-brother.”

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