Their forced luna

Chapter 22

Chapter 22


He was there again. His golden eyes trained on me as he pinned me beneath his weight. "Amanda," he

cooed, nails sinking into my skin. "You'll never get away from me. No matter how many I have to kill or

take apart in front of you, you'll learn this lesson."

"No!" I screamed at him, grabbing at his arm. "Please! I'll behave, I'll stop! You can't!"

He ignored me, nodding for my older sister to be brought in. He got off me, pulling me to my feet by my

hair and thrust my face close. "Say goodbye, Amanda, after this is over, she won't want to even

remember your name."

"Please, I'll do anything. Let Lilith go!"

My hair would probably be wrenched out by its roots but I didn't care. I did my best to struggle to look

back into his cruel eyes. How I hated this monster. "Do it," he ordered, nodding to his men.

"Amanda!" Lilith's scream turned into a shrill shriek, swallowed by the excited laughter and jeers of the

men as they descended on her.

I clenched my eyes shut. I was the worst.

"No, Baby Girl," he scolded me, licking my face and kissing at my neck. "You have to watch, or I'll throw

your mother in there too. She's pregnant with another whelp isn't she? I bet some of my man would

love that."

I forced my eyes open, we were so close I could see everything. The life fading out of her eyes as she

gave up under their touch. Tears streamed down my cheeks.

The bastard laughed into the crook of my neck and bit down hard. The bond wasn't gentle, it sought to

punish me as much as anything this fucker did. It was liquid fire branding my skin, marking me as his

property. His to do whatever he wanted. His free hand slipped to my stomach. "Now that we've righted

that, I think it's time we worked on this. My men will need plenty of obedient little wolves like you in the All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

future. Because you're never going to defy me again, are you, Amanda? Because I'll track you down,

I'll hold you prisoner, and give you the most exquisite pain you've ever imagined while I destroy

everyone you hold dear." He kissed my mark and I fought the wave of nausea threatening me. I never

felt anything but around this man, no matter what he tried to make me. "Submit," he growled into my


The world around me faded away, back into the inky blackness it had come from, and him with it. I

opened my eyes again and I didn't stare into a golden pair, but into Zale's scarlet observant eyes. I

would have thought a color like blood would be scarier than the ones that reminded me of sunlight, but

that wasn't the case. I didn't care what he was trying to do, I jerked forward, diving into his arms, and

almost knocking me backward.

This was what a real mate bond was. True, he could be rough, maybe cruel but it was nothing I couldn't

handle. He wrapped his arms around me, his heart thumping against my cheek. "Amanda?" he

questioned. His voice was a dark growl, but I had a feeling it wasn't aimed at me.

I tilted my head up. "Yes?" I whispered. I didn't have the strength to do more than that. Reliving what

had happened to my sister had been too much.

"You're shaking, and I can tell it's not excitement, even if I haven't claimed you yet. What's wrong?"

I puffed. Should I tell him everything? But, what if he hated me? I'd been selfish running from my pack,

dooming those I cared for by doing it. "A nightmare," I replied softly.

He quirked a brow. "No mere nightmare, tell me," he ordered. His Alpha tone was stronger than what I

was used to.

He completely overwhelmed me with it. I had no choice but to obey. "It was my last mate," I gasped

out. Words I didn't want to say to him. "Not my real one, a forced one."

Zale pushed me away, inspecting me. This was it. This safe haven I had was about to be torn away.

After all, he hadn't claimed me yet, marked me as his own. What reason did he have to protect me?

"Show me."

"Show you what?"

"Your mark."

I shook my head, my fingers going to my neck, to where it used to be. "I got rid of it." I bit my lip. "I can't

tell you how, it's not that I don't want to, I just can't. You'll have to find out on your own somehow?" I

sighed. It would be easier if I could just tell him in detail about it.

"I see," Zale kissed the spot my fingers were, a softer kiss than I was used to from this man. "Move

your fingers," he ordered me, this time not in his Alpha voice.

I had a choice, and I obeyed. Once my fingers were gone, he kissed the spot again, and once more

before his fangs broke through his gums and he sunk them into me, marking me as his own. His power

flowed into me, a source unlike anything else. And it wasn't nausea I felt as the bond settled and my

wolf met his, it was fate. "Zale," I whispered, reaching out and touching his cheek.

He kissed the tips of my fingers. "You're mine now," he growled. "Mine and the ones I choose to let

experience my Luna. Whatever history you had doesn't matter to me. I'll kill every last member of your

old pack once I've acquired all my powers, and you will be at my side as we do it. You'll be the only

voice that spares any of them, and those you do will come to this pack, do you understand?"

Hope beat in my chest. Could my mate really be capable of all that? But wasn't there always a catch to

getting a wish come true? "What do you want from me in return?" I demanded, probably a bit harsher

than I meant to.

He smirked, his kisses turning into nibbles his still elongated fangs shallowly sinking into my fingertips

like needles. "All of you, Amanda. Your obedience, your body, your very soul."

I couldn't turn down an offer like that. I leaned up, kissing him. Wherever he lead, I would be willing to

follow no matter how high the flames got.

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