The Vampire Teacher (GirlxGirl)

Chapter 86: Dream

Chapter 86: Dream

Lucia's POV

Mommy Lucia please wait up for me", LJ scream at me as we run away from my beautiful mate Brenda

. I stop and take a deep breathe and waiting on LJ to catch up with me laughing.

I was so tired and couldn't anymore and I couldn't stop laughing my ass off, my Mate was running down

towards us with a beautiful short white dress on as moves up as the wind blow pass us.

The others was laying down next to the beautiful pool relaxing in the sun while we run around playing

touch touch. I trow myself on the beautiful grass and lay down with my back on the grass closing my

eyes and enjoy the fresh wind blowing in my face and throu my lose hair making me sight and breath


I felt someone laying down next to me also breathing very hard, I smiled knowing that it was my

beautiful baby doll.

"You okay there baby girl? I asked her glancimg at her through my long eyes lashes.

"Yes mommy you a fast runner for a human", she said giggled making me furrowed my bros at her.

I turn and lay down on my stomach with my head on my arms as I look towards LJ still waiting for

Brenda to join us,"what did you just said little girl? I asked her again.

" Sometimes I wonder if you really are a human", she said reminding me on her mother words way

back that she also wonder if I'm a human.

"I won't be anymore not for long darling", I said puting her blond hair behind her ears.

"That will be so cool mom", LJ said with so much enthusiasm making me laugh.

"What's so cool? I heard that beautiful voice of my sexy mate.

"What taken you so long to join us? I asked her feeling her lay down on my back.

I went back to bring you guys something to drink because I saw how tired you were for this little run,

you two must come we need to work out together sometime she said kissing down on my head.

"What do you exactly mean, work out together"? I look at Brenda with furrowed brows.

"That we need to gym together", she said looking at me with her blue eyes.

"You say I'm unfit", I exclaimed pushing her off me hearing LJ laugh next to us.

"Uh huh no I didn't mean....",

"What then, what did you mean huh, Brenda ? I aksed her slapping her arm.

" Yes mommy, what did you really mean? LJ asked through laughter earning a hugr grinn from her

mother making me smile.

"Come on tell me? I aksed her giving her another slap and she got another one from LJ making me

laugh so hard by her face expression, baby you know I didn't mean it that way she said.

"I don't believe you", I said with a frown on my face as I look away from her and took kn of the bottles

she brought for us to drink water.

"You so sexy baby girl." she said trying to kiss me but I push her away trying to concentrate on

mindlinking with LJ.

"Baby girl come on let's throw water on your mother", I said through the mind link giving her her own


"She going to flip", she said smiling down at me.

"Yes that's for saying we are unfit", I tell her and drink a small Mouth of water from the bottel and throw

the others on her, hearing her scream making me flinch by her loud voice.

I stand up from the grass when I heard another scream coming from Her making me laugh as I see the

others watch us with laughters.

"I'm so going to kill you two", she scream. As I run but I know she is going to catch me very soon my

words wasn't even cold yet when j was tackle down to the grass by strong arms holding on me as I

struggle to figth her off me laughing as she starts to tickle me.

"You know is impossible for you to run away from me my love she said while I laughed having her

hands all over me.

"LJ, LJ", I scream hearing her laugh with the others.

"Oh no don't you even try to help your mom, I'm not done with you yet", she said and left me as she

speed up toward LJ hearing her scream as she laughs calling out for my mom to save her from her


My smile was so Wide as I watched at my beautiful small family, my head starts to hurt by how big my

smile was on my face. I was so love by this people and I love them So much their mean every thing to


I groan out when I heard the sound of keys and doors being slam close making me Sad and angry at

the person who spoil my beautiful dream.

I try to flicker open my eyes feeling a sting running through my eyes and head as I close it again trying

to sit up straight but I WAs stop but a huge pain at my back when it all came back to me what had

happen yesterday and where I was as a loud gaspe release from my mouth.

Tears prick out of my eyes when I think of the pain I went through. I couldn't move nothing my back

spine it were broken but still they didn't care they didn't have mercy on me. I was hid again by the stink

smell of this place.

Get up, get up your lazy asses no more laying around I heard a hard deep voice said as it bangs down

on the railings of the cells we were locked up.

I move to sit up straight by the help of someone the beautiful women I met when I woke up yesterday,

"slowly", she said to me as she helps me to stand on my two feets but I could get this nothing

registered in my head, I swear my back spine was broken and it is impossible for me To even move but

how, how.

"Thank you", I said to her with a hurtful smile on my face.

"It's fine, how's your back? she asked me as I furrowed my brows not knowing what to tell her.

" It's fine thou but something is strange", I said trying to get my mind back on what happened when I

brought back here.

"What's that? she asked me.

"Come on, stop talking and dress up", a men with long hair under his chin said looking very gross as I

frown my face at him he look so disgusting.

I pick up the clothes that was thrown down on the floor by this disrespectful pig. It was a black long

sleeve top and a black tracksuit.

I watched at the three guards standing still watching us, "ain't their leaving for us to dress? I aksed the

girl which I don't know her name.

She shakes her head at me as I started to felt uncomfortable to dress myself in front of them,

"Guys can you please just gain us some privacy? she asked them as I watched them looking at me


" Yeh you we not leaving you, so you better hurry up and dress", the one. With the long hair yell at us

making me fkince back a little.

I close my yes hearing my stomach growl as I felt ashamed. I didn't know when was the last time I had

eat something, Brenda where are you? I asked myself down in my heart with eyes close focusing down

on her mind. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

"Lucia you come on, you don't have a choose please dress, I will cover you", she said as I look around

seeing a small little boy with blue eyes staring down at us, "he wasn't here yesterday, oh my God he is

still a kid", I breathe out taking off my bloody dress while looking at the boy with brown curly hair.

"He was but not when you woke up yesterday morning, they brought him last night", she said covering

me as she stand with her back towards me.

"Where's his parents?

"He said they kill them", she said making me get a hard bud in my throat as I look down at him getting a

headache. No child this small has to endure going through this pain and here. I'am.soing nothing I just

wish there. Could be something I could have done he is so small.

His beautiful blue eyes met mine as tears roll out of my eyes as I look down at him, He was so

Beautiful and living in this darkness pit wasn't a good house for a child like him, why oh God he is just

so small.

My mind and eyes was took away from this boy looking so lost empty and vulnerable when hearing the

gates was open and we were push out if this stink cells.

I walk towards the boy and took His small hands in mine feeling him flince making me startled too, "it's

okay I will not hurt you, I have a beautiful little girl back at home her name is LJ", I said smiling down at

him, "is it alright if we can be friends", I ask him.

He look down to the floor as we was push again this time making growl at te the one who just push us

almost making this poor boy to fall.

"Can you just please stop pushing us like animals", I yell at him making him. Screeched.

"You don't tell me, what to do", he said walking towards me a I felt the boy tucking in my clothes telling

to back off.

"I'm not telling you what to do, I asked you not to push us around, rather asked nicely because you

don't know who you mess with", I said standing in front of him Face to.+ Face when I push away from

Him By the girl an dthe boy who both names I don't know.

"Yes Take Her away from Me,Before I kill Her",

"You take too long",I yell Back at him,"dirty mouth",

"What did you just call me? he asked as I heard the groans from the crowds as I stood my place daring

him to try something.

"You heard me, I don't know how your girlfriend kiss you with that dirty hair of yours", I said turning my

back just when the doors open hearing the two other guards laughed at him.

"Bitc....he stuttering out but stop when he saw the doors has been open.

My eyes widen in shock when I saw the same guy who broke my back he is so cruel and I can't stand

looking at him. I felt a small cold hand finding mine as I look down at the boy that look at me looking

scared just like me. Fear was running down his eyes as I hold on his hand tightly pushing him back as I

stand in front of him.

"I hope you all are ready for our next trip", the guy said smiling down at us. I can't wait for Brenda and

the others to smacked that smile from your ugly face I thought.

You", I heard when I lift my head up to look my eyes met yellow ones looking down at me giving me

uncomfortable feelings as I the memories of yesterday flash through me. I was push back when the girl

walk in front of me making me gaspe to see her stand up for me.

"How is it even possible for you to stand? he asked looking very angry as I look away from his face

holding tight on this little boys hands.

" Because I save her", I heard the voice of te girl who step in front of me said as I look at her not

wanting her to go through what I did yesterday as I push her to my back.

"Who told you to do that? he asked walking through the crowd of people towards us as I hold the boy

back standing in front of him.

"Brenda ", I called out in my mind biting down on my lips. I look back at the now angry men standing in

front of me baring out his long sharp teeth at me as try to drink down the bud in my throat butbim not

going to show this guy that I was scared at him I will not show him. I was vulnerable by having him This

close To me.

I felt his stink breathe on my face as he sights and groans out saying nothing. But my heart stopped

with his words captured my heart.

"they say never underestimate vampire mates bound, because of your mate we leaving",he said

walking away from me.

They find us I said to myself feeling the joy in my heart, she is looking for me.

"No matter how many times you run, she will find me and I swear I will let her rip you into pieces", I yell

out to him hearing him. Laugh as tears rool out of my face.

"Now come on get them out of here, time to go", he scream at his guards who start push us making me

growl but just walks not make this little boy fall or myself.

Luke I heard the boy said as I look down at him. With furrowed brows.

"My name is Luke", he said

"Mine is Uriel", the girl walking next to me said.

"I'm Lucia", I said looking down at the boy with a smile on my face.

"You're a human but your mate is a vampire? he asked with a frown on his face as I look at him with


" Yes, and why the frown? I aksed as we walk seeing some light and smell some fresh air hearing

some of others cougs been relieved from that stink. Place.

" I don't like vampire's", he said looking down as he took his hand from mine.

"Why not, what are you? I aksed looking at Uriel not understanding why this little is against vampires.

" I'm a wolf and wolf's and vampire are not in common",he said as I think about his words not knowing

what to say.

I know that but I don't think that's a problem if they ain't in common but why being enemies. We are all

one just maybe different species but I don't see why some of the supernaturals are been enemies with

each others. Ain't we not the same gods children then why hating each other why not becoming one

what had happened that things got so out of control.

"So you won't be my friend because I'm mated to a vampire? I aksed him. Feeling a little sad about it

because I wanted to care for him.

" Yes", he said straight and walk faster to be away from me as I sight feeling the bud grow in my throat.

"It's okay to feel that way", Uriel said next to me, "I understand when you rejected just because you are

some species or you are related to some supernatural",

"I never knew the supernaturals was real and when I find out about it, I wasn't against it because I

wasn't the one to judge or to complain about it.I think it's cool To have powers, it's wonderful really but it

hurts knowing that when a vampire and wolf's meet there will will be war even thou you as a vampire or

a wolf is not against all the species and don't care about being enemies to each other but just because

you are one, you will end up being hate and rejected and that's so unfair towards those who really don't

care"i said feeling her trow her arm around my shoulder.

I wonder if Brenda and her family care about that because if they are enemies with other species I don't

know what I will do.

"This is how it is now dear, it was never like that before and it isn't how our God wanted things to turn

out", she said looking up into the sky when gather outside.

I look around seeing the sun and the blue beautiful sky of our gods wondering if they look down on us

and feel what we going through. My eyes hurt I know I was not so long in the darkness but it did have a

huge infected on my eyes.

I breathe in and out relaxing my shoulders and muscles breathing in the fresh air. My mind drift off to

the dream I had this morning where me and my mate and little girl lays in the grass with wind blowing

through our hair.

I miss them so much i just wish you could came and save me soon Joan. I miss my bed I miss

everything. I wonder what my mom's going through right now is she okay does she cope or is she busy

ripping Brenda's head of making me smile just to think about her as tears roll out of my eyes.

"Lu, Lucia", I heard a voice call for me. Far, far away I scream When I felt someone press on my

shoulders holding my hand on my mouth only to see is Uriel as I look around us.

So many people was captured by this people, they all look so dirty and hurt, childrens, babies and

women and men's we were put on big trucks together. We were all slaves now by this people and no

one is coming out here to save us from them no one no even my own family.

"You okay", she asked me as I look down on her waiting for the others to climb on the back at the truck.

My lip start to tremble as I bit on it tying to hold back my tears, nothing was alright I wasn't alright, I

have a strong family out there who is not even here yet to come and save me save us.

I felt uriel grabbed me into her arms as she holds me tightly as I cry into her arms, I know darling, I

know what you felling what going through your mind but we need to be strong your family is out there

on their way they know wher we are they will Find us dear.

The truck starts to Drive so fast making us fall over the people and others over us as groan and whined

out by how shit the men is diving a baby start to cry and I look up to the woman holding her little pink

baby in her arms as tears roll down my face by this.

"Is the baby all right? I aksed the woman with tears in her eyes looking down at her Baby as she try to

make her still.

" She will be", she said looking up at me and wiping off her tears, "she didn't got hurt she just got

frightening", she said

"Is a girl", I said smiling as I move closer to sit next to the women with green us long black hair with

blind highlights between, to see a better view of the crying baby.

"She's beautiful", I said when my eyes landed on the baby girl as I think of lJ and her cries and

screams when I was taken in front of her.

"Thank you", the mother of the baby said through sobbing.

"It's okay, why don't you give her your breast, doesn't she breastfeed? I aksed.

The women face fell as I look at her, tears starts to roll out of her eyes as I put my arm around her


"I can't give her breast because my breast it's empty, we didn't eat since we left our pack", she said

crying looking at her baby with a hurtful expression.

I look at Uriel after I heard what the women said with tears rolling down my cheeks, she look back at

me also with tears in her eyes. I couldn't understand what was going on here and if no one is going to

find us soon it mean then we going to die of hunger and this poor little baby this is not right what can I

do I'm just a human against this strong wolf's.

I close my eyes and lift my knees so that I can lay my head down on it and focus on Joan's mind. I

clean my mind from All my worries and concentrate on Brenda's .

"I don't know if you can hear me but you need to find us soon Brenda , we leaving because I heard you

are on your way, please just hurry up,. here's children and babies and i can't stand to see them going

through this, please baby please save us", I cry out to Brenda still pressing my head down on my

knees and still concentrating to connect with her.

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