The Vampire King’s Captive

The kiss

BRANContent © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

He paused when he stepped into the room, allowing his eyes to adjust to the darkness.

The rain was hitting the window faster and thunder boomed high in the sky. Lightning flashed just then, light trickling in through the window, from the space between the curtains. In the short flash, his eyes snagged on Maria’s small form on the bed.

Was she sleeping?

Wanting to see her better, he reached for the light switch and flicked it, turning it on. Light filled the room and Bran’s eyes immediately landed on the one thing he sought. Or person in this case.

He was shocked to see that she was already staring at him-through slitted eyes. She was lying on one side of the bed with the sheets pulled up to her chin. When he’d walked into the room, he had thought that she would be sleeping what with the lights off and the view of her curled on the bed, so he was quite surprised to see that she had lifted her head from the bed and was glaring at him.

What reason did she have to look at him like that?

Then he remembered that he’d gone down to meet his ex-lover right after she’d literally begged him not to.

Wait. Ex?

Since when was Elizabeth his ex-lover? They still met as far as he knew. So where had that suddenly come from?

Deciding to ignore her, which wasn’t an easy thing considering that he could see her luscious form under the sheets, he closed the door and walked into the room, going to the other side of the bed to sit down and went to work on taking off his boots. Everytime he saw her now, he couldn’t help but think about how she really looked under the clothes she wore and he also couldn’t help but remember how she’d looked when she’d make herself come.

Christ, he couldn’t remember any of the women he’d ever been with being bold enough to do something like that. Bare themselves in front of a man and let him watch them while they touched themselves. The women he’d been with had all been shy and demure-at least they acted that way with him-and they’d all been focusing on doing whatever he wanted, on getting him off, instead of taking their own pleasure.

He hated that she was the first woman that had acted differently, and now that moment was imprinted on his brain forever. And forever was a long time for an immortal.

Speaking of, she was still a mortal, and he didn’t know how long they could go without food. She had not eaten in days. Was that something he should be worried about?

He didn’t care. But he also couldn’t have her dying just yet.

“Did you ask the maid to bring you food?”

“No.” She snapped. “Turn the light off, I’m trying to sleep.”

His eyes narrowed at her tone and he paused in the act of taking his second boot off. Absently tossing the boot way, he turned to her. “What?”

Unfazed, she repeated her words. “I said turn the light off. I’m trying to sleep.”

“Do you realise I’m not your fucking maid?”

“Didn’t say you were.” She replied in that same snappy tone, her eyes narrowing even farther. “You turned the light on when you walked in and it’s only right that you turn it back off.”

Arrow of flames shot from her eyes and she loomed very much like she wanted to kill him. If looks could kill, Bran would be flat on the ground, fire licking across the remnants of his skin as she slowly turned into ashes. And, hell, he was getting hard.


Her brows rose in disbelief. “No?”

“No,” He repeated, wanting to what she would say next. Dying to hear the next words that would come out of her mouth. Her fire was terribly hot and all-consuming, and he wanted nothing more than to burn in it.

“Don’t fucking test me tonight, vampire. I have had it with you and I’d strongly advise against testing me tonight.” She hissed, sitting up on the bed and the sheets falling to her thighs.

She was wearing a big purple T-shirt and his eyes immediately locked on her nipples poking through the shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Fuck. Well, somewhere along the journey, she’d ditched her bra because suddenly, her nipples started to become more prominent and they’d tortured him alot, but now that his control was already fraying, it seemed to taunt him even more.

He was strung tight and batting the worst case of blue balls he’d ever dealt with. He was attracted to her. Immensely. And being in close quarters with her only built that attraction because when she was near, she was the only thing he could think about. He’d been perfectly fine ignoring his wayward dick until she’d almost kissed him in that cave. Then, she’d made things even worse by deciding to have that bath.

He would never be able to explain what seeing her body in all its glory under that water had done to him. To see the water running down her body, caressing all the parts of her that he wished he could touch, then to see her touching herself and making herself come?

Now that he knew what she looked like when she came, he wanted nothing more than to see it again.

And he was going to have to share a room with her.

Good times.

“Eyes up here.” She snapped, pulling him back to the present and dragging his eyes back to her.

He scowled, angry that she’d caught him staring. “Don’t snap at me like I’m your dog.”

“Don’t stare at me like I’m your…” She trailed off, unable to come up with a word. “Whatever. Just don’t stare at me like that.”

Curious, he asked, “Like what?”

“I don’t know.” She huffed, looking away from him. He caught the faintest sign of a blush on her cheeks and it had his cock shooting hard as iron as it made him curious.

“Like what, princess?” He rasped, a haze of list covering his vision as he watched her.

He’d never met a more beautiful female. With a head full of hair as dark as night and lips as pink as the inside of his favourite fruit. Lips that were currently pulled downward as she nibbled on her plump lower lip-that maddening thing she did that made him crazed with the need to part those lips and replace her teeth with his.

“Like you like what you see.” She finally admitted softly.

He frowned. Wasn’t that obvious?

“But I do like what I see.”

Her eyes jumped to his, surprise evident in the greys. “You do?”

Was that doubt in her voice? It was. How could she even doubt that? Surely, she knew the kind of body she had.

“Of course. More than I’d like.” He found himself admitting. He didn’t know why he was telling her this. He was probably just giving her amour to use against him and he was undoubtedly going to regret it later, but for some reason, he felt the need to admit those truths to her right now.

She watched him for a bit, her eyes untrusting, before she looked away, staring at her hands. “But you don’t act like you do.”

“I don’t act like I do doesn’t mean I don’t.”

“Well, why do you?”

“Why else?” He snapped, suddenly angry. “Because you’re a vile, evil sorceress and I know better than to touch you with a ten foot pole.”

He’d forgotten what they were for a short period of time. It was so easy for one to forget the kind of evil she was capable of when she was like this-small, innocent and so fucking beautiful it actually pained him to look at her. And he’d forgotten himself completely just now. He’d forgotten who they were to each other. That she was the person who’d killed his parents and taken his sister. He’d forgotten that she was the one who had rendered the vampire realm kingless for months.

“Good to know. I wouldn’t want your cold, dead hands touching me anyway.” Maria spat, her eyes hard and filled with anger. The softness of her voice and her frame had disappeared, and now, her shoulders were tense and hunched up to her ears.

She thought his hands were cold?

He smirked. “Princess, cold is the last thing you’d feel if I ever touched you.”

A brow lifted and a mocking smirk touched her lips. “Prove it th-”

His last thread of control snapped.

She didn’t get the time to finish her statement because Bran’s arm shot out, wrapping around her upper arm and hauling her across the bed until she was sitting beside him, then he wallowed her gasp of surprise as he slammed his lips against hers.

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