The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 483 -

~CLARA~This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

I woke up with an excruciating headache. It was so horrible that I could barely open my eyes. I took one long look at my surroundings, and everything flowed back to me all at once. I gasped and tried to cover my mouth with my hands when I realized that my hands were bound together.

Where the hell did that man take me? I was so shocked to find out Nicole was pregnant that I hadn't realized a vehicle was following me. Then, it pulled in front of my car, forcing me to stop. I close my eyes as the heartache shuts through me like a knife. Even under these circumstances, I was still very much heartbroken because of Alaric's betrayal. What hurt the most was finding out that he was never the man I always thought that he was. The image of him that I had in my head was a complete lie, and I couldn't come to terms with it.

Why was I even thinking about Alaric at a time like this? I was locked in a room, and I was absolutely positive that I'd been kidnapped. Why would anyone even want to kidnap me? Unless it were Nicole, I wouldn't be surprised if she hired someone to get rid of me. She was fully capable of doing something like that.

The door opens suddenly, and I don't see the man who drugged me. Instead, this person looks much older.

"You're finally awake." He says to me. "Before I answer why you are here, let me first introduce myself to you. My name is Gideon Blackner."

The man sent a chill down my spine, not in a good way. The name Blackner was very familiar to me. Where have I heard of it before? It was quite a unique name and a name I don't think I would ever forget.

"I never asked you." I snap.

Maybe pissing off my kidnapper was not a very good idea right now. However, I was pissed that I'd been taken against my will.

Why was life messing with me so badly? It felt like I couldn't get a bloody break from this mess.

"Yes, it would seem that you didn't. But still, I chose to tell you because you needed to know." He continues.

"Why would I?" I demand from him.

He smiles and walks closer to me, "It just so happens that you are my son's mate."

I narrow my eyes, "that's impossible. How do you even know that?"

"It doesn't matter how I know; all that matters is that you listen to what I have to say." He tells me with his hands behind his back.

What exactly did this creepy old man want from me?

"Well, keep talking, you're wasting my valuable time."

He chuckles, "Are you not afraid at all, girl?"

I was indeed fearful for my life, but my broken heart was more painful than death itself, and maybe I wasn't even scared of dying because of it. But it didn't sound like this man wanted to kill me. If I was his son's mate, like he assumed, wouldn't he want to keep me safe for his son's happiness?

"No." I lie. "Did you bring me here in hopes that I would marry your son? Because if that is your intention, you should know that I am not interested in your family problems. It has nothing to do with me. I have my own life, and I can assure you that my family will be looking for me soon."

He laughs, and it sends another chill down my back. His laughter wasn't the kind that lit up a room; it was the kind that made you want to run and hide.

This man was pure evil, I could tell.

"What gave you such a foolish idea, girl?" He asks, still laughing.

"Then why would you bring me here? What other reason could there be?" I ask. "I'm not interested in your son. I do not need a mate."

He sighs, "I think you have it all mistaken. Have you not heard of the Blackners? We are the only family of werewolves that refuse to have mates. We've made the decision that mates are only for the weak. Since you are my son's mate, do you really think I would bring you here for the reasons you just stated?"

My eyes widened, and my body shook with a new kind of fear.

That name, I knew I heard of it before.

The inhumane Blackners. They were some of the most insane werewolves to ever exist. They knew nothing about love and mates.

"Judging by your expression, I'm sure that you've heard of us already." He smiles. "Now it's time for us to get down to business."

Get down to business? What the hell did he mean by that?

"After I use you to test my son's loyalty to me, I will have no choice but to get rid of you myself." He says with a smile.

G-get rid of me?

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