The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 31.

Eva ✰

“And the male slides his member into the warm wetness of the female, like so.” I watch in horror as

Selena makes the Barbie and Ken doll do things that these childrens toys are definitely not designed to


“Please stop.” Honestly I would laugh if I wasn’t so uncomfortable, she’s supposed to be teaching me

about fated mates not sex.

“I thought you wanted to know about this stuff,” she drops the dolls to the side and drops herself on the

small cream sofa. “Cas said he wanted me to teach you about all of this.” She waves her hand over the

medical d ildo, condoms and multiple pamphlets on STD’s.

“What exactly did he say?” I pick up one of the pamphlets and drop it again when I see it’s talking about

spots and oozing around the vagina. “I can’t imagine he wanted you to talk to me about all of this, I’m

not blooming with experience but I know what sex is. I can’t imagine shifters can get STD’s anyway.”

“He just said, ‘Eva needs to know about the birds and the bees’ and then he ran from the room like a

twelve year old boy.” I have to give it Selena, if I didn’t know anything about sex, I would now. “And

shifters can get STD’s, most shifters are monogamous to their mate but for the odd one who sleeps

around it can happen.”

“Alright,” I draw the word out as I turn away from all the gross looking pamphlets. “I just really want to

know about mates, I never got taught. about them and my wolf keeps telling me Cas might be my

mate.” I can feel myself going red as I admit to Selena that I have a connection to



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her Pack.

‘He is your mate, no might about it.’ I nod my head at Ghost as Selena gets this joyous look on her


“You and Cas, oh my Goddess. This is amazing!” I wish I could share in her joy but to me it just sounds

like I’m being chained to yet another male, “having a mate is amazing. Once you are connected you Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

can speak to him via a link only you two share but it’s more than that. There is this connection that is

hard to explain, he will love you and only you forever, you will only ever need each other. If one of you

needs something the other will give it, I don’t know how to explain it.” I put my hand in Selena’s as she

starts to get really excited.

“Slow down.” I smile at her in what I hope is a reassuring way, “I just want to know what my options are.

How badly would this hurt Cas if I was to reject the mating?”

“You can’t, please don’t.” Selena’s beautiful pale blue eyes go wide with worry, “not only is it bad to

reject him because he’s an Alpha but also for cas specifically. The man has been rejected by every

person who is supposed to love him unconditionally, he needs you and he’s waited a long time for you.”

I can suddenly feel the guilt settle in my stomach like a led ball. “Please just think about it.”

“Can we get some food down here? I’m starving.” I look up at the ceiling, I can hear the people walking

around above us and I don’t think I’m ready to go up there and meet them all.

“You can’t stay hidden down here forever, how about we grab some food and go and sit in the garden?

Only the odd person comes out into the Pack garden anyway.” I like that idea so I nod my head and

follow Selena as she starts up the stairs. It’s been a while since I’ve sat outside. and just soaked up the

sun, I don’t think I’ve actually done it since I



Umega Chapter 31.

was at the Swiftmane Pack.

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As soon as I enter the lounge at the top of the Pack stairs, three sets of eyes turn to me, they linger on

me for a second before they go back to what they were talking about.

“See, not as interesting as you thought.” Selena smiles at me in a way I can’t help but smile back at

her, “come on, let’s go see what Sally is making.” Walking out of the lounge and along the hall to the

kitchen we pass two males both eating sandwiches and running towards the front door, I barely get a

good look at them before they are gone from sight.

“Who are they?” I ask Selena as we enter the kitchen.

“Oh don’t mind them dear, just the warriors getting some food on the run. What can I do for you

ladies?” Sally always seems to have a smile for me whenever I see her and today is no different. She

has spots of flour on her face and her hazel eyes, while surrounded by age lines, are no less bright and


“I was going to take Eva to eat in the garden, any chance you can accommodate?” I sit down on one of

the breakfast bar stools as Selena


“Oh I’m sure I can rustle up something, how about some cheese and salad sandwiches with some

fruit?” I nod my head at Sally as my stomach growls in agreement, “and that’s my cue to rush.” I

chuckle a little as Sally starts to fly around the kitchen.

“Where are the other girls?” I ask while looking around the kitchen, the last time I was in here Sally had

maybe five younger females helping her out.

“Three of them are at school and the other two didn’t show up for their


Rogue Umega Chapter 31.

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shift, I’ll have Cas chase them down later. The sooner that man gets a Beta the better for me.” As

Selena and Sally chat about the merits of having a Beta I watch the different people come and go from

the kitchen. None of them say more than a mutter ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’, none of them give me a

second glance, if they wonder who I am then they don’t outright say it.

“I’ve been worried about nothing.” I don’t realise I’ve spoken out loud until Selena puts her hand on


“If only someone had told you that,” I smile at Selena as Sally pushes two brown bags towards us.

“Enjoy ladies.” We wave goodbye as we head out into the garden, I try to ignore the cell block but it’s

such an eye sore that you can’t help but notice it.

“Why was that built there? It seems so out of place for such a lovely garden.” I look around as Selena

leads us to a small table and chair set up in the grass. There are a few picnic tables dotted around but

nothing else to show this is a well used area.

“Honestly, I have no idea. I know Ca s’s father wanted it there but I wasn’t part of the Pack when it was

built.” I bite into the sandwich Sally gave me and moan as the flavours hit my tongue.

“You’re not from Everfur?” I don’t know why but I just assumed Selena was an Everfur native.

“I actually grew up in Darryl’s Pack, I met Rowan when he came to see his Grandmother and the rest

as they say is history. I followed that man back here the very day I met him and I’ve never looked

back.” It’s not hard to miss the happiness written on her face, she’s practically beaming as she

remembers meeting Rowan.



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“And we miss her everyday.” I turn around to see Cas, Rowan and Darryl all walking towards us, “nice

to see you up and about Eva.” I smile at Darryl as he sits down next to Selena, Rowan and Cas grab

chairs from another table and bring them over to us.

“Nice to see you outside Angel, did you have a nice talk with Selena?” As if we planned it, me and

Selena both throw a napkin at Cas and laugh at his fake shocked face.

“I take it the ladies have made up.” Rowan leans in and drops a kiss on Selena’s cheek, I continue to

eat my sandwich as the guys chat about John and how they can help him.

‘Goddess this is suffocating.’ Ghost complains loudly as Cas reaches under the table and squeezes my


‘I’ve never had this, it’s kind of nice actually.’ I tell her as I squeeze his hand and smile at him.

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