The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 25.

✩ Eva✩

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“I didn’t realise how cold it had gotten.” I’ve only been at the Packhouse for a little under two weeks and

there is already snow on the ground.

“It tends to do that in the winter.” I look down at my hands in shame as Cas looks in his rearview mirror,

I don’t know how I ended up in the front seat but Cas keeps looking in his mirror like he wishes Sookie

was up front instead.

“Alright ladies,” Cas turns the car off as we finally park up in an ice covered car park in front of a mall

called ‘Winterfall Shops’. “Where to first?” I wait for one of the two women in the back to answer but

after a couple of minutes no one speaks, looking up from my hands I see Cas is looking at me. “Where

to first Angel?”

“I don’t know.” I say quietly, a giggle from the backseat tells me Sookie finds my answer rather


“How about toiletries? Get the boring stuff out of the way?” I nod my head at Selena’s suggestion, it will

be nice to have some stuff to wash my hair in. Ca s’s shampoos and soaps are nice a minty smelling

but they don’t do much for my long locks.

Walking into the shopping centre is an interesting experience, I’ve never seen so many happy people in

one place. Teenagers are laughing and chatting, women are going from shop to shop and men are

standing around waiting for their women to be done. It’s all so normal




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 25.

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reads the back of the package.

“Selena go find me some male scent ones, I don’t feel like an Argan and Camellia Oil kind of guy.”

Selena just beams at us as she bounces off looking for more shampoo bars.

“Personally I don’t see the point, all goes down the drain after the shower.” I almost forgot Sookie was

with us as she drops hairspray, fake nails and three packets of mascara into the basket. Given the

glowing tan to her skin, of which most can be seen in her tiny crop top and denim short shorts, I’m

surprised a couple tins of fake tan aren’t being thrown in too. “I like the one you use now.” Sookie runs

her finger down Ca s’s arm while looking up at him with seductive eyes, I have to look away as a pain

starts right in the centre of my chest.

My feet hurt by the time we leave the fourth store, I’ve lost count of how much I’ve spent but the receipt

for each purchase has been put into the bags, I’ll just add it up later. Cas refuses to let me carry any of

the bags and is currently looking very much like a pack horse with all the bags of clothes, shoes and


“Are you sure you don’t want me to carry one?” I ask for maybe the third time, he just shakes his head

at me as Selena grabs my arm and pulls me towards Victoria Secret. “Oh, I don’t need anything from


“Don’t you wear panties?” Cas just laughs as he parks himself on a bench just outside of the store.

“I’ll wait here ladies.” I don’t get a chance to answer as Selena pulls me into what looks like a man’s

wet dr eam, honestly they didn’t even have this much lace backstage at the Dragon’s Flame. I follow

Selena over to the more subdued looking panties and start to look for my size, I’ve always been a fan

of the peekaboo style panties, g-strings and thongs



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 25.

1288 Vouchers

don’t really do anything for me.

“You want something like these.” Sookie holds up some panties that look more like pieces of string than

actual panties.

“Not really my thing.” I can feel the blush creeping up my face as I imagine wearing something that


“I prefer the booty short types.” Selena holds up some blue lace booty shorts, they are sex y while still

totally practical.

“I don’t need se xy, just some plain panties will be just fine.” I start looking around me for some simple

multi packs but this whole shop seems to be lace on lace, I don’t see anything for the normal woman.

“It’s about feeling good for you and you never know, maybe in the future you might want some se xy

ones.” I ignore Selena as I notice some girls from the strip club, they are over by the corsets and seem

to be on a shopping trip. I quickly spin around and leave the store, I hear Selena behind me as I run

over to Cas.

“What happened?” Cas sounds angry as he leaves the bags by the bench and puts his hands on my

upper arms. “Eva, look at me.” All I can seem to hear is the blood rushing into my head as I wonder if

the girls saw me, if they did they will tell Jeremy. “Selena what the hell happened? She’s shaking.”

“I don’t know, we were chatting and then she just bolted like she had seen a ghost.” I feel Selena touch

my back and I jump about a mile in the air.

“Go back to the shop and get what she needs, we’ll meet you and Sookie in the car. Give me at least

twenty minutes.” I don’t hear Selena’ s response as Cas pulls me a little and I start walking alongside

him, I can’t see anything around me, everything feels like it’s crushing down

on top of me and I can’t seem to catch my breath. My palms are sweating and I can feel my heart

beating out of my chest, all I can think is that my time is up and Jeremy will know where I am now.

“Angel, look at me.” Ca s’s hands are back on the tops of my arms but I can’t seem to raise my head, I

can feel my breath seesawing in and out of me and my chest is starting to hurt. “Eva!” My head snaps NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

up as he shouts at me, his green eyes hold me captive, “good, now I want you to breathe with me, in

and out.” It takes a while but I keep following his breathing until I feel my heart rate come down and

blood stops rushing around my head. I can now feel the cold of the air around me, except for the place

Ca s’s hands are holding me. He’s only touching the tops of my arms but it feels like I can feel him all

over my body. “That’s it, good girl. Now when you feel ready, can you tell me what happened?” I nod

my head at him as I continue to copy his breathing, I don’t know why but when Cas praises me it’s like

a warmth that fills me up from the inside.

“I saw some girls from the club, in the store.” My voice is shaky but I’m kind of proud I can even make

words right now.

“So you panicked that they would recognise you?” I nod my head at Cas, he looks over my head and

smiles down at me. “Well I don’t think they did or they would have followed you, Selena and Sookie are

coming now. Let’s get you home, I’m proud of you for calming down.” My heart rate skyrockets for a

different reason as he leans in and places a quick and simple kiss on my forehead.

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