The Royal Maid And The Lost Kingdom



Alice POV

I woke up with a start, feeling disoriented and confused. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, trying to make sense of what had happened the other night. It was all a bit fuzzy and still all a blur in my mind, I gasped loudly as one thing stood out in my memory- the kiss, my first kiss and it was with no other person but Prince Edward. I could not believe this; I had always dreamed of giving my first kiss to my husband. I had saved it for a reason, and even though it’s not frowned upon if you had kissed before, I wanted to give something special to my husband and now it’s gone.

I felt a pang of regret and sadness in my chest, this was supposed to be something special, saved for the person I would marry. Nut now those ‘virgin lips’ were no longer mine to give. As I got dressed and went about my morning routine, my mind kept wondering to a pair of blue eyes and to that kiss and the feeling of guilt and disappointment could not be shaken off. I was after all a maid in the palace and I was not supposed to be involved with the Prince, it was another thing if he screams or make my life frustrating but this?

What if someone were to find this out, then would that not mean that I would land myself in an even bigger trouble. I went to the kitchen and the day went fairly normal except for the fact that Edward had not sent for me to attend to him today, was I thinking much into it then yes I was.

“Alice, you have a visitor.” I turned and I saw Meredith standing at the entrance to the kitchen, she was looking at me confused.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“A knight, or rather the Female Knight Ambrosia.” She told me, I smiled at her and the confusion intensified.

“Oh, well she helped me out yesterday and dropped me off at the castle.” I told her, I was not about to tell her that I got drunk and I had to take a lot of herbs today to clear my hangover.

“Well, just be careful okay, and I’m sure you know that she is attracted to same gender as her right?” She nodded as she told me. I was mild shocked, because I just thought it was circulated around when she refused to have sex with a superior officer to get a promotion.

“Ah…… well…. Yes, I think so.” I said, I mean she was not even the one in my mind because every time I close my eyes all I see is the blue eyes staring at me and the word Fuck before I get shivers all over my body. I felt guilty because I got Stuart in trouble and here was I feeling this emotion for the enemy, or so I say to convince myself because my mind no longer recognizes him like that. How does one action change so much.

“Well go quickly, you do not keep a knight waiting.” She told me, I smiled and I left her presence.

Sometimes I feel like she was teaching me how to act noble but that was just a fragment of my imagination, at least the nightmare did not come last night and I was happy. I walked out and saw Ambrosia standing near her horse, her height attracted a lot of attention on her but she does not seem to notice as she sent a wide smile my way.

“Miss Ambrosia.” I bowed to her, she laughed as her eyes racked me over.

“It’s good to see you standing on your feet and in clean cloths.” She teased, my cheek turned red as I recalled how I was yesterday when I saw her.

“Thank you. What brings you here though.” I asked her.

“Oh I came to see if you were alright and to make sure Edward had not caused you any trouble.” She replied as she looked at me searching for something. My mid played what happened last night vividly for a brief second, it took all of me not to blush furiously.

“None of that my lady.” I told her, she stared for a moment before she smiled. She then nods and climbed on her horse.

“Well then, I have to go and meet the company welcoming Prince Andrew home. And you my dear we will see some other time. Till then stay out of trouble and perhaps gather your thoughts on how you feel about him… heyaha” She said and she turned around galloping away.

I stood there for some minutes, what does she mean by I should gather my thoughts, for whom? Stuart? but I already told her yesterday that he was not my love interest. Wait she could not have meant…………… I looked to the distance in the direction in which she had gone to. No… that is not possible, I shook my head as I turned around and walked back to the kitchen. But then just as quickly as Prince Edward had entered my life he was gone. No call or anything for the past two days and before where I would have been happy, now I was worried and curious. My mind was thinking of these when I entered the kitchen.

“Alice.” Roxane called me,Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“Hey Roxane. How are you?” I asked politely not having that much mental strength at the moment.

“I’m fine I’m fine,” She said waving her hand all around. “Heard the latest rumour?” She asked, I laughed inwardly before I turned to her knowing she already knew what the rumours were and she just wanted to pass it off to me.

“Hmm…. No I do not think so. Who is it about?” I complied to her unspoken request.

“It’s about Prince Edward.” She said, my heart sounded louder for a second, I turned to her fully.

“The prince? what of him.” I tried to tamper my curiosity as I asked her.

“Well, the rumour said that he suddenly woke up few days back and packed up. He told the King and Queen that he would be gone for a while to visit his friend, few days before the crown prince comes into the kingdom…………” Her voice faded from my mind. He left? Was it because of me? I walked away feeling really mentally drained, he left? After he made me this confused he left. Just like that he left, was I not supposed to be happy? I was always trying to run from him after all.

‘What if I told you Edward loves you’ that was what the Queen said, had she seen something before she said that to me? ‘Gather your thoughts on how you feel about him.’ Miss Ambrosia had told me recently.

But what was I feeling for him, I just feel a sense of emptiness. I heard whispers around the palace that he had vanished. I was left wondering what it all meant

Days passed and Prince Edward vanished from the Palace, leaving me to ponder what that kiss had meant. Was it just a moment of weakness for him? Or was there something deeper behind it? Was it just a passing moment of lust for him? Or was there something more to it? I was torn between wanting to forget it all and longing to know more. My musings were soon interrupted by the buzz of activity in the Palace.

The next few days were a blur as the palace prepared for the arrival of Prince Andrews, Prince Edward’s older brother

Everyone was bringing their best to the table, preparations were underway for the arrival of Prince Edward’s older brother, Prince Andrew. I couldn’t help but feel a flicker of curiosity about this new prince. The excitement and anticipation in the air was palpable, and it was all anyone could talk about. I tried to focus on my work and stay out of the way, but I couldn’t help but feel nervous.

What if Prince Andrews was nothing like his brother? What if he was strict and unapproachable? Or what if he was the older version of how Edward was right now. As the day of Prince Andrews’ arrival approached, the palace was buzzing with activity. Every room was being cleaned and decorated, every meal was being prepared with extra care. I was assigned to help with the preparations, and I threw myself into my work, hoping to take my mind off of everything else.

The day finally arrived and Prince Andrews was welcomed into the palace, we all stood as he walked in, from how he walked it was obvious that he was the serious brother among the two. Andrew himself was a commanding figure, with a muscular build and broad shoulders. His auburn hair was styled neatly, framing his chiselled face and complementing his warm brown eyes. His thick eyebrows gave him a serious and intelligent look, while his charming smile disarmed anyone who met him. It was clear to me that Prince Andrew was a natural leader, confident and sure of himself.

The King threw a party and a lot of nobles were present, my heart went to wherever Stuart was because I knew he would have been here if he was in the kingdom. I saw Lady Ambrosia and she was one of the Prince’s faithful followers. She looked at me and smiled at me before she walked to a fair skinned lady who smiled before giving her a peck on the lips. I saw that their actions were intimate and I just concluded that it was either her wife or her girlfriend, the more I looked the more my headache grew again.

Still I remembered the prince and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. He was nothing like his younger brother. He was cold and aloof, with piercing blue eyes that seemed to judge everyone he looked at. I could feel the tension in the air, and I knew that things were going to be different from now on

It had been a while I had the headaches but I think they came back with a vengeance. I saw their image overlapping with two different people acting all intimate also, I saw a male and female with crowns on their head. I kept on shaking my head but it persisted, I jumped when I felt someone touch me.

“Are you alright Alice.” I heard as my vision cleared I saw Meredith and Ambrosia with her plus one looking at me worriedly.

“Yes, just have a slight migraine.” I told them, I could not convince myself with that clumsy lie and I know that they were not fooled but they dropped it.

“Well, do take care of yourself and come see me anytime for anything okay? My doors are always open for you.” Meredith said with concern before she left me, I could not blame her. Madam Teresa was still not back in the castle and all the work loads of hers and her own merged was on her head.

“Of course. Thank you Meredith.” I told her and she gave me a lovely smile. She had flipped once when I called her Madam, she told me she hated it and I should never call her that, be it private or public. She left but Ambrosia and her lady remained.

“Good evening My Lady.” I bowed to her and her date.

“Evening Alice, meet my lover Daphne.” She said introducing the lady to me. Daphne in turn gave me a sweet smile.

“So you are the Alice she won’t shut up her mouth about for a few days now.” She joked, I blushed as I stared wide at the said knight.

“Oh come on, don’t say it like that, I just find her interesting to have caught the eye of Edward nothing more.” She told her lover. They shared a laugh while I stood right in front of them awkward.

“But you really do not look that good dear. Is everything alright?” Ambrosia asked me as they turned to me at once.

“Ahh…… yes of course I am my lady. Thank you” I replied and they nodded. I knew they were about to coniine the conversation with me but I made an excuse and I left them. The party lasted throughout the night but I retired to my room earlier than the rest as I was able to get permission from Meredith, some would call it abuse of power because I knew her but I could care less with the tiredness in my bones. Yet as I was about to drift asleep all I could think about was not my headaches nor the nightmares nor the battles that comes to mind but a particular blue eyed man with blond hair.

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