The Rejected Werewolf Princess

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

After I finished eating, Eve gave me some medicine that was supposed to numb the pain but it ended up knocking me right out. I was already a little exhausted so it wasn't hard for me to fall right asleep.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I was woken up later on by Eve to have lunch, I can barely remember the details of her visit because I was still half asleep but I remember Ryker standing in the corner of the room. As soon as I was done eating, I fell asleep again.

I finally awoke around nighttime and it was at that moment I realized I hadn't taken a bath all day. I decided to try to make my way into the bathroom. It was a chore to get my foot and the floor and the moment I did, I felt a sharp pain shoot up my entire left leg. The pain blinded me for a second and when it had cleared, I noticed Eve and Ryker standing at the door to my room.

I didn't even realize I had made any sounds until I saw their panicked expressions. Ryker came over to me and crouched down until we were eye level.

"Do you have an uncanny desire to hurt yourself?" he was scolding me but his voice wasn't overly harsh, "Lucy gave you one job and that was to stay off your foot and elevate it."

"I haven't taken a bath all day," I muttered under my breath, "I just wanted to feel clean."

Understanding dawned on his features and I heard him let out a heavy sigh before he turned to Eve, "Draw a bath for her."

She wasted no time in running into the bathroom and it was a few minutes before she returned and gave him a nod to acknowledge that she had done as he asked. He picked me up with a hand underneath my knees and another supporting my back and he led me into the bathroom.

He sat me on the wooden counter, "I'm going to have to undress you but I swear I will not look."

I weighed my options and realized that he was my best bet. There was a very little chance that Eve could actually carry me into the bathroom and even if I say that I want Eve to undress me, he would still have to be the one to carry me in which means he will still see my body. I swallowed deeply and gave a short and barely visible nod.

I saw still in my training wear with the ripped pants. I thought he would ask me to lift my hips but instead, he gripped the pants between both hands and in one sharp tug, they fell off my body. I gasped at the sudden movement because I was not expecting him to do that. Next, he fisted the bottom of my shirt and pulled it right over my head. Regardless of his promise, I expected him to peek a look but his eyes never strayed further than my face.

Once he was done, he picked me up again and slowly lowered me into the tub making sure to keep my injured leg above the water. He retreated from the bathroom and returned with a clear wrap and he wrapped it around the bandage presumably to protect it from the


He turned his back to me so I could have a semblance of privacy as I washed myself. A part of me wanted to rush it so I could get out of this slightly awkward situation but another part of me- the dominant part-just wanted to take my time so I could wash off all the dried sweat, grime and dirt that had stuck to my skin.

By the time I was done, I cleared my throat slightly and Ryker returned with a towel in his hands. He picked me up using the towel and deposited me back in bed after which he finally excused himself from the room.

Eve sprung into action after he had left. She dried me off and wouldn't listen to me when I assured her that I could do it myself. When she was done, she helped me put on a long white nightgown that was made from the softest silk. It was very light so it highlighted my nipples and if you looked hard enough, you could see my creamy skin underneath.

When I was cleaned and dressed, I was laid back in bed with my foot elevated. It wasn't even up to one day and I was already tired of being in bed but I knew it was for the best if I wanted to get healed.

Eve left to get me some dinner and when she returned, Ryker was nowhere to be seen. I wanted to ask where he was because this was the first time since I got hurt that he left my presence according to Eve but I didn't want to seem like I was too interested.

I was so distracted that it took almost twice as long to finish my food. Eve even asked once if I enjoyed the food or if she should get me something else. I assured her that it was fine and that was when understanding dawned on her features.

"He's fine," she told me, "He probably just went out on a run or a walk."

"I didn't ask about anyone."

"You didn't have to," she said with a sly smile, "It's obvious that you're worried about him bug he's fine; he hasn't left your side since you got hurt."

I wouldn't admit it but hearing that brought a strange feeling to my belly. It felt good to know that someone cared enough about me to watch over me not just because they were being paid to do it but because they actually wanted to and because they were worried. "He will be back before you know it," she promised me, “Just you wait and see."

She took the empty tray from me and placed the painkillers on my nightstand along with a bottle of water.

"This knocks me straight out," I told her as I stared at them.

"Lucy said they're just normal over the counter human medication," she explained, "But you don't have to take it now; you just have to take it before you go to bed."

"Thank you Eve," I said when she had reached the door, "For everything today; I am truly grateful."

"We stick out for one another; don't we?" with one last smile in my direction, she shut the door behind her leaving me in complete silence.

I waited in the silence for a few minutes, wondering when Ryker would return. I don't know how long I had waited but I started to feel a little drowsy so I had decided to take the pills and go to bed.

I was about to take them when my door creaked open and Ryker's huge frame filled the doorway.

"I thought you were asleep," he admitted as he saw me staring up at him.

"I was about to."

"I'm sorry I interrupted; I should just-,"

"No wait," I stopped him, "You can come in; it's fine."

He looked at me for a second- two- three - before he nodded and made his way into the room. He took a seat in the chair that I know has to be uncomfortable as hell but that is where he sat all day. "Earlier, did you know I was hurt?" I asked, "Or were you just in the right place at the right time."

He paused for a second as if debating what to tell me, "I knew."

"How?" I asked. I've never heard of that happening between wolves before. I'm also not a member of his pack so it makes no sense to me how he would have known.

"We are mates, Camilla," he began slowly, "In extreme cases; we can feel each other's pain and draw power from each other. That is what you did and I knew you were hurt."

"Thank you, for coming to help me."

"You don't have to thank me for that. Anyone else would have done the same."

A sad smile crossed my lips at his words. Not everyone would have done that. I know for a fact that Tyson would not have, he would have known and probably not cared or even if he came, it would have been to watch me writhe in pain. "What are you thinking about?" Ryker asked and I shrugged

"It isn't important."

He didn't seem to believe me but he also didn't want to push more than necessary because he nodded. The room went into a comfortable silence and I decided that now would be a good time to take the pills.

It would take a few minutes for them to kick in anyways and I'm sure it would be enough for me to ask what it was I needed.

I had to muster up the courage to speak, "Will Lauren be returning to watch me tomorrow?"

"No," his answer was quick and there was no hesitation, "She will not be returning until you are healed and even then, her return is to be determined. She will be serving the appropriate punishment for her actions." "Please don't kill her." She might be a horrible person but I don't want her to die.

"Why would I-," he trailed off and awareness settled on his features, "Lauren will not die; I assure you of that."

I let out a sigh of relief. I wouldn't want anyone's death to be on my conscience. The pills had started to kick in and I was starting to feel a little drowsy but then I heard Ryker's voice.

"She said it was an accident; is that true?"

I opened my mouth but then closed it. It could be classified as an accident depending on how one looked at it. I wasn't paying attention and I didn't see the stump; the fall wasn't planned by anyone.

"Don't think too much," Ryker said, "Just answer the question."

"I tripped when I was running," I said finally, "I was not focused on the track and I fell."

He frowned as if he was expecting me to say something else but then he nodded.

"You should rest, Camilla," his voice was soft but detached; "We will talk about it tomorrow."

His voice was like a command, one that my body willfully obeyed because my eyes fell shut and sleep took me.

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