The Lycan’s Contract Mate

Chapter 8


“Are you going to sleep all day? It is three pm, Ariel,”

I heard Winrose’s voice and covered my ears with both of my hands, in an attempt to go back to sleep, Rose wasn’t having it as she pushed the bed cover off me.

“Let me sleep, Rose,”

I pleaded, we didn’t arrive home until past two am last night as Rose had insisted we stay at the club, plus one of her soon to be in law got engaged at the club last night and it was like a mini celebration, I ended up consuming a lot more alcohol than I could handle and right now, I was facing the consequences of my action, I woke up earlier with the most horrible hangover I have ever had, I threw up over four times and Rose had to give me hangover meds to calm me down, I rub my eyes as I remembered the look on her mom’s face earlier when she had came to say hi to me, I was so sure she would call Rose to the corner and tell her to unfriend me.

I should have gone home to the mansion but Rose had insisted we come here and I didn’t want to be a burden on her fiancé who had come to pick us up even though it was so late at night, he had dropped us off and gone back home.

“You haven’t eaten today and it is almost evening, get up, take a bath, and let’s go have a late lunch bestie, I don’t want you starving to death,”

Rose said practically dragging me out of bed, I had no choice but to do as she said, I took a quiet bath and felt refreshed after.

“Let’s go get lunch,”

Rose said when she came back into the room, I honestly didn’t want to leave, I just wanted to sleep all day but I knew we should go out, we have a lot to prepare for before her wedding day and I haven’t even done my measurements as she wanted my dress to be made by the same person who made her wedding gown.

“Sure let’s go,”

I managed and followed her out of the house, we drove to a restaurant close by and ordered lunch.

“So? When are we meeting the designer to get my measurements and what do you need me to do, I will like to help as much as I can but you should know that I have zero knowledge of how a wedding preparation works as I haven’t had any experience,”

I said as I took a bite of my lunch.

“I know, I am your only friend,”

Rose said as a matter of fact and I didn’t argue.

“True, so designer?”

I asked.

“We will meet with her today, she is coming over to the house but if you don’t want to come to my house back, we can meet her at yours,”

She said.

“I can go back to your house of course, except your mom would throw me out,”

I said as I went back to eating.

“She would not dare, don’t worry, contrary to what you think, my mom likes you, plus you are a medical doctor, that was her dream profession for me, you know, and she told me that you are her idea, daughter,”

Rose revealed. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, the woman barely acknowledges my presence, but Rose had no reason to lie to me about it.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be brainy,”

I responded.

“Totally fine, I love you and I am proud of you,”

She said with a genuine smile.

“I love you too my Rose,”

I said and blew a kiss in her direction before going back to my food.

“You still haven’t told me what happened last night when you ran away with Kendrix,”

Winrose persisted. She had been wanting to know what happened ever since I told her that I was at the rooftop with Kendrix, I knew I shouldn’t have told her but she had asked me and I couldn’t come up with a lie I’m that moment.

“I didn’t run away with him Rose, we went to the rooftop,”

I answered with an eye roll.

“So what happened? You came back down looking all flustered, you can’t tell me nothing happened between you two, now spill the tea, I waited all day to hear the full gist, don’t keep me in the dark,”

She insisted.

“Rose, you got me here to eat right? Why aren’t you letting me eat in peace? Last night is past,”

I tried to make her stop asking but we both knew she would not stop until I tell her what happened I didn’t want to tell her, I just don’t want to feed her with the idea that anything would happen between him and me, last night was all because of the alcohol and I was sure if Kendrix meet me today, he won’t even look my way and I don’t want him to either, I never want to meet him again.


My wolf booed but I ignored her, she was part of the reason I got in trouble with him last night, the whore.

“The more you try to make me stop asking the more I will keep asking, you know, I can easily find out if anything happened with you too because Kendrix and Jayden are sort of friends and I can ask him to make Ken spill the tea, you know mean always tell,”

Rose threatened and I was damn sure she could do it and I wasn’t so sure the Kendrix guy could keep a secret so instead of her hearing it from a third party, I concluded it would be best to tell her and be over with it, it wasn’t like something huge happened.

“Fine, nothing much happened, I can’t even remember the full details but I was sad and he tried to console me and well, we sort of kissed, he apologized, I told him not to, he kissed me again and we both decided to blame it on the alcohol, and that’s it,”

I rumbled.

“That’s a lot, that’s like your first real kiss Ariel, I told you going out might help you find a man and it did, oh my God, you guys will make a great couple, I approve,”

Rose let out in an excited voice, her reaction was the exact reason I didn’t want to tell her in the first place, she was delusional and too in love to see anything else.

“Rose, stop projecting your love life on me, I didn’t find myself a man, whatever happened yesterday was nothing, have you forgotten who the guy is?”

I said as I gave up trying to eat, I wasn’t so hungry anymore.

“What? What has that got to do with anything? The guy is nice and you two seem to get along real well, those are green flags, in fact, aside from the fact that he believes vampires are harmless, Kendrix is pretty much a walking, living, talking green flag, he is loaded too not to mention he is the son of the alpha and might be the potential next alpha king, he is such a huge catch,”

She said and I couldn’t even find anything reasonable to reply to her with, she was out of her mind if she thinks I would have anything to do with the brother of the man who played the biggest part in making the last eight years of my life the loneliest, if Jordan hadn’t rejected me, maybe my dad would have finally accepted me and I would not have had to leave Owhen, coming back after eight whole years only to have a thing with his brother? Not possible, plus? Jordan was already in line as the alpha, from what Rose has told me so far, I wasn’t sure Kendrix qualify to be the next king, not that I cared.

“Do you really think it is a good idea to want to have a thing with the brother of my mate who rejected me? Rose? Besides, I don’t even know this guy, I admit, I liked kissing him but I won’t do it again, Owhen has never had any positive impact in my life aside from you and I don’t wanna push my luck here again, if I am going to be with someone, it won’t be anyone from here, Ken is cool but that just it,”

I said and I meant every word.

“I understand you, I am sorry if I pushed it,”

Rose apologized which was so unlike her.

“Wait? Why are you apologizing?”

I couldn’t help asking, I realized I might have spoken to her in a really harsh tone.

“You sounded really pissed and I realized I shouldn’t be making you uncomfortable not when I already brought you back here, I should do my best and make you feel at home not the other way round.”

She answered.

“It is fine Rose, you are not at fault here,”

“You are too nice, I hope you find someone as nice as you Arielyn, I really want you to be happy and loved, you deserve all the love in the world and I am not able to give that to you,”

“Stop it, it is too early for emotional talks, I am okay with the small amount of love I receive from you, and as pathetic as I look right now, I am okay,”

I said not wanting to dwell on anything negative right now.

“Sure, let’s talk about happy stuff,”

Rose said.

“That’s my girl,”

I said and looked up, and around when I felt someone was looking at me, I have always been able to tell when someone is looking at me even if I don’t see the person, it was my special little gift, and yes, someone was indeed watching me, someone familiar, I felt my whole being heat up in hate and anger, Ae was pissed at the sight of him and I couldn’t blame her, she had every right to be pissed.From NôvelDrama.Org.


I whispered as the man who had caused me so much pain at a very young age walked toward me.

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