The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast

Chapter 46 - Mia

Chapter 46 - Mia

“Mia, wait,” Niko pulls me back and a look of concern slips into his eyes. “Please don’t do anything

rash, okay? These women-”

“Are nothing but cowards,” I say and pull my arm out of his grip. “The only thing they know how to do

well is corrupt children; they’re cowards.”

His lips are a thin line and I know he’s a ball of anxiety right now, so I get on my tiptoes and give him a

chaste kiss. “I pull my strength from you, my love, you can do the same to me. Let me help you through


If we’re right and his abusers are in there along with Lilah, then this will be the first time he’ll be facing

them since they left him for dead. How will he react to seeing them, and is this wise?

Nodding, he takes a deep breath and takes my hand in his before calling the Gammas and Maxim over

the mind link.

/“We’re heading towards them now; surround them and stay back until my go-ahead,”/ he says and

they respond with ‘Yes, Alpha.’ Then he takes my hand, kisses the back of it and we walk to where I

can sense Ares.

I know I should be more concerned for the safety of my son, but right now I am too angry to be worried.

Besides, with Niko at my side I don’t need to be worried, right? He’ll fight for us, won’t he? I trust in my

Alpha and I trust him to make the right choices, but in the face of the two women who did unspeakable

things to him...where do I fall?

Muffled voices are up ahead, unfamiliar voices, and they seem to be arguing over something. “Up

ahead,” I say and Niko squeezes my hand.

The shipping container we enter is dimly lit, and I smell those same three scents as before. There’s no

use being quiet in here since our footsteps echo through the place, and as soon as we step inside, two

pairs of emerald green eyes turn to face us.

Lilah stands off to the side with her head bowed, shame radiates from her usual sweet scent as she

holds Ares in her arms. The other two figures, the ones with cruelty and bloodlust in their scents, are

looking at us with amused expressions.

They look like Niko and Bastien - same color hair, green eyes, high cheekbones, and tall build. They’re

both dressed in black leather and holding silver-tipped whips in their hands.

“Well,” one says and walks towards us with a smirk, crossing her arms. “If it isn’t my unwanted son.”

I hear Niko suck in a breath and fear shoots through his mark on my neck as he grips my hand so tight

that I’m scared he’ll break it. My gaze goes to him standing next to me, but he has frozen in place with

sweat dotting his brow and his breathing coming in brief spurts.

This is to be expected…she is the one who cut his soul deep enough to leave several gaping wounds.

He’s facing off against the woman who made him feel like less of a man.

I grit my teeth and walk forward, ripping my hand from his steely grip. “What do you want with my son?”

I ask with a raised voice.

Niko’s mother cackles when her eyes fall on me. “Oh, the little mouse speaks, does she?”

“Mouse?” I scoff, meeting her gaze with the anger of my own. “I am Luna of the SilverCrest pack and

you’re nothing but a disgrace of a mother. So I’ll ask again; what do you want with my son?”

She raises her eyebrow at me and giggles. “So, you’re Luna, are you? You think that title you wield is

enough to scare me?” she asks, shaking her head. “Let me show you real power.”

Pulling her gaze from mine, she looks past me and straight at Niko. “Gonátise, skýlos,” she says in a

voice full of authority and what happens next breaks my heart into tiny little pieces and a wave of fury

has me in its grasp.

Nikolaos, my powerful Alpha, falls to his knees and kneels in front of her with his head bowed low.

Her sister joins in her mocking laugh as I stand, looking horrified. “What did you do?!” I cry out, falling

to my knees next to him. “Niko, my love, stand up!”

She steps close to us before I could react and I feel the kiss of the silver barbs of her whip slices my

skin. I cry out and fall forward, bracing myself on my arms before another smack of the whip slices

through my skin.

“I told my good little dog to kneel, and even after all these years, he listens,” she cackles, cracking the

whip over my back again.

“Niko…” I trail off, pushing my tears back. “Please, get up!”

He doesn’t move, but I can see the blank look in his eyes, as if his brain has switched off to what is

happening around him. I should call for the Pente, but I don’t want them seeing their Alpha like this and

sensing his weakness. This is something he needs to deal with without the prying eyes of those who

look up to him.

Her laugh fills the container and dread creeps into my stomach when she goes down on her haunches

in front of me. She grabs my face and elongates her claws, digging them into my cheeks.

“Did you really think if you loved him hard enough, you could get rid of me?” she scoffs, flashing me a

sweet smile. “Sweet girl, Nikolaos is nothing but a slave masquerading as an Alpha. He’s a tool to be

used, that’s all he’ll ever be.”

“You’re wrong!” I growl, feeling the silver draining me. After losing blood while giving birth and now

this…I don’t think I’ve healed as much as I should have.

She tuts. “That must be the wolfsbane speaking. But now that I have your attention, I’ll tell you what I

have in store for my little grandson,” she says, then smirks when she sees the horrified look on my


“Why?! How can you do this to your own blood?!” I shriek, but she only rolls her eyes at my reaction.

“You’re fucking sick!”

“Oh, he shared our secrets, did he? Well, it’s easy - they trust you and I have always loved to see terror

fill the eyes of people who trust me,” she says and a blissful look crosses her eyes. “I can tell you now

that the ruination I have planned for Ares will pale compared to what his father went through-”

I don’t even think; my body moves before my mind can register what is happening. Star’s fury

combined with my own takes over, and I grab her throat, slamming her down to the container floor.

Her shriek of surprise only spurns me on, and I dig my claws into her neck before pulling them out

hard. She’s not bleeding enough to warrant a death, but that’s for later on. Both of these monsters will

pay for what they did to the man I love.

I look up and set my sights on her sister; her eyes grow wide and she steps back, but I ripped her heart

from her body just as she’s about to scream.

Now, I turn to Lilah and I see nothing but terror in her eyes as she sobs. She places the swaddled Ares

down and I can sense the fear in her body when she steps back. This woman kept me complacent,

she’s just as guilty as them.

“P-please…my mother made me do this…” she stutters, backing up against the wall. “They made me…


“Your mother?” I frown and she nods.

“You just killed her.” Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

I peer down at the other woman, but even as I think of showing Lilah mercy, she’s put this all into place.

“You could have come to Niko; he would have helped you but instead you chose to be weak,” I say,

then I give her the same fate her mother suffered.

There’s no room in our lives for traitors.

Star’s burst of strength takes its toll on me and I stumble, but when I turn to face Niko, I see his mother

crawling away. Seeing her alive sends a sliver of disgust through my body, and I walk over to Niko,

pulling him to his feet.

“Come back to me, Alpha,” I say and cup his cheek. “I’m getting the revenge you should have gotten a

long time ago.”

When I say this, he blinks and his eyes focus on my face, then he frowns. “M-Mia?”

I smile and I spin him around so he can see his mother. “This ends tonight,” I say, then I walk towards

her and pull her back by her hair before forcing her onto her knees.

“Apologize to him,” I growl. “And mean it.”

His mother laughs, the blood on her neck bubbling. “I will not apologize for what I did. Why lie about

something I so thoroughly enjoyed taking part in-”

Niko’s fist slams through her chest and she chokes back a sob, staring at the broken man she’s

created. His anger pushes away her arrogance, and she claws onto his arm, coughing blood into his

face. “Nik-”

He squeezes her heart and pulls it from her chest, then drops it to the floor and uses his claws to

behead her right in front of me. His breathing is ragged, his eyes a darker crimson than before, and his

heart beating so fast that I cannot keep up.

I take a tentative step toward him and place a hand on his shoulder. This makes his bloodthirsty gaze

land on me, but instead of fear gripping my heart, it’s pride even as he snarls at me.

“Nikolaos,” I say gently, cupping his face with my bloodied hands. “I am so proud of you, my love.”

He blinks as he looks at me; the snarl slipping back into a look of disbelief, and he crumbles to the

floor, taking me with him. “I…I killed her,” he stammers, placing a fist to his heart as if to stop its

incessant beating. “Mia, I-”

I draw my forehead to his and sigh. “You’re an Alpha; don’t you dare kneel to anyone again,” I say, and

am about to place a kiss on his lips when a piercing cry snaps me back to the now and vengeance

leaves my body like mist in the sun.

Scrambling to my feet, I rush over to where Lilah placed Ares on the floor and scoop him up into my

arms. “Oh, my love,” I coo, rocking him back and forth to calm him down. “Shh, it’s okay, mommy is


As I hold on to Ares, the gravity of what I’d just done hits me and a sob tears me in two. The scent of

blood and fear permeates the container and disbelief over what transpired sets into my heart.

I killed two people with my bare hands; ripped them apart without even thinking, and I enjoyed it. Does

this make me a monster like them?

/“No, you protected your family; we protected your family,”/ Star says, growling. /“Your gift guided you,

you should be proud, Mira.”/

Even as Star attempts to console me, all I can think about is how much I enjoyed ripping out their heart

and watching the fear in their eyes. These people abused and betrayed Niko. They wanted to take my

child and do the same to him.

I shouldn’t feel guilty…so why do I?

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