The Lycan King

Chapter 16. Date Night

Chapter 16. Date Night


"Okay, you're all done." Sofiya grinned at me.

"Are you sure that it's not too much?" I asked her, looking at myself in the mirror. Nikolai had asked me

out on a date and right now Sofiya was helping me get ready.

"It's perfect, you'll realise that when he takes you to the restaurant." Sofiya said, packing all her make

up. I had worn one of Sofiya dress, it was peach coloured and came to the bottom of my thighs, it a bit

tight but Sofiya said it looked better on me than it did on her. She had also put makeup on my face

which made me look really pretty. And she had also done something with my hair to make it wavy.

"Thank you so much." I hugged her.

"Welcome. Now go, he is waiting for you in the main foyer." She smiled. I nodded and rushed down. My

feet slowed down when I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw him. He had worn a black colour suit

and a bow. He looked?so?handsome and he was looking at me like I was?the?most beautiful girl in the


"You look gorgeous, Love." He whispered when I stood in front of him, his eyes devouring me.

"Thank you, you look very handsome too." I smiled at him. He came near to kiss me when I ducked


"I have lipstick on, I don't want to spoil it." I explained shyly when he was looking at me with a

questioning look.

"As you wish." He said and kissed the back of my hand instead. I blushed at his sweet action.

"This for you." He said, giving me a bouquet of flowers and I smiled widely at that. Today was a first for

a lot of things- sleeping underneath the stars, dressing up, going on a date and getting flowers. I had

Nikolai to thank for all of that.

"Thank you, it means a lot to me,?today?means a lot to me." I said softly.

He kissed the top of my head and we walked to the car he had already parked in front of the door. He

opened the door for me and I got in. The door opened vertically and looked very nice, and expensive.

The restaurant he took me to was extravagant and it was in a human town. I felt uncomfortable, like I

didn't belong here.

"Thank you for coming here, Mr. Volkov." A man said and then smiled at me and I smiled back, still

feeling nervous. Mast- Nikolai held my waist tighter, rubbing circles with his thumb. He nodded at the

man and then we were shown to a table in a private area that overlooked the city, we were on the

fiftieth floor.

"Relax, Love." He smiled at me and the waiter dropped of two menu.

"How did he know who you were?" I asked what was bothering me more.

"I own the entire building and everything in it, Ava." He smirked at me as he opened his menu and I

opened mine. I blushed and nodded at him. I should have known that! I couldn't understand anything

that was written in the menu, I wasn't familiar with any of the names and I grew nervous again.

"Nikolai, I don't know anything in the menu." I whispered to him, embarrassed about it. I didn't want to

embarrass him in front of the waiter when I couldn't decide what I wanted or didn't know how to say it.

"What do you want?" He smiled softly at me and I felt relived, I thought he would laugh at me or

something. I don't even know why I thought such things anymore, he was the sweetest person.

"I feel like having pasta and garlic bread." I blushed again. Here we were, in an extravagant restaurant

and I was ordering the most basic things that we could get anywhere. He nodded at me and called the


"Alfredo pasta and cheese garlic bread, portion for two and a bottle of Masseto Toscana." He told the

waiter whose eyes widened at that.

"But-but Sir we-" the waiter started worriedly.

"Yes?" Master cocked his eyebrow at the terrified waiter, cutting him off.

"Nothing Sir, have a nice time." He awkwardly bowed a bit and ran away.

"You don't get that here, do you?" I asked him, I felt so stupid right now!

"My mate gets what she wants." He smiled at me. He was avoiding the question because I was right.

"You should have told me Nikolai, it will cause unnecessary problems for those poor people, I am

embarrassing you here." I whispered, telling him about my fear out loud.

"I pay them for their services Ava, I get what I want and you can never embarrass me, don't ever say

that." He gritted the last part, seeming angry that I would even think such things. I left the topic, I didn't

want him to be angry, I wanted to enjoy tonight. I nodded at him and smiled.

"So, what do people do on dates?" I asked him sheepishly, changing the topic.

"I have never been on one either but from what I have heard, they talk and get to know each other

better." He smiled, his mood changing quickly.

"So I can ask you anything?" My eyes widened.

Even though we were together everyday, I hardly knew anything about him! I wanted to get to know

him better and this was my chance.

"Yes, Love. You can always ask me anything." He chuckled at me.

"Can you tell me about your pack?" I asked him eagerly. I had been living here since a month and

hardly knew anything, hardly met anybody. I wanted to know more.

"If you haven't noticed,?our?pack isn't exactly like a normal pack because it can't be. Its formed by

rogues and they were out of their former packs because they broke rules or wanted to be free from the

pack rules. So I and a few other werewolves formed a pack where we would get our own freedom and

do whatever we wanted while staying in a pack. You must already know that most wolves that go rogue

turn more wolves than human and loose their sanity, thats where the Rogue Pack, our pack comes in.

The wolves that formed this pack chose me as their Alpha and I chose Dimitri as my Beta, Vladimir as

my Advisor, Andrei as the Head of Arms and Mikhail as the Head Tracker. There are only a few basic

rules and as long everyone follows them, the pack members can do whatever they want." Master


I looked at him in awe. I knew he was downplaying his struggles, being a rogue and being chosen as

their Alpha is not easy. He had created a system that helped so many werewolves. He was a good

man. But I also felt that he left somethings out. But if he wanted to only share this much right now, then

that is his decision. I also realised that Master missed something. He had Alpha blood in him and he

missed being an Alpha to an actual pack where he could rule to his true potential. He was created by

Mother Luna to lead a pack and be its Alpha. He missed being that.

The waiter came in bringing our food before I could ask my next question. He placed two plates of

pasta on from of us and the garlic bread too. He brought two glasses and started pouring some juice.

"Would you like anything else Sir?" He asked us. I shook my head when Nikolai looked at me


"Assortment of chocolates for dessert." Nikolai said after looking at the menu.

"Will that be all Mr. Volkov?" The waiter asked and Nikolai nodded.

"Thank you." I told the waiter for getting the food.

"Enjoy your dinner." He smiled at us stiffly and left.

"Will you show me around the pack and let me meet the pack members someday?" I asked hopefully.

"Are you sure you are ready for that?" He asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"Yes." I smiled with conviction.

"We will do that tomorrow itself. Also, on the day of the court hearing, I want you to present yourself so

you can become a true pack member." He smiled at me.

"Thank you." I replied with a wide smile.

From the very first day I wanted to be a part of his pack but I was scared. I didn't want to overstep my

boundaries. I wasn't sure if he wanted to keep me or was going to cast me away after sometime so I

didn't ask. But now, things were different. He wanted me to be his Luna, he wanted me by his side

forever. And by buying me, he had given me my heart's greatest desire-?a family. And now, he was

gifting me the pleasure to be in his pack. I really loved him, and everyday, my feelings for him only kept


We spent the rest of the chatting and getting to know each other better. I was thoroughly enjoying

myself and I loved spending time with him. The waiter brought assortment of chocolates that Nikolai

had ordered. It was a two levelled beautiful marble stand and on it were different types of small pieces

of chocolates. It was very pretty.

"Here, try this one." Master said extended his hand towards my mouth to feed it to me. I took the bite

and the chocolatey flavour exploded in my mouth, the solid chocolate melted immediately and it so very

delicious that a small yet embarrassing moan left my mouth.

"It's really good." I whispered to Nikolai blushing. He nodded giving me a strained smile and I could see

him shuffling in his seat a bit. Was he not comfortable here?

We ate on our own after that and once we were done and Nikolai had paid for us we left and got in his


"Thank you from bringing me out Nikolai." I said softly. I really appreciated him doing all of this for me.

"The pleasure is all mine,?Moya Lyubov." He smiled at me as he started the car and we were soon on

the road.

"Are you going to tell me what kind of restaurant that was?" I asked the question that was eating me

right now.

"It was a seafood restaurant." He mumbled, almost as if he didn't want to tell me. I groaned and hid my

face in my hands, I really was stupid.

"Ebon street in five minutes." Master growled after he pressed a button after a good five minutes in our

drive. I looked at him, wide eyed at the sudden change in his demeanour. He went from sweet and

smiling to growling and angry in a couple of minutes.

"I will answer answer all your questions when reach home Avalyn, but right now I want you to remove

the brief case that is under your seat and open it." He told me.

I trembled at his use of my full name but obeyed him quickly. I bent down and placed the briefcase on

my lap and opened it. It was filled with small balls and they were covered it long, sharp spikes it was a

lot like sea urchens but made of metal.

"Press the red button." He gritted, looking?very?stressed. I pressed the button and and the layer

shifted up and and I gasped at the sight of the guns.

"Give me a gun." He told me. I gave him a gun and he held it with the hand on the steering wheel.

"Wear the gloves and then give me a few of those balls." He gritted as he took a turn into a shady

looking street. I quickly woke the gloves as he told and handed him the balls, I could see the spikes

prickling his skin, causing him to bleed and heart beat spiked.?What is happening??I picked up the

balls but I didn't get hurt because of the gloves.

"When I tell you, you will open the door and drop the balls on the road, do not open to door too much,

only enough to drop the balls." He said and I nodded. I knew this was a serious matter and I would not

disappoint Master.

He took another sharp turn as he said, "now!"

I quickly opened the door a tiny bit and dropped the balls on the road as he told me and shut the door

quickly. He sped up the car when I heard a loud screeching sound and I turned around to see that a car

had skidded to a stop behind us because the balls had punctured the the tired. There was no one on

the road except us. I looked at Master worriedly. My heart was beating so fast that I was sure that even

Master could hear it.

"The car had been following us. You will stay in the car and shoot anyone right in the heart that comes

near the car who is not me." He hold me seriously as he turned around to open his door.

"Master wait, what if I mess up? I don't know if I can do it!" I cried. This was too much! I didn't think I

was capable enough to do it.

"Come on, Love, its just like we practiced that day. I'll make sure no one comes this way but you will

have to shoot if they do. The bullets are made of silver and laced with wolfsbane. Only one shot is

enough to cripple them. You will do great, I trust you Ava." He said softly but quickly before getting off

the car, holding two guns in his hand and disappearing in the dark night.

I took a deep breath. I can do it! Master trusts me! I turned around in my seat and tried to look at what

was happening but it was too dark, there was only one street light and even that was flickering. I willed

my wolf to come forward, tried to build a connection but it didn't work. I felt so angry towards myself

and my wolf. I couldn't even do one thing when Master needed it. With my wolf, I would be able to see

everything right now, hear everything but I was useless. I tried harder to look and as if something Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

clicked, my vision got better, not as good as it should be but better than my human eyesight. I knew my

wolf was helping me somehow.

It was dead silent before I heard the loud sound of a bullet going off. I quickly searched and found

Master, taking a deep breath seeing him unharmed. As if the sound of the bullet was a signal to start, I

hear a lot of shooting and tears formed in my eyes.

Please, Master, please be safe!

I saw movements towards the left in an alley a little down the road but I knew Master wouldn't know

because he was further down the road. I saw two figures and that one was pointing a finger at Master.?


I quickly crawled into the driver's seat and got off from that door so I was out of sight and stayed hidden

behind the car, the gun clenched tight in my hand. I saw the man removed a gun and was now aiming

at Master.

"Come on Love, it's just like we practiced that day."

"You will do great, I trust you Ava."

Master's words flashed in my mind and I took an aim and shot him before he could shoot my Master,?

my Love.

The the other man that was with him was looking around, searching for the one that shot his partner

and before he caught me, I shot him too. Instead of falling on the floor instantly, like the first one, he

cupped his balls and kneeled on the ground and screamed an ear piercing scream filled with agony.

Oh my god! I shot him in the balls!

I wanted to shoot him again just to be safe but he was now hidden from my view and was behind a few

trash cans.

My heart was pounding in my chest and I was terrified but I didn't dare move from my place, scared

that something would happen to Master. I had to do something, I couldn't just stay in the car and watch

something happen to him or worse, watch him die.

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