The love of a Mr. CEO


After a few moments in silence the women comes back to take our orders.

“I’ll have the smoked salmon with asparagus and a glass of champagne” I order setting the menu down on the table and glancing at Ivan.

“I’ll have the garlic shrimp pasta with a glass of champagne as well” he orders giving me a look of mischief.

The lady nods and disappears allowing some time alone with Ivan. I take my leather jacket off feeling slightly warm, and cross my arms on the table as we sit in an uncomfortable silence. His piercing gaze makes me shift in my seat and I look up to question him.

“Can I as why your staring at me like that” I ask with a hint of sass in my voice. He stares at me for a few more moments to irk me further before responding.

“I’m just marveling at your beauty and the fact that you’re mine to touch, kiss and do as I please mia cara” he says, his expression darkening at his last few words. I shiver in anticipation before I open my mouth.

“Technically I belong to myself, and I don’t remember giving you permission to ever touch me” I tease trying to conceal the fact that his words excited me to no end.

“Oh mia cara, you gave me permission the minute your body responded to my touch” he teases huskily causing me to blush.

The waitress arrives with our food and I immediately dig into the salmon, moaning as the flaky fish hit my tongue. We continue to eat making small talk before Ivan takes a chunk of my salmon with his fork.

“What’s your problem Stone? I’ll cut off your fingers next time you touch my plate” I exclaim defensively scooting my plate closer to me. He laughs with food in his mouth and I scowl at him.

“You can have some of mine mia cara” he says apologetically offering me some pasta on his fork. Smiling, I lean forward and eat the food from his fork closing my eyes at the taste. I open my eyes still chewing happily and take a sip of champagne to wash down the food.

“You know if just eating my food satisfies you it’s a wonder what else I could do to make you feel good” he replies deviously, his eyes holding a hidden promise. I break eye contact and use my hair to shield my blush as I hear him chuckle at my embarrassment. Our dinner continues and I can’t help but fall for my boss even further as he keeps talking.Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

“Mia cara, tell me a dream you’ve always wanted to become a reality that you’ve never told anyone” he asks taking a gulp of his champagne.

“I’ve always wanted to travel around the world and surround myself with the culture, and music of where ever I am. I want to take loads of pictures of the scenery I stumble across while traveling. Since I’m just freshly out of college I haven’t mustered enough money to make it a reality yet” I respond sheepishly pushing my plate away from me and glancing up at Ivan. He nods, a look of concentration on his face as he stares at me.

“What’s a dream you’ve had Ivan” I ask curiously waiting for his answer. He snaps out of his daze and take another sip of champagne before answering.

“I want to move to Italy with whom ever I love and buy a beautiful beach house while still maintaining business at Stone Industries internationally” he replies without much thought and I nod before he adds “If you’re ready we can head out” to which I smile and get out of my seat to put on my jacket.

He escorts us back to the front, his hand resting on my lower back as we walk. He asks the women at the front for the bill and quickly pays it before leading me to his car.

Once inside, I put on my seatbelt and run my fingers through my hair nervously. He got into the driver’s seat and quickly started the engine, driving us away from the beautiful restaurant.

I was curious to know where he was taking me but refrained from asking knowing he wouldn’t tell me. Instead, I leaned my head against the cool glass and focused on the scenery zooming past us as we drove along. The car was filled with an air of serenity, helping to ease my raging hormones. My attention soon fell on the devilishly handsome man sitting beside me.

Glancing over, I watched as his eyes held concentration navigating us through the roads. My eyes fell to his perfectly sculptured jawline and I imagined leaving feather like kisses on the very chiseled skin. I snap out of my imagination when I hear his voice disrupt the silence.

“What are you thinking about mia cara” he asks me causing my thoughts to drift back to me kissing his jawline.

“N-nothing” I stutter cursing myself at how breathy I sounded even to my own ears. I watch his mouth curl up into his trademark smirk quickly glancing over with an eyebrow raised.

“Didn’t seem like nothing when you were eye raping the side of my face mia cara” he responds almost mockingly trying to rile me up. Feeling bold and teasing, I open my mouth to share my thoughts.

“Well if you must know, I was thinking about leaning over and placing a trail of feathery kisses along your jawline” I say nonchalantly pretending to examine my finger nails. I hear him suck in a breath and cursing before I feel him pullover on the side of the rose.

“That’s it” he whispers huskily turning off the engine and reaching his arm over to lift me off my seat. He places me on his lap and I shift around trying to get comfortable but I can tell my movements weren’t helping.

“God damn it mia cara, you’re gonna be the death of me” he whispers, his Italian accent coming out as he smashed his lips on mine. The kiss was nothing but aggressive, our hunger and need for each other evident. His hands grip my hair and pull my head back slightly to give him better access to my mouth. I feel him run his tongue along the bottom of my lip and I open my mouth his tongue immediately exploring my mouth giving me jolts of pleasure.

I break away to catch my breath while I begin peppering kisses on his jawline grasping his hair and tugging his head back to get more access. I easily elicit a growl from him and I teasingly bite his neck slightly before pulling away completely. His eyes remain closed as he catches his breath and his colossal hands still gripped my hips tightly. When he opens his eyes, his golden orbs pool with desire and admiration as he stares at my disheveled state. I attempt to get off his lap and back into my seat but his iron grip keeps me still.

“Mia cara, will you be mine” he asks huskily, his face expressing his nervousness as well as hope. I smile from ear to ear before giving him a sweet peck.

“Of course you idiot” I respond gleefully and I watch as his expression lights up. I yank him towards me and connect our lips once more but this time the kiss was sweet. He takes my bottom lip between his teeth and I moan loudly blushing furiously. He breaks the kiss to suck on my neck and I tilt my head to allow him more room. I feel him smile against my skin before he begins leaving hot open mouthed kisses on my neck leaving trails of heat where ever his mouth touched. His actions quickly igniting a flame in my lower stomach causing heat to pool between my legs.

He uses his other hand to run along the length of my body very slowly to tease me even further. In just a few short moments I’m a moaning mess but quickly snap out of it and try to get the upper hand. I slowly grind my hips into his pelvis and he immediately freezes, his lips still on my neck. He pulls away completely to stare into my eyes and I give him a sedcutive smile to which his face darkens completely.

“Mia cara, you have no idea how much I’m restraining myself but if you don’t stop I won’t hesitate to rip your clothes off your body and make you scream until everyone in the neighborhood can hear you” he says hungrily with underlying promise. It was now that I felt the hardness against my butt and I was shocked. I almost do it again to see if he’d go through with his threat but stop myself knowing it was too soon. I blush like a school girl and nod before getting off his lap. I run my fingers through my hair to try and look semi decent. Once I have control of my raging hormones, I turn to ask him were we’re going.

“So princesa, where are you taking me” I ask trying to seem unaffected by his past remark. I hear him growl at my nickname and he shakes his head before responding.

“Mia cara” he says sternly before continuing “It’s getting late so I was just gonna drive us to my house and we can watch a movie or do other things” he tells me suggestively wiggling his eyebrows. I throw my head back laughing and my heart warms at his words. Once I compose myself I look over to see him staring at me with sheer mirth.

“What” I ask confused as to why he was staring at me so happily.

“You’re so beautiful when you laugh” he whispers and I blush before muttering a quick “thank you.” He turns the car back on and drives away to what I assume was the direction of his house.

My nerves start to spike once I process where he was taking me. I was gonna be alone with the sexiest CEO in America for the night and the thought both frightened as well as excited me. After five minutes we pull into the driveway and my eyes are met with a beautifully large mansion. My jaw drops as I take in his home the size of it alone shocking me entirely.

“You live here” I ask my voice squeaking at the end. He laughs before nodding and getting out to open my door.

“Come on mia cara, I promise it’s even better once you’re inside it” he says and offers me a hand to help me out. I take it and climb out, grabbing my purse to follow him up the pathway and to the front door. I tuck my hair behind my ears as he fumbles with the keys but opens it after a few seconds.

“Welcome to mi casa” he replies opening the door widely for me to step in. As I take in my surroundings my jaw drops once again before I exclaim:

“Holy shit”

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