The Girl He Marked

Book 1 Chapter 34

Book 1 Chapter 34

Book 1 Chapter 34

I wake early to sunshine beams brightly into my tent. I squint and manage to make out my surround

ings as my eyes adjust.

I sit up and stretch, sliding out of my sleeping bag. I crawl out of my tent and look over to Alena’s tent to

see if she’s awake yet.

My eyes widen as I see her tent is unzipped and her bag is gone.

Has she gone for a walk or something?

But why would she take her bag?

I climb out of my tent and stand up, looking around for her.

‘Alena?’ I call, but there’s no answer, just birds tweeting.

I glance at the dying embers of the fire, maybe she’s gone to get some more wood?

| slowly get dressed, wondering where the hell she could be. I look over in her tent again and sure

enough, it’s empty.

I suddenly catch a scent and my blood runs cold, male wolves.

Two of them.

Goose-bumps rise on my arms as I frantically look around for any clue as to what happened to her.

Someone took her, there’s been a struggle, I realize as I see obvious scratches in the bark where some

one has latched on. Fear wraps around me and I begin to panic.

Oh God, is she okay?

I try to call her, but her phone’s turned off and my signal goes in and out.

Why would someone take her?

I’m relieved as I notice that the scent doesn’t smell like a rogue, it’s not sour or dirty

So they were from a pack, and if we were intruding they would take me as well, not just Alena.

‘I can’t imagine she would get out of her tent and go out on her own, she’s scared of the dark, I deduce

out loud, probably looking crazy talking to myself in the woods.

“So that means they took her specifically because they wanted her, I say, and I frown in confusion.

Why would they want only her?

My heart drops as I realize it must be her mate, why else would they take her?

She doesn’t even know about wolves, she’s probably terrified!

I try to think of what to do next, I can’t track her scent it’s not strong enough, I need to find out whose

territory this is and get her back.

pack up my things in about five minutes, strapping everything to my back so I can shift and run back

Book 1 Chapter 34

Lv. 1


I reach my house in just over half an hour and I jump into my car, speeding over to Nate and Myra’s

house, they’ll know what to do. By the time I arrive, it’s been an hour since I found out Alena is missing

I feel like this is my fault, if I’d just told her about wolves, she might not be so unprepared or scared, I

have no idea what she’s going through.

‘Hey Aria, Nate greets me as he comes down the path, his steps stop short

when he sees like the looks on my face.

There’s a situation, I need your help. Alena has been kidnapped, I blurt out and Nate stares at me in


‘I think Myra is upstairs, Nate says, a look of concern on his face as we enter the house,

Okay, I’ll go get her and we can decide what to do next, I tell him and jog up the stairs,

Myra?’ I call out and I hear a muffled ‘Here’ from behind the bathroom door. I push it open to find Myra

ashen-faced and gripping the sink counter tightly.

I’m pregnant,’ she says, staring at me with wide eyes.

I don’t even know what to say to that, so I only reply with, ‘Alena’s been kidnapped.

We look at each other in silence for a moment before Myra curses.

Damn, you win, that’s more important, she mumbles and follows me downstairs.



Myra’s POV

The three of us are stood in the kitchen, all with matching worried expressions.

‘I think that territory belongs to the Eastern Coast pack, Nathan says and my eyes widen, that’s the

pack I went to the other day, Elijah’s pack.

I know the Alpha, he’s called Elijah,’ I say, and they look at me, confused as to how I know him.

I had to visit him to sign a contract for my boss, he seemed nice, a bit flirty, but nice,’ I tell them, and I

wonder why Elijah has taken my friend.

I didn’t even know it was his territory they were hiking on.

‘I would ask my boss for help, but Jayce texted me yesterday saying he and Damien are on some trip

for the pack, I don’t really want to disturb him unless I have to, and seeing as I’ve met the Alpha, I feel

more comfortable going onto his territory, I explain.

Less than ten minutes later, the three of us are in the car, driving to Elijah’s territory to get our friend Original from NôvelDrama.Org.


| twist my hands nervously; can this timing be any worse? I’d only just taken the tests when Alena

walked in

How am I going to tell Jayce?

Luckily, I’ve got more pressing things to deal with at the moment, we’ve got to get Alena back.


Alena’s POV

When I wake the next morning, it’s to the smell of bacon drifting through the door. For a blissful mo

Book 1 Chapter 34


ment, I’m relaxed and completely oblivious to what happened last night. But it all comes back to me,

simi lar to being hit by a truck, to be honest. I feel sick at the sight of the unfamiliar bedroom I am in,

even see ing Lucia sat in bed on her phone doesn’t reassure me in the slightest. I’m being held captive

by people ! barely know.

‘Oh good, you’re awake! Let’s go get breakfast, Lucia announces, sitting up in bed and stretching. I

look at her for a moment and consider refusing to leave the bed, but my stomach rumbles and I decide

that I should probably just be grateful they are feeding me.

T’ll wait in the hallway for you,’ she says and leaves the room. I use the bathroom and try to make my

self look somewhat presentable, but it’s hard when I feel so tired, I feel like I barely slept last night. I

step out into the corridor a few minutes later and Lucia leads me downstairs to a kitchen twice the size

of mine. An attractive couple is already sat at the table; they both look up in surprise when they see me


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