The Cursed Human

Chapter 51

“Just one more twist and yeaahhh…. Herrreee weee goooo,” Angelina said doing god knows what to my hairs.

“Is it done?” I asked impatiently. I didn’t liked to be all dressed up and look pretty. But for my people I had to.

“DONE!” She exclaimed before turning me round in front of the mirror. I gasped in astonishment looking at myself. I was looking beautiful. The dress was hugging my curves in all the right places and was cascaded own my hips like a waterfall. The frills and designs were increasing it’s beauty hundred times. The matching silver shoes I was wearing were making me look taller. Angelina had showed her talent by twisting my hairs in beautiful updo.

I was feeling beautiful.

“I never envied brunettes this much,” I heard Angelina breathing out as I chuckled at her words.

“I never liked brunettes,” I said before turning around to face her.

She laughed and dramatically bowed down.

“Shall we go, Your Highness?” She asked in fake british accent as I cleared my throat and faked a serious expression.

“We shall, My Lady,” I held sides of my dress and bowed before winking at her.


The castle was far more intriguing than I had seen earlier. I never knew one could change the castle into something different within spam of hours. The walls were beautifully decorated with colorful candles and masterpieces. The pots were designed by enchanting designs along with flowers which were enhancing their beauty thousands times.

Angelina’s black gown was looking magnificent on her contrasting her blonde hairs. Her bright blue eyes were sparkling with lights dancing above us. She was looking beautiful and lovely.

We moved as several of men and women looked at us or probably at me….? The castle was surrounded with aroma of food making my stomach grumble. The sound of beautiful violin was giving me peace and calm.

Everything looked royal, regal and beyond what I had ever seen. Lucifer never gave me luxury to roam his castle for his own sick reasons but after spending few hours in this place I was feeling attached and welcomed.

But the glances I was receiving from people were making me nervous and uncomfortable. Angelina sensed my nervousness as she lead me towards far end. The view from here looked something different.

“You want drink?” She asked eyeing me as I shifted under lights.

“No um.. I am good,” I heard her sigh as she pointed towards the side where several people were sitting with glasses in their hand.

“I’m gonna get you one. You need it,” before I could protest she was walking towards the area. I rubbed my arms as I looked around. The people looked happy and contented. Everyone was dressed elegantly with red, yellow, blue and various color of dresses decorating the before ball.

I turned around and looked outside the glass window. The outside was as beautiful as inside except there were no soul outside. But still in the dark night I could see the beautiful flowers dancing with breeze.

Suddenly overwhelming sensation of touching them occurred as I found my feet taking me towards the door leading outside. Garden of Reynes was beautiful but this one had its own beauty.

I stepped outside as cold breeze made my shoulders shook. It was scold outside but nothing I couldn’t handle. There were very few lights outside but still I could see what was laid in the garden.

I could see the I sides through large glass window. I closed my eyes as I breathed in the fresh air. It felt good.

The refreshing fragrance of flowers were calming my nervous nerves.

“My apologies, do I know you?” I turned around hearing unfamiliar voice as I looked at stranger standing behind me. I nearly jumped startled.

“Um… No, I guess,” The glass of wine or whatever he was drinking, was resting in his left hand as he sipped from it looking at me. He was tall and I bet there were muscles underneath that grey suit he was wearing. His hazel eyes were glued on me as I was drowning in sea of nervousness.

He didn’t looked kind and good.

I should’ve go inside.

“Excuse me,” I said as I tried to get past him before he blocked my path.

“You’re Savina, the dead daughter of Perseus? Ain’t ya’?” I narrowed my eyes at his rude comment as I felt myself getting offended.

“The name’s Safina. And dead isn’t the word, use missing next time,” I practically gritted as I saw his lips curling up in smirk. He waved at servant who was strolling nearby and he put his empty glass on the tray before dismissing him.

“Savina, Safina, or…..” He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

“Sarah..” I pushed him and backed away before I felt him taking a step towards me.

I looked around for any familiar face but there was no one around and that servent boy was gone. I could see Angelina from glass window but I knew she couldn’t looked at me. She was far talking to some random woman I had ever seen and my parents were nowhere in sight.

“Bringing you here was a bad idea, a very bad one…” He whispered as he neared me. I gulped down the fear as his eyes flickered golden.

“Wh-who are you?” I breathed out backing away from him.

His smirk widened as he crouched down to my level.

“Look at you,” there was hint of mockness in his voice before he gripped my chin making me gasp. “A pretty little thing but how sad…”

He backed me against the tree as I looked past him and shouted but before I could get a word out of lips, his hand was wrapped around my mouth preventing me to shout.

“You’ll have to die, my love,” he muttered as he opened his mouth and scary looking fangs gal red back at me. I thrashed as he neared my face.

He was a vampire!

I struggled as he tightened his hold and went for my neck.

Before I could process, he was yanked back and loud thud echoed in vacant garden as I saw something being landed on ground.

“There’s my little troublemaker…” I screamed looking at the figure as I looked past the body of vampire who was trying to kill me. There was a large void where his heart was supposed to be and his heart was landed near his head.

“L-Lucifer…” I breathed out looking at bloodied hands of Lucifer as he wiped them with his handkerchief.

“Wh-what are you doing here?” I asked still not believing what had happened.

“A good question…. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Out here? All by yourself?!” He growled making me back away.

“The whole point of bringing you here was to keep you safe and your stubborn ass can’t handle a simple command!” He snarled angrily before grabbing me by my arm.

“Angelina… she said you w… wouldn’t be here,” I looked up at him as he dragged me back towards the door.

“Yes and letting you roam in this stupid ball surrounded by hungry wolves? Nah! You’re good with me!” He scoffed opening the glass doors.

The pleasant sound of violin again seemed to corrupt my senses. The warmness exploded inside me as he nearly dragged me inside.

“Who was that?” I asked as I finally seemed to realise that, that man was dead.

“A vampire!” He growled as he dragged me towards stools.

“What?!” I asked bewildered.

I knew that.

“But this is-”

“Werewolf land? Yes! But seems like they’ve misunderstood my warning!” He scoffed before pushing me on one of the stools.

“Ouch!” I shrieked as edge of stool connected with my thigh. He raised his brow before rolling his eyes.

“What is wrong with you?!” I snarled as I rubbed sore spot on my thigh over the dress. He paced in front of me as several of eyes were looking us. I looked around to found almost everyone looking at me or him…? The expressions on their faces were unrecognisable but something I was familiar with.


The happiness and ecstasy were drained from their faces leaving worry and terror. I wonder if he could feel their fear.

“What are you doing here?” I turned around hearing my Father’s voice. He was holding a piece of paper in his hand as he clenched his fist.

“Me?” Lucifer pretended to turn around and looked everywhere before looking at my father.

“A simple fucking deal, only to keep her safe but guess what, The mighty King Perseus was so engrossed in living his pathetic, unimportant… meaningless life that he failed to sense a fucking VAMPIRE IN HIS GODDAMN BALL!” I jumped as Lucifer punched the table between him and my father.

“What are you saying?” My father was clueless as he looked at Lucifer. The tension in room was thickening second by second.

“What am I saying?! Oh! Care to check your garden?!” Lucifer snarled angrily before looking at me.

“She was wondering alone in UNENGAGED place! I wonder where did she get this stupidity from?” He was angry. I could tell by the fact his eyes were flickering between shades of red.

Everyone was looking at us and they might be hearing what we were quarreling about.

“Can we-talk somewhere else?” I whispered looking at Lucifer with please in my eyes. He was unintentionally or intentionally abashing my father in front of his own people.

He looked at me and I saw something flickering in his eyes. The veins of his face was almost visible and he was looking scary. The way he was heaving I was sure he was ready to kill.

“Please,” I muttered looking at him. He scoffed before turning around and walking away talking long and authoritative strides.

I went to follow him before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

“Stay here. I’ll talk to him,” my father said calmly and softly as I looked at him before nodding. The worry and tension in his eyes were making me anxious.

It had been an hour and half and this unsettling feeling was eating me alive. I was worried about my father and Lucifer’s rage. Maybe this was my fault to roam in unshielded perimeters in first place. Angelina was out of sight and so was my mother. Maybe they all were together.

A large bulky man was strolling around me with a sharp sword hanging from his waist and few guards here and there. The atmosphere was now rather pleasant and terror free. Music was playing in background as I was drowning myself in guilt and culpability of my actions that I previously decided to perform.

“Would you like to dance?” I glanced towards the voice and huge smile crepted on my face.

“Yes, it would be my pleasure!” I chuckled before grabbing his arm and leading us towards the dance area.

He gently placed his arm around me as I looked into his worried eyes.

“Where is he?” I asked looking around at people dancing beside us.

“Talking with your mother,”



“Yes, Father,” I hummed leaning into his warm embrace around me.

“I missed you, my child,” he gently patted my head looking down at me.

“I missed you too, father,” warmness was flooding inside me. For daughter, her Father’s embrace is most protected and gentle place in this whole world.

How I cursed the heaven for keeping me away from him for decades.

“Father?” I called recalling the question that was lingering on my mind since I found the truth.


“I have a question,” His eyes scanned my face before he smiled down at me.

“Indeed you have,” he chuckled as skin around his eyes wrinkled.

“Why am I not like you?…. or mother?”

“You are just like your mother! God! You two look just like twins standing together-”

“Why am I normal? Like, it’s not a bad thing but still, having werewolf as your father nad a witch as your mother, why am I not one of you?” Curiosity got best of me. The look on his face changed replacing it with gruesome.

“Lucifer told you?” He asked. He was worried.

“Kind of,” I didn’t wanted to tell him what price I had to pay to go learn the truth.

I heard him sigh before he spinned me around and again embraced me in his arms.

“My bloodline…” He looked down at me before caressing my cheek.

“Your bloodline…. was cursed. If you know about witches and werewolves then you might know what was feud between supernatural.” His eyes were not ready to tell me anything. He didn’t wanted to. But still he was.

“I know everything, father,” I told him what he didn’t wanted to hear. He breathed out and spun me around on my toes and moved me with along with beats.

“Not every witch is as bad as the past has portrayed them to be. Our bloodline was cursed by a witch, Eleonar. She was daughter of dangerous and most powerful witch of that time having immense and unimaginable dark powers.” I listened carefully. Everytime I came face to face with truth, it seemed to changed itself.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

From ‘witches were the enemies’ to ‘witches weren’t bad’. That was some good improvement.

“Was this witch, Eleonar, was portrayed as evil or was she really one of them?” Beats changed to slow ones as we both just moved in slow circles.

“She… she was my grandmother, Safina.” I abruptly looked at him almost snapping my neck.

“Wh-what does that mean?” I stuttered finding this new information utterly out of this world.

My father would never lie to me.

“She cursed the girls of her bloodline. No girl child would be born in our bloodline.” I gulped the lump of shock which was damn hard to swallow.

“Then w-why I…. I mean-”

“I know and that’s what I was not able to understand twenty one years ago but I don’t regret having a girl as my child.” The tenderness and smoothness in his voice showed me how much he loved me.

“Am I-I a witch too?” I dreaded the answer more than Lucifer. This stuff was flipping over my head.

“No, you’re not. The curse specified that no child of her bloodline will born with witch powers.” I was confused. Why did she wanted her own bloodline to be vulnerable to all other creatures?

“She hated witches. She hated her mother. That’s why she sacrificed herself to place the curse so that no child of her bloodline would associated with witches. And probability of females to be gifted with witchcraft is higher than males, so she cursed her bloodline to daughter less.” This explains why was I was normal and not some supernatural stuff. It was relieving and confusing at the same time.

“Why did she… I mean… why did she hated the witches?” I looked up at him and pure concern and fretful was evident in his eyes. I could sense his body tensing in my arms as he breathed out.

“She loved a human boy, which was not acceptable by her mother. So, for teaching a lesson to her daughter she killed her lover. Eleanor was petrified of her mother, hence she ran away with her first born, a son, she knew her mother would kill her son and her and for protecting him and his upcoming generations she placed a curse on him, so that no witch….. especially a girl couldn’t be born.” How could a mother be so cruel and heartless to her own flesh and blood. What insanity was this?

My Father’s voice was becoming more cracking the more he was telling me. I couldn’t imagine doing this to my own child.

“She did right,” I found myself mumbling.

My Father looked bewildered at me.

“Eleanor….. she did right thing by placing a curse. No mother could see her child’s suffering.” I mumbled and before I could stop something wet slipped down my face. I felt my father wiping away the tear as he looked down at me.

“I… you… you are first girl child of our bloodline, Safina. You know how much you mean to me, right?” He whispered. I could say his eyes filling with unshed tears. A small smile crept on my face and I hugged him tightly.

“I love you, Father,”

“I love you, my child”

These words seemed to calm my racing heart. I was not myself few moments ago when I heard all about Eleanor and stuff but now I was feeling somewhat okay.

The music was still playing and people around us were dancing and enjoying.

“Who was her mother?” I casually asked. It was not like I needed to know her name but again I was a curious little girl. I would never name my child after her name.

“She was on of the strongest witches of that time. The dark magic she possessed was used to destroy and ruin kingdoms. People of their time called her THE EVIL WITCH. Though her real name was not known by many people.” Suited her perfectly, the evil. I leaned in as I put my head on his shoulder as well stayed with beats.

I closed my eyes as I found myself getting lost in sweet melody.

“She was burned along with witches when werewolves and vampires joined hands. But people say her screams still could be heard where she was burned,” I looked up at him through side as I smiled up at him.

“You trying to scare me?” I grinned as he chuckled amusedly at me.

“Ayannah is dead. She ain’t coming back.”

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