The Contracted Stripper

Chapter 57

“How are we going to find him?” Iris asked.

Ryan, Iris, Skylar, and a team of police officers arrived at the address from the file.

The place was heavily guarded, but they managed to slip past the guards and into the building.

Inside, they found Ivan and his accomplice, deep in discussion.”It’s over, Ivan,” Ryan said, stepping into the room. “We know everything.”Ivan looked up, a smug smile on his face. “Do you? I think you’re too late, Kendrick.”

At that moment, a loud explosion rocked the building, and chaos erupted.

Ryan, Iris, and Skylar were thrown to the ground by the force of the blast. As they struggled to get up, they saw Ivan slipping out a back door.”Go after him!” Ryan shouted to the police officers.

Iris grabbed Ryan’s arm, her eyes wide with fear. “Ryan, what if there are more bombs?”

“We can’t let him get away,” Ryan said, determination in his voice. They ran after Ivan, the sound of sirens and shouts filling the air. As they turned a corner, they saw Ivan getting into a black SUV.”Stop him!” Ryan yelled.

Just as the SUV sped away, a second explosion went off, blocking their path. Ryan and Iris were thrown back, and everything went dark.

Ryan stormed into the house, with Iris trailing behind him, both looking exhausted and distressed.

They were greeted by Bella, who was lounging on the couch, her belongings scattered around the room.

“And what is the meaning of this, Bella?” Ryan barked, glaring at her. “What are you doing in my house with your luggage?”

Bella smiled lightly, casting a hard stare at Iris. “Welcome home, honey,” she said sweetly.

“What is she doing here?” Bella asked, her smirk widening as she looked at Iris.”You still haven’t answered my question, Bella. What are you doing here? In my house? Dressed like that?” Ryan demanded, his voice rising.

“I know you’ve been stressed, honey,” Bella cooed, walking toward him and attempting to take off his suit jacket. “Your mum asked me to move in so you can take care of me and our unborn child.”Those words pierced Iris’s heart. She stood there, frozen, tears welling up in her eyes.

“Bella, take your hands off me,” Ryan snapped, pushing her away. “I asked you a question.”

“Ryan, stop yelling at me because of her,” Bella shot back, her voice filled with venom. “We need you, Ryan. Can’t you see?” She made a sad face, placing her hand on his chest.

Iris couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. They fell freely as she turned and ran out of the house.

Ryan started to go after her, but Bella grabbed his arm, stopping him. “Ryan, let her go. We need you more. We are now your family,” she said, her voice pleading.

Iris ran as fast as she could, her vision blurred by tears. As she grew tired, her pace slowed, and her legs felt weak. She noticed a car trailing behind her and stopped to see if they were following her.

The car also stopped. Growing more frightened, she started walking again, the car continuing to follow her.

She quickly pulled out her phone and texted Ryan, “There’s a car following me, please help me.”Immediately, she felt strong hands wrap around her, and a small towel covered her mouth and nose.

Her phone fell from her hands as she was carried into the car, which sped off.

Ryan received the text and his eyes widened in shock. “Fuck,” he muttered, running out of the house, ignoring Bella’s calls. He got into his car and sped off, searching for Iris.

Driving through the streets, he saw a small crowd gathered on the sidewalk. He pulled over, rushed out of his car, and pushed his way through the crowd. There, on the ground, was Iris’s bag and phone. He grabbed them, his heart sinking.”Who saw the owner of these?” he demanded, but no one had any answers

Back in his car, Ryan saw the text Iris had sent him and the cracked screen of her phone.

Frustration and pain overwhelmed him, and he hit the steering wheel hard, screaming in anguish. Tears streamed down his face. He called his investigators, yelling at them for their sluggishness.

“Now Iris has been taken! Find her and her mother, or you’re all finished!” he threatened.

He then called the police, reporting Iris’s disappearance and the threatening text she had received.

His next call was to Skylar, his voice desperate. “Sky, Iris has been taken. I need you to meet me.”

Ryan’s absence from work had not gone unnoticed. Investors were growing anxious, and the company’s stock was plummeting. The press caught wind of the turmoil, bringing unwanted attention to the Kendrick family.

Mr. Kendrick, who had been resting since his last attack, received the news of Ryan’s mismanagement and the company’s troubles. He decided it was time to intervene.

Skylar arrived at the designated meeting spot, her face etched with worry. Ryan was pacing, his phone clutched tightly in his hand.”Ryan, what happened?” Skylar asked, rushing to his side.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Iris has been taken,” Ryan said, his voice breaking. “I don’t know what to do. This is all my fault. If I had just been more careful if I had protected her better…”Skylar placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “We’ll find her, Ryan. We have to stay focused. What did the police say?”

“They’re doing everything they can,” Ryan replied, “but we can’t rely on them alone. We need to figure out who is behind this.”

Later that night, Ryan sat alone in his study, staring at Iris’s phone. His mind raced with worry and regret. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he had failed her.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed. It was a message from an unknown number: “We have Iris. If you want to see her again, you’ll follow our instructions.”Ryan’s heart pounded as he read the message.

He knew this was his only chance to save her, but he also knew he was walking into a trap. He quickly called Skylar explaining the situation. “We need to be smart about this,” he said. “They won’t expect us to have a plan.”As they discussed their strategy, the clock ticked down, the sense of urgency growing.

Ryan sent a reply to the unknown number: “Tell me what you want.”The response came almost immediately: “Come alone to the abandoned warehouse on 5th Street at midnight. Any funny business and she dies.”Ryan clenched his fists, determination steeling his nerves.

“We’ll save her,” he vowed, looking at Skylar and his father. “No matter what.”As the clock struck midnight, Ryan stood outside the warehouse, his heart racing. He took a deep breath and stepped inside, ready to face whatever awaited him.

The door creaked shut behind him, and he was plunged into darkness. A single light flickered on, revealing a shadowy figure standing in the center of the room.

“Welcome, Ryan,” the figure said, a sinister smile playing on their lips. “Let’s see how far you’re willing to go to save the one you love.”

Ryan drove from the hotel to his father’s penthouse, his mind clouded with thoughts of Iris and the predicament she was in. He was staying at the hotel to avoid drama with Bella, who was currently in his house.

Despite his efforts to distance himself, he made sure her needs were taken care of.

Arriving at the penthouse, Mr. Kendrick’s guards led him to the rooftop where his father was waiting. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the city.

“Morning, Dad,” Ryan greeted, trying to mask his anxiety. Mr. Kendrick nodded, gesturing for him to sit.

“Sit.”Ryan took a seat, looking at his father who seemed as stern as ever.

“Get him something to drink,” Mr. Kendrick ordered one of the guards.”Son, what is going on?” he asked, his voice carrying a mix of concern and frustration.

Ryan sighed, restless and visibly stressed. “Dad, I know I haven’t been the son you always wanted, but a lot is happening that’s beyond my control.

My marriage is falling apart, Bella is pregnant, and Iris and her mother have been abducted. I don’t know where they are.

“Mr. Kendrick’s eyes narrowed. “And how does that affect my company? That company was handed to me by my father.

If I had handled it the way you have, it would be history by now. You don’t go to work, you don’t attend board meetings, you don’t even engage with our investors.

Do you know how much we have lost due to your negligence? You refuse to grow up, and now everything is crumbling around you.”Mr. Kendrick’s words stung, but Ryan knew they were true.

“This is how you intend to control my empire when I’m gone? The Kendricks are known for their wisdom.

What’s happening to you? You don’t act like you have your blood running through your veins. I expected more from you, Ryan. You went as far as deceiving everyone, including me, about your marriage when it was all a contract.”

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