The CEO’S Secret Mistress

Chapter 10 “Act like you don’t know me”

Mavis couldn’t believe her ears when she heard what Blaine was offering”£150000?” she asked and he nodded with a straight face. That was the exact amount those people are asking for and that way there will be nothing left for them to start over. He can’t really mean this, he’s a billionaire!

” Are you being serious Blaine? I thought you were a billionaire.”

” I am”

” Then how can you not afford even half of what you originally discussed with my father? It sounds ridiculous!”

Blaine looked at Mavis, she was beautiful and she seemed to have the qualities of the type of woman he would like to have but right now she was exhibiting a certain trait that he has come to despise very well, the love for money.

” You want to know what I find that ridiculous? It’s that you cursed at me and told me to leave your house so coldly barely a day or two ago and now that you’ve found out how much you can gain for it, you suddenly want to sell it so desperately.”

Mavis felt so attacked. Was this what he truly thought of her? He thought she is being covetous?

She scoffed and looked at Blaine as she said, ” I don’t have to explain myself to you. Something has come up and I need the money, right now this is my only option. If you had any brains you’d know that if a woman who was so passionate about ensuring you never buy her Estate was suddenly selling it to you then it must be because something beyond her has happened, but I guess you have no brains. I’ll be on my way now, it wasn’t nice talking to you Blaine”

Mavis picked up her purse from the table and got up to leave but at this point Blaine was furious. He must’ve made her think he was just like any man because the way she walks in and out of him whenever they talk was a clear testament to the fact that she does not have any regard for him. He was a nobody to her and it was all because of money.From NôvelDrama.Org.

Blaine had the money to buy that Estate and he would have paid the money if it was Mavis’s father that talked to him about it. That man had so much humility and seemed like such a good man that he would’ve done anything to make the man’s life easier. But Mavis is disrespectful, rude, arrogant, and unpleasant. He couldn’t believe he liked her just because she had a pretty face. Because of his obvious feelings for her, he had not shown her the side of him by which the rest of the world knew him. It was high time he showed her a little bit of that side.

” You’re gonna walk out on me?” he asked as she got ready to leave.

” Of course, I have no time to talk to a man who thinks I’m trying to rob my father.”

” Neither do I have time for a woman who thinks she can make monetary demands from a man she barely even remembers spending the night with?” He said coldly. Mavis was shocked by his tone, he sounded so cold as he spoke. Now he was beginning to sound the way she imagined a billionaire would sound. But how dare he say something like that about her?

Just then, the waiter came in with the packaged meal and handed it to Mavis. She struggled with whether or not she should take it since he was already indirectly accusing her of being hungry for his money. Suddenly she wanted nothing to do with him, including the food.

” How much does this cost?” she asked the waiter and then gulped when she heard the bill. She brought out her credit card and handed it to the man but the man refused to take it.

” Umm, I know I told you that he would pay but I’m gonna pay for what I ate. He can pay for his own order.” She said and stretched her hand to the waiter so he would accept the credit card but he still refuses.

” Any food courtesy of the owner is not paid for.” He simply said and Mavis looked at Blaine.

” He’s the owner of this restaurant?”

” As well as a hundred other establishments around the world,” the waiter said. When Mavis took a closer look, she realized that she had looked down on the man w little bit or maybe even too much because he was dressed in his chef outfit but she mistook him for a waiter the second she saw him. It all made sense why it was the chef who was attending to them rather than a waiter, Blaine owns the place.

” Well, I can’t do anything about your rules then. Have a great day Mr. Rider.” She said as she accepted the package.

” You too” he responded dryly.

” Oh, and Miss Tremont?” he said, getting up from his seat and standing in front of her as he said, ” if you ever see me again, act like you don’t know me.”

Mavis was taken aback by his request and even more surprised by the fact that he walked out on her and left the restaurant! ” What a pompous piece of shit!” she cursed under her breath.

When she got home, everyone was waiting for the great news. They even made lunch and a hot bath for her afterward. ” we knew this must’ve been so hard for you to do since you don’t really like Blaine so we thought we should do this as a kind of reward.” Lisa had said when she sat down at the dining table to eat.

” So how did it go?” Amy asked enthusiastically. She couldn’t blame them for anticipating. The money Blaine originally offered would’ve been more than enough for them to live big afterward.

” He says he can’t afford it” Mavis answered.

” Okay…what can he afford?”

” £150000″

” But that’s the exact amount that we need! Did he find out about the loan?” Lisa asked and Mavis shook her head.

” Wait, you took the money right?”

” of course, I didn’t! I only agreed to sell this place because, in the end, we would have more than enough leftover. Don’t you know that if I accept it, we would have to vacate the building and will be penniless and broke regardless?” Mavis lashed out at Luke before she dropped her fork and went straight to her room.

She couldn’t believe she let them talk her into having lunch with Blaine only for him to humiliate her. And what was that he said about her acting like she doesn’t know him? she obviously wouldn’t even look his way if they ever cross paths!

Mavis spent the rest of her day feeling so angry and upset at everyone and eventually slept very late that night. But when she woke up the next morning, she was feeling sick and nauseous. It’s been ages since she’s been sick so this made her feel so miserable. She got up and quickly vomited in the toilet. Because she was quite violent whenever she vomited, everyone rushed to her room asking if she was okay.

” I’m fine. Just feeling sick and nauseous, I’ll go see a doctor tomorrow.” She said dismissively but Amy and Darla knew that something was off.

” Mavis”

” I said I’m fine guys. I know I sounded like I was dying but that’s how I puke.”

” Yeah, we know. What we don’t know is…when last did you see your…you know?” Darla asked.

” Oh please, I saw that like literally a week…” Mavis paused because she was suddenly not able to recall when last she’d seen her period.

” Oh shit, you’re pregnant.” Amy gasped and Mavis’s hand began to shake violently because if this is true then she is done for because Blaine would be the father and he made it clear to her that they must not act like they know each other again. What would she do now?!

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