The CEO’ s second choice

Chapter53 8 Month Waddle

Chapter53 8 Month Waddle


I don’t walk anymore, guys. I waddle now and belong with the penguins.

“Look at you working that waddle, Mrs Dumont.” Isaac jests as I walk towards him in the cafeteria.

I shoot him a death glare, but all he does is blow me a kiss and pat the empty seat next to him. He

looks disgusted at my plate full of junk food. “What?!” I ask him as I stuff a burger into my mouth. “What

are you feeding my godchild?! I sent you a list of healthy alternatives. What have you done with it?” He

demands as he points a manicured finger at me but I shrug as I eat a chip. “Prolly ate it too, I dunno,” I

say, much to a dissatisfied Isaac who huffs his disapproval.

I am currently 8 and a half months pregnant and the heaviest I have ever been! How did some

women do this more than once? Yeah, in the beginning, it was cute and all with baby kicks and

tumbles, but now? Now I was hot and heavy and just needed to give birth before I eventually popped

like a balloon. Sebastian is loving me like this though and said I need to do it at least four more times.

That’s when I immediately sent him the numbers of a divorce lawyer and mental institution.

Ha. No.

“So, did you speak to your professor?” Isaac asks me, referring to me asking for an extension due

to my maternity leave, which starts tomorrow, and I nod. “Yes, 6-month extension on all assignments. I

will try not to work from home, but you know me.” I say, and he gives me another disapproving look. “If

you don’t rest up, I will come and disconnect your internet myself, Dumont. Don’t you dare put my child

at risk!” He says as he takes a sip of his latte. I smile at this. I love Isaac so much he’s like a brother to

me, which is why I made him Godparent to my baby. The only one who is constantly in my corner and

tells me when I’m being overdramatic or wrong. No one has done that before, and I love him for it.

Anabelle, on the other hand, has made herself scarce since I revealed my pregnancy and seems to be

hanging out with the other upper elite of Exeter. No skin off my nose, though.

“Okay, fine, no work until I am back at school. Scouts honour.” I say as I hold my hand up and see

him nod with a satisfied smile. Today would be my last day at Exeter until my child was born and after.

Sebastian has been hinting that I will have to leave school after the baby is born because my

responsibility would be so much more than handing in essays. I told him that I would think about it, but

maybe I could handle it all who knows?

Isaac looks at me with a grin. “Sooo, have you thought of names yet?” he asks me and I sit back,

thinking about Sebastian and my conversation a few weeks ago. He wasn’t happy with the names I

chose and I wasn’t happy with the ones he chose. It was like a total rollercoaster ride, so annoying. I

groan, “Sebastian wants Ingrid if it’s a girl and Leonardo if it’s a boy, but those names are GHASTLY!” I

moaned, complaining about the name choices, but this time I was doing it out loud. Isaac blanches and

makes a vomiting gesture. “I, on the other hand, like the names Esmerelda and Marshall,” I say with

pride, but Isaac bursts out laughing. I look at him, completely mortified.

“You both suck bollocks at choosing names!” He says between laughter and immediately my

cheeks flare up in embarrassment. I cross my arms in front of my chest. “Do you have a better idea?” I

say, jilted and holding my head up high. I happened to like those names. How dare he shoot me down!

He shakes his head, “I don’t but I feel as if there is no love in those names you two chose. Are they

significant to you? Do they hold importance?” He asks. I looked at him with wide eyes and wondered.

Those names are pretty but held no meaning to me or Sebastian. Isaac was right, as usual. We both

sucked at choosing names and would have to choose carefully. Leaning in towards him, I wrap my

arms around his waist and sigh. “Thank you, Isaac. I never thought of it that way.” I say and see him

beam down at me.

“You’re welcome. Now, let’s get to class, Esmerelda Ingrid.” He says, and I burst out laughing. Oh

my word, those names really do not match me at all!

The rest of the day went by way too fast and when I looked again, I was heading to my Phantom. I

look to my left and notice the two bodyguards Sebastian had arranged for me. Ever since his parent’s

accident was deemed a homicide, he has been extra careful when it came to me. In my husband’s

mind I needed different drivers, changed periodically during the day and all on call, I never knew who I

was going to get and neither did they.

The car and crash site had been looked over again and foul play was discovered, but no one could

figure out why. Sebastian was the first choice because he inherited everything, but they let him off

because there was no evidence. Which begs the question, who killed Mirabelle and Spencer Dumont?

“Leen!” I hear Anabelle’s voice behind me, and a shiver goes up my spine. Plastering on a fake

smile, I turned to her. “Hey, Ana,” I greeted her, and she wrapped me in a tight hug before handing me

a small box. “I got this for you. Figured you would like something sweet and don’t worry, no peanuts!”

She says, and I take the homemade cupcake from her. “Thank you, Ana, and you’re absolutely

correct!” I respond with a giggle, then her smile drops a bit. “Your last day, then?” She asks and I nod,

“Yeah,” was all I could say and she offers me an apologetic smile. “That’s a pity, you’ll be missing out

on a lot of important modules and I know how much school means to you.” She says, clearly in a fake

apologetic tone, but all I do is shrug as another unwanted smile crosses my lips. “Oh, it’s no worries.

Professor Peterson and the dean have given me a 6-month extension so I don’t miss out on anything

important.” I say smugly and notice how the smile completely slips from her face.

“Hm, must be nice being you,” she says then caught herself, “Uh, I’ll see you later. Bye, Leen!” she

says and scurried away as fast as her stilettos could take her. She must have thought that I didn’t catch

that comment, but I did. Was Anabelle jealous of my last name and stature? It sure seemed that way

now. I look at the cupcake box in my hand and get into the Phantom when the door is opened for me.

Hmm. I wonder?

I grab the latex gloves from the middle compartment, take out the Nima sensor from my handbag

and break off a piece of the cupcake Ana has given me. Then I stuff it inside the capsule and screw it

closed before I insert the capsule inside the sensor. After I switch it on, it didn’t even take 30 seconds

before a message popped up on the screen. I smiled sadly, realising just how much Anabelle hated

me, and I still haven’t figured out why.

Two words ended our friendship completely, and I vowed never to let her in my life again, not after

what she has attempted to do. I looked down at the sensor I held and sighed wistfully before telling the

driver to take me home.



Meeting, meetings, meetings.

Is this what my father did all day when he was alive? Meetings every second of the goddamn day?

This is truly soul-crushing, and I am tired. I have barely seen Elena lately and I miss her terribly. She

looked even more beautiful while pregnant; she glowed and looked serene and happy. Gosh, I love her

so much. It was almost our two year anniversary and I could not wait to remind her of how much she

meant to me. I’ve put in my leave and we will spend 2 weeks together. That’s final.

A burst at the door alerted my attention to my PA, and I frowned. I was currently in a meeting with Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

some very important investors. What is wrong with her? “Agatha? What in the world are you doing?” I

ask with a disapproving look on my face, but what I saw on hers was a crazed look and there were

tears in her eyes. “Agatha?” I ask, getting up from my seat and walking towards her, but the next words

she spoke broke my world apart and sent me into a dark pit.

“It’s Mrs Dumont, sir! There has been a car wreck...”

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