The Billionaire’s Unexpected Proposal (Evelyn and Derek)

Billionaire’s 142

Evelyn sat at her desk, engrossed in her work, her fingers tapping lightly on her keyboard as she worked on the questions she was compiling for her interview with Derek. The phone on her desk buzzed softly, and she glanced down at the screen. A smile spread across her face when she saw Derek's name flashing.

Without hesitation, she picked up the phone. "Hey, D!" she greeted warmly, leaning back in her chair, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Hey, baby! How's your day going?" Derek's familiar voice came through the line, and she could hear the hint of a smile in his tone.

"Going smoothly so far" Evelyn replied, glancing briefly at the clock on her computer screen. "What about you?"

Derek chuckled softly. "Busy, as usual, but everything's on track. I wanted to check in and see if the movers have arrived at your place yet. Have you heard from Maya?" Evelyn's eyes brightened at the mention of the movers. "Not yet."

They had agreed to make the move that day while she was at work, keeping an eye on Sandra, and they were certain Michael was also in his office.

Maya was to coordinate the movers and take them to the new house, and after the close of school, she'd go get Samantha and take her to their new home. Evelyn would also go there after the close of work. "I assume they'll get there soon. The last time I spoke with them, they were on their way," Derek confirmed. "Also, I need to

to warn you - Sandra is planning to steal your phone to get rid of that video we have. You might want to be careful."

Evelyn let out a short, amused laugh. "Oh, she can try, but I'm not going to make it easy for her."

"I trust you not to. So, when are we inviting Rayna and Ethan over?" Derek asked, and Evelyn grinned.

"Wednesday would be good. What do you think? Or should we make it Friday?" Evelyn asked, thinking about how much time it would take to unpack.

"It depends on you. But don't forget that your parents will want to come over by the weekend, and my Dad will too," he said, and she smiled.

"Let's have them over by Wednesday then," Evelyn said, and before Derek could respond, his office door opened and his mother walked in.

"Sorry, babe, I have to call you back. My mom just walked in," he said in a quiet voice.


"Oh, okay," she said softly, a little surprised but knowing that they were probably about to have a serious conversation since he had told her how dinner had gone the previous night. "Talk to you later." soon." Derek hung up and placed his phone down before turning to greet his mother.

She stood inside the office, her posture stiff, her face pale and uncertain. For a long moment, they stared at each other in silence.

"Mom," Derek greeted quietly, nodding at her, "I heard from Dad. Did you confirm things at the hotel?"

She stepped closer to the desk, her eyes avoiding his for a moment before she nodded. "I did," she whispered. "I've seen everything, Derek. I don't know how to face you."

Derek sighed, standing up from his desk. "It's not your fault. Michael and Sandra had everyone fooled." He motioned to a chair. "Please, sit. Do you want some coffee? Anything to drink?"

His mother shook her head, sitting down slowly. "No, thank you. I'm not here for that." She swallowed hard, her eyes finally meeting his. "I came to apologize, Derek. I've been so blind... I didn't listen to you and tried to force my decisions on you. I see now how wrong I


Derek's expression softened as he walked around his desk and sat across from her. "I love you, Mom. The only thing that matters to me is that you know the truth now. That's all that matters."

She sighed heavily, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. "I was so cruel to Evelyn... I judged her based on lies. I need to meet with her and apologize."

Derek raised an eyebrow, watching her closely. "Do you mean it? Or are you just saying that?"

"I mean it," she insisted, her voice trembling with sincerity. "I'm truly sorry for everything. I've not been able to stop thinking about the incident in your suite. I said those harsh words to her and I made her lose her job. I feel so ashamed now." "Yes, I agree that you should be embarrassed. Your behavior embarrassed me, too. But don't worry.

Evelyn is forgiving and sweet. I'm sure she won't hold it against you."

"I have no doubt. Anyone that raised Samantha is wonderful," she said softly.

"I'm surprised you're not asking for a DNA test," he said, and she shook her head.

"I suspected from the moment I saw her that she was your daughter. The resemblance was too strong to ignore. I just didn't want to believe it at the time. I even... I even had a DNA test done..." she trailed off when Derek's eyes widened in surprise. "You... did what? When? How?"

His mother nodded, shame coloring her features as she explained it to him. "I just wanted to know for sure, and now I want to make things right."

Derek leaned back in his chair, processing her words.

"Like I told you already, I plan to marry Evelyn, Mom.

I hope you're okay with that."

She gave him a slight, tentative nod. "I don't mind. I never had anything against Evelyn, not personally. I just... I listened to Michael too much. This has taught me always to hear both sides of the story, no matter who tells it first." Derek studied her for a moment, then sighed. "I will arrange for you to meet Evelyn. Maybe you and Dad can come over to the house. We can all sit down and talk things through." But she quickly shook her head. "No, I want to meet her privately. I need to apologize and make amends before I come into her home. It wouldn't feel right." Derek nodded thoughtfully.Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.


if that's what you prefer. Do you want me to bring her to you?"

"No," mother his

firmly. said t

I need is her phone number. I'll reach out to her myself and arrange a meeting," she said, and Derek reluctantly pulled out his phone and gave her Evelyn's number. His mother took it with a grateful nod, and as they put their phones away, she looked at him again, her expression shifting to one of annoyance.

"I was going to confront Michael, but your father asked me not to. What are we going to do about those two animals?" She asked, and Derek smirked.

"I have a plan," he said, his voice steady with resolve.

"And now that you're on our side, I need your help executing it." "Whatever

need, Derek. I'll do anything to fix the mess I've caused," she said, her eyes meeting his with a newfound determination. Derek gave her a small, approving nod. "First, you have to keep acting like you don't know a thing. I'd like us to reveal everything at your upcoming birthday party. I want you to make sure they plan the party themselves. I will make Michael believe I plan to propose to нега Sandra on on that night." His mother frowned, "I like the idea, but don't forget that Michael is family and I have to think about my sister and our relatives before doing something like that in public. Besides, it would ruin my party," she reminded him.

"That doesn't have to be the real party. We could do that at home with only family members present and after that we can move to the real party venue. How about that?" He asked, and she considered it for a moment before nodding. "That sounds good. Will Sandra's parents be present too?" She asked, and Derek nodde

"Yes. They have to be there. I plan to propose to Evelyn on that night after I've cleared up everything," he said, and she nodded

"Alright. If that's what you want, you have my support," she assured him, making up her mind not to worry about what anyone was going to say about Derek marrying Michael's ex fiancée. Derek smiled, happy that he finally had his mother on his side. With both their parents' blessing, he could proceed with his plans to marry Evelyn now.

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