the billionaire's surrogate (Emily and Colton)

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I usually liked letters that began with a Congratulations! 947

It was on my acceptance letter to NYU. It was on my awarded scholarships letter. Letters that began

with a Congratulations! were a good thing. 49

I nod, slowly, as I stare at the letter in front of me. "This is a good thing." My hands are trembling,

making the letter shake so I set it on the counter and pace around the kitchen. 17

Not the kind of good I liked rather the kind of good you know you have to do but don't want to, like

when you know you have to clean your bedroom but you'd rather lay in bed and watch TV. Or when

you know you have to do your homework but you want to go watch that one movie that just came out.

That kind of good. The kind that has a good result but there's a sacrifice to it. 131

In my case, a huge sacrifice. 6

"Emily?" 37

I look up and realize that Derek, my roommate is looking at me. "Yeah?" I say reaching for the letter

quickly. 136

"Are you alright?" he says eyeing me with his pitch black eyes. 166

"Yeah." I repeat, nodding. "Just tired, I'm going to take a nap." I announce making my way to my room.


I met Derek at the beginning of my junior year in NYU which was almost two years ago, considering I

am on my last semester of college. We decided to move in together at the end of the year after

becoming good friends. Living with him hasn't been a problem so far, he's a good guy. We live in a two

bedroom apartment and share the bills. +

I go to my room and shut the door then lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I have three exams this

week along with a ton of homework to do and I couldn't bring myself to start studying. A few months

ago, I received the worst news I could possibly receive. My dad had a heart attack. My family lives in

Arizona, where I was born, but I came to New York for my career because the school offered me a full

scholarship so I couldn't even see him. 230

My mom didn't tell me until he was out of danger but that didn't make me feel any better. Ever since

that day, my father has been sick and my mom had to work more in order to be able to pay the house

bills, leaving my little sister in the hospital with my dad. She is a sophomore in high school so she goes

whenever she gets out of school so my dad is not alone. 51

I've thought about leaving. 7

A lot of times. 3

I was supposed to be the miracle of the family. The successful one to make enough money to be able

to buy my parents a house. The reliable one. And I'm here, useless, unable to do anything to help. Part

of me wants to pack my bags and go home and the other part of me knows I can't throw all of this

away. I am so close to finishing school. So close to graduating and becoming a nurse-I can't give it up

now. That's what my dad told me the last time I spoke with him and I know he's right but I won't forgive

myself if something happens to him while I'm here. +

I clean the tear that was rolling down the side of my eye. 14

Of course I have a job but it is barely enough for me to pay the bills and feed myself. I don't have

enough money to send them and help my mom. So while I'm here, trying to finish my education, my

dad is drowning more in debt with the hospital. Soon, they're not going to want to attend him. 112

I didn't think it would be this hard to be a twenty-four year old. 232

My phone begins to ring, making me jump. "Hello?" I answer, quickly and out of breath. 8

"Emily, it's Elizabeth." 127

"Oh." I say, feeling a little relieved it's not my mom with bad news. "Oh! I totally forgot we were going to

have lunch together. I'm sorry! I'm on my way," I babble as I reach for my purse. 5

"It's okay. I'm outside, take your time." 5

Elizabeth is the one and only true friend I have. We met in freshman orientation, my first friend in New

York, we've been friends since then. Derek is no where to be seen, I'm guessing he's in his room, so I

head out, lock the door and get in Elizabeth's car. It's a sunny afternoon but still a sweater day in New

York. Being from Arizona, I didn't like the cold but it kind of grew out on me, didn't really have another

choice. 64

People are always saying that Elizabeth and I could easily be sisters and looking at her, I can see why.

We both have long, brown wavy hair, brown eyes, fair skin. I guess we are different in the way we

dress. She is always dressing up compared to my jeans and blouse with a sweater. "Hey." I smile at

her as she drives off the driveway. 127

"Everything okay?" she asks me. +

"Yes." I sigh. "No." +

She glances at me. "You can tell me over lunch, right now I need food." 37

I laugh. "Same." 43

We go to this restaurant on a corner that we always go to called, Patty's Diner. 57

"How's your dad?" Elizabeth asks me after we order. 2

"The same, I think. I don't know I haven't talked to mom since last week." I reach for the letter in the

sweater pocket. "I got this." I say sliding it to her across the table. 10

She gives me a weird look then takes it. "Congratulations," she reads. "Your application to the Growing

Generations Program has been accepted. You may now proceed to step two..." she reads the rest in

her head before looking up at me, her eyes wide. "This isn't-?" +

I nod, slowly. "I don't know what to do. I mean this is crazy, right? I've never had a baby, I've never even

had sex, for god's sake!" I hiss at her. 428

"Okay," she says, placing her hands on her table. "This is obviously a really serious decision you have

to make." 38

I take a sip of my coffee. "This is a good thing, right? My parents-they need the money. They really need it." +

Elizabeth puts her hand on top of mine. "Emily, this is a big decision. You have to be super sure that

you are ready to do this." 17

The idea to become a surrogate came up when I overheard a conversation I wasn't supposed to

between two girls in my class. They were talking about how college students are always broke, which

was a fact. One of them brought up stripping as a way to make a lot of money while the other one

brought up surrogacy. Of course, I had heard about it. How it's when you grow a baby for someone

else. That wasn't what brought my attention. What brought my attention is how much money the

surrogate women make. From 40,000 to 50,000, my dad needed that kind of money, maybe even

more. I'll probably just pop out kids for the rest of my life. 342

So I decided to apply, I was feeling vulnerable that day and I wasn't really thinking about what I was

doing. Now, I get this letter saying that they reviewed my application to be a surrogate mom and that I

was ready to move to the next step. 20

"My dad needs money." I blurt out. +

"Yes, but Emily-you have to be physically and mentally prepared for this. You have to go through tests

and then have to go to checkups after you get pregnant and then you have the baby and you will never

see him or her again." + All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

I shake my head. "I don't want a baby anyway." 395

She gives me a worried look. "You have to think about this. Really think about this." 23

The waiter comes with our food and we sit there silently, waiting for her to go away. "It's perfect timing

too." I continue. "By the time the baby is born, I'll be out of school." 3

"You'll be pregnant for graduation." Elizabeth interrupts. "Graduation, Emily. Your graduation pictures

would be ruined forever. I know you need the money but-there has to be another way." +

I shake my head. "There isn't. I can't work more because I need to focus in school-" +

"You're going to be pregnant, do you know how hard that is going to be?" 20

"Not as hard as losing my dad." I whisper. 371

She looks at me. "I'm sorry." 2

I shake my head. "It's not your fault. I know-" I sigh. "I know this isn't going to be easy but I have to do

something to help my dad, my mom. I can't be this useless." +

"Okay this is what we're going to do." Elizabeth says after a moment. "You are going to proceed to step

two but while we wait for a response for that, we are going to look for another way to earn money

quickly." 171

I nod, knowing we aren't going to find another way because I've literally went through everything. I

though about getting a student loan but I need more than a few thousands. I thought about finding

another job but I know I'll get behind in school if I did that. I don't have any friends or anyone to lend me

that kind of money. It's just me and my family, no one else. No one who can help us. 110

My only option is to become a surrogate. I know that is the only way I have to make money quickly.

Unconsciously, my hand goes to my flat stomach. I will be pregnant without having sex. I will be

carrying someone else's child and then just give it away. 311

It's not going to be my baby, I think to myself, I'll be okay. I have to do it for dad. I have to do

something. 102

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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