The Billionaire’s Pretty Thief

Chapter 23

She was not aware of what she was to do but she had just two options to see Blaze, and it was either she lied to meet with him, or she sat there and looked keenly for when he would be out to get lunch or to go back home.

Crystal putting on a straight and serious face and without blinking an eye said to the receptionist that she needed to see Blaze and that she was not leaving from there without seeing him.

The receptionist already on alert told her not to cause any scandal there as she would be forced to call on the security agents to come to take her out.

Crystal using her senses to screen the whole place and looking for openings told her that it was not necessary but asked her where the restrooms were as she needed to make herself comfortable.

“You take the corridor to till the end, and you turn left the lavatory is just there Ms.”, she responded.

Seeing the receptionist’s face, she was not too sure about Crystal as she had approached her with a rather disturbing attitude.

As Crystal left for the washroom, she called on Mike, one of the security agents who was a staff in the company to keep an eye on Crystal as her behavior was somewhat alarming.

Mike answered positively and followed her to see what her plans were to stop it before it created a problem in the building and the company as a whole.

Crystal walked through the corridor, keeping her eyes wide open and making sure that her ears were as sharp as that of a vampire, hearing every conversation even through closed doors.

She had a feeling that someone was following her so she had to play her game well to face to face-to-faceBlaze Jad with all.

Crystal kept on walking slowly and at the tiniest bit of recourse that had presented itself to her, she faked a missed step and fell onto the ground.

The security agent that had been following her from behind, rushed to help her as he feared that she had badly injured herself.

” Ms., are you okay, what happened to you?”, he asked and Crystal continued touching her ankle faking tears from her beautiful eyes.

The agent asked if she could walk and she said she could try, but when he managed to help her get on her feet, she crumbled again on the ground crying louder this time.

The guard had fallen into her hitch as he told her not to panic and to wait for him to go get help from the clinic.

She nodded in agreement to what he had just said telling him to hurry as she could not bear the pain for another minute.

The security left her on the wall of the hallway going to call for a colleague to come to stay with her while he goes and gets the nurses to come and help her.

Crystal got up from where she was seated and changing her direction she went the other way and arranged herself as if nothing had happened.

she totters on a staff working at the company and lies that she has been directed to the boss’s office and it was like she missed her way.

“I think you are referring to Sir Jadiel right?”, she asked politely.

Crystal answered immediately waiting for her. her to give an appropriate answer to her question.

The lady told her to take the lifter and to drop it on the second floor which is where she is going to find the boss’s office.

Crystal thanked her and entered the lifter immediately following the indication that the lady had given.

Baze was in a meeting with his foreign investors and he was about to gain millions from the deal he was giving birth to as he was having control over the situation.

Crystal had programmed the lifter in such a way that she was going to be left on the second floor.

The agent was at the reception and the receptionist seeing him alone and noticing how long Crystal had taken in the privy, decided to call on the agent to ask what had happened in there.

The agent came to her hurrying to get to the infirmary and the lady behind her desk asked why he was not in the company of the woman she asked him to keep an eye on, but he reported that she had fractured her ankle while walking in her heels so he was going to call on the company’s nurse.

The lady not buying that story asked where she was and the agent told her that he had helped her by supporting her body against the wall on the path.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

The lady told him to get one of his colleagues so that they could go get that lady from there as she was a crook.

The agent, wanting to dispute what the lady was telling him, asked how Crustal could be crook when he saw her himself almost falling from her heels.

The lady insisted that he should go there now and bring her outside.

Taking up the phone and placing a call, she alerted the secretary and other staff that there was an intruder in the building.

Crystal had already passed Blaze’s Secretary’s office and she had told her to wait on the visitor’s seat in the hallway while Blaze finished his meeting.

She had used her same skills to say that she would like to ease herself whereas she just wanted an opportunity to go to the meeting room.

By the time the receptionist was finally able to contact the secretary, Crystal had already found her way to blazes meeting with his board of directors and his investors.

The agent going to where he had left Crystal and not finding her there, came to realize that, what his colleague was saying was nothing but the truth but Crystal had already pushed the door of the office and she had gotten in there.

” Good morning ladies and gentlemen”, Crystal said walking into the room, with a rayon smile that made most of the clients there lose focus at the sight of her beauty and innocence.

“Good morning to you pretty one”, someone said from the others without thinking as he could not hold his lips from moving after seeing Crystal.

Crystal smiled and apologized for being late for the meeting.

The other staff and investors were confused as they had never seen her before in the company.

” We are sorry Ms., but are you new, or did you miss your way?”, a staff asked looking at Blaze to say something in the face of such a despicable situation.

Blaze who had been keeping quiet not knowing what to say or do, lowered his head for a second then bringing it up again asked in a loud voice what she was doing in his office.

Crystal laughing out loud, responded

“I came to see my sweetheart who has been avoiding me”, she said moving from where she was standing to meet Blaze where he was seated.

The whole room was filled with whispering from one lip to the other wondering what a dilemma they were looking at and not knowing what Blaze was going to do about it.

Crystal stood in front of the office and formally introduced herself,

” I am Crystal and I will be Blaze’s wife in some weeks”, she said with a wide smile on her cheek that made everyone to be happy as they had never seen their boss with any lady before.

“Mr. Blaze, I must admit that you have great taste she is very beautiful and sexy”, one of the investors said laughing and turning to his colleague closer to him.

” Yes she is, and her skin is so perfect”, another added.

Blaze could not believe that Crystal was in front of him, making ridicule of him.

“Blaze Jadiel Williams, you are going to be mine and there is nothing anyone will do about it”, Miranda was hatching a plan to get back Blaze no matter what it might cost her.

She smoked her cigarette, puffing out the smoke like a chimney while she closed her eyes as she was feeling the taste of the cigarette go down her joints.

She had been waiting in the dark for so long and she had noticed that no one could give her the kind of money that Blaze used to give her.

She was ready to plan into place any kind of plan just to get him to accept her again.

Phone rings…

” Hello, sir, Mr. Bassey is here to see you, sir, can I let him in?”, the secretary asked as she heard her boss’s breath over the phone.

Maxwell gave her the go-ahead to let him in as Bassey is his friend and business associate.

He walked into Max’s office, and they both shook hands as they laughed at the top of their voices.

“Good morning my friend, how are you doing today?”, Bassey asked Max who had been sitting in his office lost in his own game that he was playing.

Max with a decoy smile, said that he had been coping though not easily.

Massey went further to ask about his niece Crystal and narrated to Max how he had seen her the other day come out of the mall looking so beautiful and radiant that he could not resist the temptation of calling her but he had to suppress the urge as she was family

Both men chuckled at the hearing of what Bassey had said.

Max agreed to what he had just said as Crystal had grown into a fine woman and that was why he was using her as his tool to get whatever he wanted without anyone suspecting him.

“Hope all is well with you Max because I have noticed an unusual behavior in you since I walked in, are you having any issues that could be addressed?”, Bassey asked leaning on the table with the help of his two arms supporting his weight on them.

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