The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

Sixty - One: Job Offer

Sixty - One: Job Offer

Sixty-One: Job Offer


The three of them hang out with us for the day. I like Marcus and Jason. They are actually really cool

for werebears. Usually, werebears and wolves don’t get along, but after sitting there and talking with

them all day, I felt as if we all got to know each other better. We found out that both of them have a

degree in technology. I still don’t fully trust Deklan, but after he got over his fear of being hurt by the

girls, he started to explain everything leading up to Zane coming to him to help kidnap the kids in order

to get to Mykayla, Kylani, and Mykenzie. Deklan says that Zane feels that our pack took away his father

and wants revenge.

“Deklan what is Zane’s last name,” I ask.

“I don’t know he never said that, but one of my coven members did some digging on him and found that

his grandmother’s last name was Navarro.” Deklan replies.

I felt a knot form in my stomach when he said that last name. He has no idea what that name means

and the history behind it. That family was supposed to be wiped off the planet. How in the fuck did any

of them survive? I look at the guys, and we all know we need to talk to Dimitri as soon as possible. Shit

just got serious, and with them back in the picture, it just took it up a notch with how serious the

situation is now. I am trying not to give off any vibes so as not to attract suspicion from Mykenzie and

Kylani. I don’t need them going after these assholes by themselves. I sent a mind link to Nate and tell

him to get a hold of Dimitri. We have to come up with a plan on how to handle this. We might have to

include Marcus, Jason, and Deklan as well. I want to talk with Dimitri before we tell anyone else the

story. I am positive that Marcus is Leah’s mate and Jason is Alexis. I feel sorry for Jason; Alexis is

going to be a handful trying to keep her from hurting herself by being so clumsy. The girls decide that

this is not as interesting as they thought, so they leave. Once they leave, I turn back to Deklan.

“Are you sure about the last name?” I ask.

“Yes, does that name mean something?” He says.

“It does, but I need to speak with someone before I can tell the three of you. I am not trying to hide

anything but I need to make sure certain details can be revealed.” I explain.

They nod their heads in understanding and decide that it’s time for them to head back home. I walk

them to the front of the packhouse to find all five of the animals out front. I roll my eyes. This is just the

girls making sure the guys know they are watching. I do find it funny cause the animals are just laying

there as if they have no fucks to give. Which I guess they don’t; I mean, who or what would attack

them? The answer is absolutely no one unless they have a death wish. I watch as they drive away. I

look over and see Leah watching the car leave. She is hidden in the trees, and if you didn’t look hard,

you would not even notice her. I go back into the packhouse. I go to my office to find Brighton sitting on

my leather couch.

“You know that Marcus and Jason basically live in a hotel.” He says.

“ No, I didn’t know that, how’d you find out,” I ask

“I did a bit of digging myself to see who we might be aligning ourselves with.” He tells me.

Hmmm, we have an empty cottage on the other side of the territory that is not in use. It is actually the

old packhouse. My father built the packhouse I lived in when he was Alpha. He didn’t like the location

of the previous one because it was so far away from the others. The new packhouse is in the centre of

the territory. I think the old one would be good for two werebears. I make a phone call to a buddy of

mine that remodels houses. I tell him what I am thinking, and he says that we should include Marcus

and Jason so that we can get their opinion of what they like and how they want it set up. I agree. I give

Marcus a call and ask if he and Jason can come to my office at work tomorrow for a meeting. He asks

if he needs to pick up Deklan, and I tell him no. I let him know that this is separate from the other

issues. He understands and lets me know that he and Jason will be there around 11:00 am tomorrow.

Mykayla and I leave for the office the next day. When we get there, we go to our separate offices. I sit

down to get to work. Nothing big has been happening here. I hear Mykayla come in, and I notice she

looks a little pale. I hope she is not getting that stomach shit that is going around. I think one of the kids

brought it home from a birthday party they went to.

“Hey beautiful, are you ok?” I ask.

“Yeah, just tired.” She answers.

I sent a mind link o the pack doctor, letting her know that I need her to look at Mykayla, and she told me

to stop by later today or tomorrow.

“We are going to go see the doctor later today. You look pale baby and I am not taking a chance with

that stomach bug going around.” I tell her

She gives me a smile knowing that it would be useless. I will not take a chance with my mate. It has

been three weeks since I asked her to marry me, and I am beginning to think she might be carrying

another pup. I noticed a very mild change in her scent over the last three days. Her normal sweet

coffee with a hint of coconut scent has changed as I get a faint hint of almond mixed in. We are sitting

there when there is a knock on the door. I tell whoever it is to enter and walk Marcus and Jason. I get

up, walk over to them, shake their hands, and tell them to sit down.

“I asked you two here to discuss possible living arrangements. Before you two get offended, hear me

out. I know it would be weird for you two to live on our territory, considering the history between our two

species. I am suggesting that you two think about this offer. There is the old packhouse that we do not

use and has been sitting empty for years. I was thinking that the two of you could use it as a place to

live and a place to do your tech stuff. Also, I am offering both of your positions in this company as our

main tech guys. I don’t have anything duper high tech and have been looking for someone or a

company for a while. I trust you two and think you would be a good fit for the position for this company

and for the pack. Please think about it.” I explained.

They both look at me with a bit of shock. I hope they don’t take my offer the wrong way. I can see that

they want to say something, but out of nowhere Danniylla, Alexis and Jailynn are in my office. Fuck

they have been in another fight, and this one is bad. Alexis’s ankle is swollen and already turning black

and blue. Jailynn is holding her arm, and I can see blood running down the side of her neck. Danniylla

is holding her side as blood is seeping through her fingers, and she is staggering like she might have

been hit on the head. I can’t see an obvious wound. I have a feeling that they are going to have lots of

bruises show up tomorrow. I instantly get worried because I have no idea where the other four are. I

can only guess how bad they are. Jason is on his feet in seconds and at Alexis’s side, picking her up.

Marcus picks up Jailynn, and I sent a mind link o Nate to get to my office now. I make a couple of calls

to let everyone know that we have an emergency and that Nate, Mykayla, and I have to leave now.

Nate walks smiling till he sees Danniylla, and he is at her side instantly. We all leave through my

personal elevator. I don’t need everyone seeing these three in this condition. We rush the girls back to

the pack hospital, and the doctor is there waiting. I see that Donte, Tarkel, and Rye are there. They

don’t look happy. I look at them, and their faces darken even more as they see that we are carrying

Alexis, Jailynn, and Danniylla. The doctor has us take them straight to some rooms to get started on

taking care of the girls. Mykayla stays with the girls. We walk back out to the guys.

“Are they all here?” I ask

“No, the only other one is Leah,” Tarlek says.

I look over and see Marcus’s face darken, and I can tell he wants someone's blood for this.

“How bad is she.” He asks.

“One wrist is twice the size it should be and black and blue. She also has a large slice down from her

shoulder to her hip. It looks like a claw. Apparently, she won’t need stitches. She must have been

moving away when it caught her.” Donte tells us.

Oh yeah, Marcus is pissed. I feel the same way.

“What about the other three,” Nate asks.

“We have no idea. Leah said when they were attacked that they split up to make whoever it had to go

after them either individually or in a small group. They literally could be anywhere.” Rye ways.

“Chris, Reecie, and Kaleb went to look for them. They took Kaleb because he can smell Kylani

anywhere.” Donte says.

We go back inside to check on the girls and see how bad these four are. We run into the doctor, and

she explains that as bad as they look that they aren’t as bad as they seemed. She did say that they are

going to have bruises that will probably show up tomorrow and that they are going to be sore for a few

days. We are at the hospital for about an hour when the girls get released, and we take them back to

the packhouse. Jason is carrying Alexis, who is not happy about the situation. She is fighting being


“Stop squirming, your fucking ankle is the size of a watermelon and the color of your hair. You are not

walking.” Jason tells her. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

She glares at him but stops fighting him. I smirk to myself. I am pretty sure that is the first time a guy

has put her in her place. I look over, and she is pouting. We get back to the packhouse and head to the

rec room. Nate. Mykayla and I go and change out of work clothes and return to the rec room. Chris,

Reecie, and Kaleb are there, and they look like they want to kill someone. I still don’t see the other


“Any luck?” I ask.

“We didn’t find them but we found out what happened,” Reecie says.

They explain that the girls were shopping in the next town over and were jumped but some of Zane’s

crew and some of the werebears. Apparently, they cornered the girls and found two dead werebears

and four dead wolves. Good bastards deserved to die. I still wonder where the other three could be.

“I think they ran to have the assholes follow them and to get them away from the other four. I just don’t

know where they ran to.” Chris says.

“I lost her scent at a lake,” Kaleb says.

All of a sudden, there is a loud bang of a door slamming shut, and Nymyra, Natalya, Brynn, Mykenzie,

and Kylani come walking in. Yeah, they look like hell. They all have bruises forming, and Brynn is

holding her shoulder. Nymyra is limping, and Natalya is holding her thigh. I can see dried blood on her

hand. Mykenzie and Kylani look drained. Surprisingly they don’t seem to have any wounds. I can see

that Kylani has a tear on her shirt on the side and that Mykenzie is walking stiffly. We sit them down

and call the doctor who comes over. She checks them out and says that they have no real bad wounds

but, like the others, will probably show bruising and be sore tomorrow. Kylani lays her head on Kaleb's

chest and, within minutes, is asleep. Mykenzie is asleep not much later. Chris goes over to see why

they are so drained, and the look on his face is not good.

“There is only one reason they are this drained. They had to use a lot of power and I can almost bet

they became one again.” He says in anger.

That explains it; they had to use the power that scared them the most. That’s probably why so many

died. I still think they deserved it. How dare they pull this shit. On a positive note, we may have located

the territory of the other pack. Dimitri is coming by tomorrow to talk about what we found out. When I

told him what we found out, he was not happy.

“We will take that house and the positions if they are still offered. They went after our mates and they

are dead.” Jason says.

“The offer still stands and we can start remodeling the house tomorrow with your input as to how you

want it. We will talk about the positions of the company on Monday. Let’s get through the weekend and

get everyone here to use to your guy’s presence.” I tell them.

They agreed, and we stood there and watched the girls sleep. We carried them up to their rooms.

Marcus and Jason agreed to stay with Leah and Alexis. I knew tomorrow was going to be a stressful

day. These bastards almost got their hands on the girls, which is unacceptable.


I don’t know what these bastards are thinking, but going after my woman is a definite no. Now I have to

tell her she is my woman. This should be interesting. I carry her to her room and go into the closet.

When I come back out, she is gone. I hear the shower running, and it takes all my willpower not to join

her. I am sitting on her bed when she walks out in nothing but a tank top and a small pair of boy shorts.

I am sitting there in some sweatpants.

“Umm, you don’t have to stay. I am feeling better after my shower.” She says to me.

Her wrist is wrapped uptight. Damn, she is sexy. She just stands there and stares at me. I smirk at her

as she checks me out. She looks down and walks toward the couch on the other side of the room. I

watch her walk, and fuck, her ass is perfect.

“I know I don’t have to. I want to.” I tell her.

I grab her hand as she walks by and pulls her to me. I expect her to pull away, but she doesn’t. I look at

her, and she smiles at me. I put my hand on the back of her head and pulled her lips to mine. I run my

tongue on her bottom lip, and she grants me entrance. I waste no time and taste her sweet mouth. I run

my hand up her side until she lets out a small whine and cringes in pain. Fuck I forgot about her side.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I tell her.

“It’s ok, I know you didn’t mean to.” She tells me

I want her so bad, but she is hurt, and I will not hurt her more no matter how bad I want her naked and

screaming my name. She crawls into the bed and under the covers. I slide up behind her and place my

arm over her gently.

“Am I your mate?” She asks me.

“Yes, you are. Are you comfortable with this?” I tell her and ask.

She turns over and faces me. I feel her run her hand down my face. I pull her closer to me, and she

kisses me. I grab her ass and squeeze. She lets out a soft moan, and I am having a hard time

controlling myself. I pull back, and I can tell she is hurt.

“Leah you’re injured and I am not going to do anything to aggravate your injuries,” I tell her.

We lay there for a while, and I hear her breathing even out. I know she is asleep. I soon drift off to

sleep as well.

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