The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

One - Hundred Thirty: Casualties of War

One - Hundred Thirty: Casualties of War

One-Hundred Thirty: Casualties of War


It’s been a week since the prank war ended. However, we are still finding glitter everywhere. No matter

how many times anyone vacuums, it’s still there. I thought we almost had it gone until Dustin and Tyrell

decided to get each other. They thought the bombs had coloured powder in them. Nope, they were

glitter bombs. I have to say they looked very pretty and shiny afterwards. I laughed hard. The looks on

their faces when they both realized it was glitter were priceless. Of course, Bryn got it all on video. I

swear these men here can act so immature. The prank war has died down for the most part. A few

pranks are still happening. Seth is still pouting. He has not forgiven Mykenzie and Kylani for sending

them back to heaven. There are so many pictures of everyone that got pranked good. Jordyn still goes

up to Zak, pats him on the head, and tells him he is a good wolficorn. I am almost positive Kylani is

behind that. He did make a pretty wolficorn.

“I hate you,” Zak tells Kylani

“Karma is a bitch.” She replies.

“Why is there still glitter everywhere?” Dustin asks.

Seriously, is he asking that? He is one of the people to blame for glitter still being everywhere.

“Because you and Tyrell decided to throw bombs at each other,” I tell him.

“We thought they were full of colored powder.” He groans.

I just roll my eyes. I go back to my wedding planning. It is getting closer. Just a couple more weeks.

Which makes me wonder if he will be shiny at our wedding. I just want it to happen without any issues.

“Do I need to change the colors at the last minute to shiny colors? Since you might still be a shiny

happy person for our wedding?” I ask him.

I don’t get a verbal answer. I get a glare, and he turns away from me. I just laugh at him and kiss his

cheek. I swear these men pout more than the kids. Oh, the kids have loved all the glitter. I wonder if

more stray glitter bombs are lying around the packhouse. Dustin, Brighton, Jason, Donte, and I are

sitting in the living room when we hear a squeal. That’s when two little boys come running through

covered in glitter. I start laughing. Satyira comes walking in, also covered in glitter. Dominick and

Xaydyn are laughing. Satyira not so much. The guys lose it when Draydon walks in right after. He is

definitely the shiniest dragon I have ever seen. I guess there are some glitter bombs around.


Nigel is due to come back today. I am standing in the shower, trying to get all this fucking glitter off.

Leave it to those two troublemakers to find a glitter bomb left from our prank war. I have to admit that it

was fun. I have never laughed so hard. Everyone got pranked. Well, almost everyone. The only two off-

limits were Leah and Nymyra because they were pregnant. I love how Chris thinks he is immune from

that shit. Well, his sisters got him. He was not as immune as he thought. I am going to talk to Nigel by

myself and see what he thinks about the whole using one of our dragons as bait. I want to see what he

thinks before I talk to Xion and Blake. We are still trying to find Haze. We have a general location, but

we can't get an exact location until he gets his mark near the fire. I walk into my room and hear a gasp.

I look up and see Satyira sitting on the bed. She also got covered in glitter. Luckily she has been able

to get most of it off. Her eyes drift up and down my body. I give her a sexy smirk. We have done pretty

much everything except sex. I know she isn’t ready, and I will not force her. I told her at the beginning

that she would be the one to set the pace of this. I pull on a pair of jeans and slip a t-shirt over my


“I liked the towel better,” Satyira says.

“I bet you did. Naughty little fae.” I tell her.

We walk downstairs to find Mykayla, Chris, Seth, Zane, Deklan, and Nigel. The three toddlers are

sitting at the table eating breakfast. Mykenzie and Kylani come walking. They have Kaycen and

Dimitrus with them. Mykenzie is carrying Dimitrus. He loves his aunt. Kaycen is a huge flirt. He flirts

with all the girls. That boy is going to be a handful when he gets older. I am surprised that out of all four

that none of them has wings. They just get the boys set when there is a loud thump and a bunch of

yelling outside. I figure Phantom is in the pool again. He tends to sneak into it when Dustin is at work. It

drives Dustin crazy. I am pretty sure that if he has to replace another filter, he might shave Phantom

bald. The commotion outside gets louder, followed by lots of growling and a loud roar. Not as loud as

he can, but loud. Satyira stays with the kids as Mykenzie and Kylani run outside. When I hear them

growl, I know we need to intervene. That or someone dies. The rest of us rush outside to find all of the

animals around something and the girl’s eyes glowing. No red yet, but it’s coming. Mykayla has

everybody back off and shit. I hear a groan from inside the circle and see Mykenzie and Kylani dunk

under Phantom. Damn, I forget how huge he can be. Reece runs up, telling everyone to calm down. I

can hear mumbling from the girls. What the hell is going on? That’s when I catch a scent that I haven’t

smelled in years. There is no way. We still couldn’t get an exact location. The animals start to move

away, and Haze is in the middle of the circle lying on the ground.


This is not how I was expecting my day to go. I am currently sitting in the rec room. I look around and

see my brother, Xion, and Blake. I am glad to see them again after so long. I knew they were clearing

out the building I had been kept in. Not sure why. I knew Asmoday wasn’t at this building. I had been

moved once, and the asshole that was in charge of this building seemed to forget I was there half the

time. While Asmoday counted dragons as special, this asshole didn’t. I really didn’t care. The less I had

to see him, the better it was. I wasn’t able to shift into my dragon due to the cell being equipped with

dampeners. I knew something was up when I heard screaming, and they started clearing out the cells

with all of us in them. Well, except for me. Then I heard the explosion. Well, shit, they are blowing up

the building with me in it. The next thing I knew, I was on something incredibly soft, and it smelt familiar.

Then I was on the ground, and all hell was breaking loose. I heard growls and roaring, which sounded

very familiar. Then I heard two different growls. I knew those growls. Those two growls made every

other growl stop.

“Dragonflies?” I whisper out.

“Yes, it’s us; stay still,” Kylani tells me.

I opened my eyes, and there they were. My two favourite goddesses. Damn, they are a sight for sore

eyes. Still fucking gorgeous as ever. I look around from where I lay on the ground and see Phantom

(well, his legs, at least) and Jade. When everything calmed down, I was helped into the house and

given some food and something to drink. It takes terrible, but Imyra says it’ll help me regain my

strength and help my headache. I give her a smile, but I know better than to argue with her. Learned

that years ago after a hard slap to the back of my head. Everyone wanted to know what happened, but

I only wanted to tell this story one time.

After dinner, we headed back to the rec room. I was shocked to see so many kids. I knew right off the

bat that two belonged to Mykenzie and Kylani. The one little girl looked exactly like Kylani. The one boy

looked like Reecie. That had me cracking the fuck up. I guess Dustin’s dad had the same name, so

they had to give him a nickname. I explained what happened all those years ago.

“They have been moving all their stock to new locations for a while. The only reason I was left was that

the guy that was in charge didn’t think I was anything special. The building was blown up when

Phantom pulled me out.” I tell them.

“How did he find me anyway?” I ask.

“We had them searching past locations where we knew Asmoday had been. Apparently, they went

back to one, and the idiot decided to use it again. He caught your scent as the explosion started.”

Mykenzie says.

“The explosion must have mixed up your scent enough for him to pick up,” Alexis explains.

Damn if she wasn’t a sight. God, I missed my best friend. I was happy that she had found her mate. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

She had introduced us, and I actually liked the guy. I can tell he loves her and treats her well. He also

apparently has kept her from unintentionally killing herself. I love Alexis, but damn she is klutzy. I had

spent some time talking to him earlier, and he is a good guy. I never thought I would approve of any of

the guys who liked these girls. I had been there for a few of the past guys, and they turned out to be

pieces of shit. I was glad that all seven had found their mates. I was surprised at Kylani’s. The fact that

he was the beta and the fact that he looked exactly like Dominick. It actually made me sad. Dominick

was a great guy and did everything possible to protect the triplets. Dimitri explained why Kaleb looked

exactly the same. Leave it to Dominick to do something like that.

“Well hello, there little one,” I tell the little girl.

“That’s Jordyn. She’s mine.” Kylani tells me.

I went to pick her up until one of the little boys stood in front of her, giving me what I guess was

supposed to be a glare. I chuckle at him. I can see that they must be mates.

“Sorry about him,” Dustin tells me.

“It’s cool. I would be protective of her if she were my mate too. She’s going to attract the boys like flies

when she gets older.” I tell him.

“Yeah, I know. Not looking forward to that.” Kaleb grumbles.

I laugh at him. I can tell he is not looking forward to that time. I look around and am amazed at what I

see. I always thought wolf packs stuck to their own, but not this pack. There are wolves(obviously),

bears, dragons, werecats, immortals, and my favourite set of triplets. Shit, they even have some

humans. That shocked me more than anything. They explained that three of the guys had found their

mates in the pack, so they let them stay. I had to laugh when they told me about the recent prank war.

The pictures they showed me were classic. I did feel sorry for Seth. The girls sent me once with Chris.

Yeah, that was weird and terrible. Apparently, they like me up there. So I understand Seth’s pain. I went

once and never went again. I am just glad to be out of that hell hole. They tell me what has been

happening. I am more than happy to help them get Asmoday. That asshole needs to be brought down.

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