The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

One - Hundred Nine: The Bosses

One - Hundred Nine: The Bosses

One - Hundred Nine: The Bosses


Mykenzie and I are very aware that they have Marshall down in that cell. It is just a matter of time

before we get our hands on Damian. Currently all of the guys are at Marcus’s place having one of their This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

“meetings”. We have been letting guys deal with this shit. Basically because we don’t have times for

Damian’s little fucking games. I have three kids to deal with. Luckily the boys are tiny and stay where I

put them. Jordyn on the other hand is very mobile now. Which is good and bad. On the plus side, all I

have to do is look for Dominick because he follows Jordyn everywhere. They are the cutest. I know for

a fact that they are mates, because I asked mom. Of course she is gonna tell me the truth. I honestly

already knew but hearing her confirm it made me smile. All the kids are in the nursery. Jordyn is playing

with Xaydyn and Dominick and the boys are asleep.

“Imyra, can you watch them for us? We need to go do something.” I ask.

“Of course. Besides, Mykayla is on the way with her twins. I think Athena is coming for a visit and to

see all the little ones so I will have more than enough help.” She answers.

“Thanks, I just fed the boys so they should sleep for a while.” I tell her.

She waves me off and I quickly let Mykenzie and Bryn know. I walk out and into the living room. They

are waiting. The three of us travel to our secret office. We get there and open up the cover to our

fountain. This is how we look in on everything. We start going through everything and we still can’t

figure out which angel and demon are responsible for this fucking nightmare. We finally figured out why

they created Mykenzie, Chris and myself but we can’t for the life of us figure out why. I have a feeling it

was for a sinister reason but they can’t control us. Why in the hell would you create something you

can’t control? I have a feeling their plan wasn’t as thought out as they thought it was. We have noticed

over the last week that Jordyn and Xaydyn’s powers are starting to surface more and more. We also

were able to sense that both of them have a wolf. Xaydyn has a wolf because of the wolf in our blood.

Apparently that DNA latched onto his. We are still not sure if they will be able to shift either fully or

partially. We won’t know for a while. Usually a wolf has it’s first shift at 18 but with these two who knows

when they will shift.

“We know they have two out of three of the bears. I wonder where Damian has hid his ass?” Mykenzie


“I am less worried about the bears. I want that angel and demon. They are the source of all this shit.” I


“Plus I am sure he is also the main black market dealer we have been after for years now.” Bryn adds.

“Yeah this fucker needs to be taken out. I want the angel alive. She needs to answer for something.” I


She is a fallen angel for a reason. But when she got herself mixed up with this demon she pretty much

signed her death warrant. We won’t kill her but she won’t be an immortal angel anymore. We still don’t

know what we want to do with the demon or his cohorts. We will make that decision when we catch the


“I think we should focus on the black market dealing. If we can break into that ring then we find the

demon which will lead us to the angel. Plus then we can free all the beings that they have kidnapped.” I

tell them.

“That will also lead us to who buys them. Maybe we can take down the whole black market. Sellers and

buyers, because we all know that the demon isn’t the only dealer. They are all linked somehow.” Bryn


The three of us look at each other. This is why I love her. She sees the big picture. That is why she is

the only other one to know what is actually going on. She is only a year younger than us so we literally

grew up together and she is our best friend. Ok, we have a plan. We decide to head back since Jailynn

let us know the guys apparently have finished their meeting. Home we go.


We get back to the house about ten minutes before the guys walk in. We sure as hell don’t need then

to be suspicious. I am sure has a feeling we were up to something with the look he gave me. Whatever,

the less he knows the safer he is. There is a lot of shit that he is unaware that we have done or been

part of. Mainly because we didn’t need him getting mixed up in and getting hurt. Unknown to all these

guys is the fact that we have trackers on all of them. That way if someone was stupid enough to kidnap

them we can find them almost immeditely. Chris even has one, even though he doesn’t need it. He’s

our twin so we are already connected by that, but we wanted an extra safety option. I walk into the

nursery and Xaydyn runs over to me. I pick him up and kiss his chubby little cheek. He actually looks a

lot like Reecie did when he was this age. Reecie denies that he was a chubby baby, but I have the

pictures to prove it. I set him back down and Dominick walks over to him and they run off to play. Of

course Jordyn is not far from where they are playing. Bryns twins have just started walking.

“Where are my grand babies?” Uncle Zeus says.

Tiayna and Mateo start crawling towards Uncle Zeus. He loves his grand babies. Bryn just gives in a

glare. He does have attendancy to spoil those two. This drives Bryn crazy, while Donte just laughs at


“Hey how is our little man?” Reecie asks me.

He wraps his arms around me. I just roll my eyes. He has been asking if we could try for another baby.

I have been seriously considering it, but with everything going on I am hesitant.

“He and his little friend are acting very suspicious. I have no doubt that he is going to cause chaos

soon.” I tell him.

I hear a chuckle and I elbow him in his side. Good when his son causes trouble he can deal with it. I

better have a girl next time. I look over and Jordyn is gone. I give Kylani a heads up and she shrugs her

shoulders. Yeah these kids can’t hide from us.

“She is with Kaleb. She decided to go find her daddy. I am sure he just got the surprise of his life.”

Kylani says..

Oh this should be good. She must have just appeared in front of him. I am sure he is having an

aneurysm right now. We have not told anyone that these two have developed any more powers than

they knew. I hear Kaleb before I see him. This should be good.

“Did you know..” Kaleb starts.

“Yes.” Kylani answers.

He stands there with Jordyn in his arm just staring at the both of us. I really love how all these men

think they are being so sneaky and secretive about all this. If they only knew what we know they would

all faint. I turn around and give Reecie a kiss on his cheek as I go to find my missing son. He has made

it all the way to our room with his little sidekick. I pick both of them up and back to the nursery where

his Dustin is looking for him. I hand him over and give Xaydyn to Reecie. It’s his turn to deal with his

trouble making son. Kylani, Bryn and I leave the men with the kids and head to the kitchen. We missed

breakfast and I am starving. We raid the fridge and sit down to eat. I can’t wait to find these bastards.

They have no idea what is about to happen.


These men of ours are clueless. They think they have everything under control and are protecting us

from danger. So they even realize how dangerous Mykenzie and Kylani are? I don’t think they do. I am

the only one that knew that dad, Uncle Poseidon, Uncle Hades turned over control of the gods to them.

Although I bet dad told the guys today at the meeting. I wonder if he told them I am basically like the

beta. Probably not because no one knows besides Mykenzie and Kylani. At the moment there is no

third on command. Well I guess Chris would be considered as third in command but he is really more

like a third Alpha. I really don’t think he wants the position. The three of us are in the kitchen eating

some delicious pasta dish that the cook made. I am not a big pasta person but this shit is amazing.

“So when are you two gonna talk to them?” I ask.

“Not until we have all three.” Kylani answers.

I smile, good, scare the shit out of all of them at one time. I wonder where Damian has hid his ass? I

also can’t wait to take down Alpha Darrius. Yeah we dug into all his personal files and shit. We found

some very shady shit, most if not all of it is very incriminating. We anonymously sent it to the high

council. It was postmarked from his pack so it looks like someone in the pack sent it. Plus we know

Chris has found out some shit by reading Ians mind. So there is more than enough to strip in of his

Alpha title and hand the pack to Dustin. Now to shut down the black market and get our hands on that

angel and demon. I can’t wait.

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