The Alpha's Surprised Mate (Book #1 of Silver Moon Series)

Forty - Seven: Cousin

Forty - Seven: Cousin

Forty-Seven: Cousin


I was very happy when those girls walked in last night. I was not sure how much longer I could keep

Kaleb from going and searching for her. The last thing I needed was him taking off to find her and

getting caught in the middle of whatever was happening. I knew if he got hurt or worse, she would go,

full goddess, which is dangerous. When they told us that they caught three of the vamps helping to

kidnap the kids, I was shocked. I knew our cells couldn’t hold vamps, but apparently, they have done

something to ensure that the vamps can’t get out. I am sitting in my office. I want to meet with all the

guys to figure out where we go from here. I mind-linked everyone and texted Chris and the guys. I can’t

send them a mind link.

What the fuck? Kaleb has a block up, and I can’t get through. I start to worry about why he has a block

up. I hope they are not fighting and that everything is good between them. The rest of the guys walk in,

and I look at Reecie. He looks dead on his feet. He looks like he hasn’t slept all night. I see him look

around, and he lets out a huff.

“At least I am not the only one who didn’t get to sleep last night.” He grumbles.

“Hey, where’s Kaleb, and what the hell is up with you?” Ashton asks Reecie.

“Fucking Mykenzie had another heat last night. It must have been suppressed with all the fucking

drama the last few days. Well, it hit hard last night. I am fucking exhausted.” Reecie exclaims.

Chris makes a face of disgust. I don’t think he wants to hear this shit about his sisters. I can’t blame

him. I wouldn’t want to hear my sister's future mate talk about her heat. Thank god I have a few years

before that happens. Well, that explains why Kaleb has a block-up. I try one last time to mind link him,

and this time, he answers. I was shocked. He says he will be down in a few minutes. Kaleb walks in a

couple of minutes later and takes a seat. He does look tired but not as tired as Reecie. I give him a

smirk, and he flips me off.

“Fuck you, man. She is asleep right now.” Kaleb tells me.

I just shake my head, and we get down to business. We discuss the vampire issue. We discuss how to

go about interrogating them.

“Don’t worry my sisters will get them to talk,” Chris says.

I am not sure I want them anywhere near those bastards, but I have a feeling that is the only way to get

them to talk. I look at Kaleb, and he agrees, which surprises me. Chris explains that since his sisters

have every known species of supernatural creatures in their blood, they are kind of the masters of all.

This means that the vamps have to talk, or the girls will make them talk.

“Just be prepared. When my sisters interrogate them, they will be in full goddess mode. I am telling you

this because depending on how compliant the vamps are, things could get dark, and my sisters can get

vicious when they are protecting the family, and they consider this pack and every one of the wolves in

its family. When they are in protection mode, they are not nice, and when it comes to torture, my sisters

can come up with stuff no one could even imagine. I can guarantee their eyes will glow and the red

glow will be around them if the vamps piss them off. I am not trying to scare any of you, I just want

everyone to be prepared as to what has the possibility of happening.” Chris explains.

We all look at each other. Well, this should be interesting to witness. I hope that they don’t fight the girls

during interrogation for the vamp's sake. I can only imagine the surge of power that the two could

release. All of a sudden, the door to my office slams open, and dad is standing there.

“We have a situation.” He says.

“What’s going on dad?” I ask.

“I am going to assume that Kylani and Mykenzie are in heat again.” He says, looking at Kaleb and


They both nod their heads yes.

“Well, apparently it must be a strong one because it sent all the other girls into heat as well. Mykayla,

Natalya, Leah, Daniylla, Jailynn, and Alexis have all gone into heat. Bryn is the only one not since she

is still pregnant. Even Lisa went into heat.” Dad says.

Kaleb makes a face at that. That is not something one wants to hear about their mother. Why the hell

would she go into heat? Chris explains that she is part of the original family and has some of his

sister’s blood on her, so yeah. Kaleb turns a shade of green as Chris explains this about his mother’s


“Please stop talking about my mom. I am getting a little ill,” He squeaks out.

I laugh at him, and he tells me to shut the fuck up. We start to argue, and dad tells us to shut up. Poor

Leah and Alexis haven’t found their mates yet, so this is going to be hard for them. There is a knock on

my office door, and in walks my cousin Nymyra. When did she get back from visiting her mother? I see

she dyed her hair again. The last time I saw her, it was red. Now it is a deep purple, and it looks good

on her. I hear someone take a deep breath and look over to see Chris staring at her. OH SHIT, I THINK


“What in the fuck is going on around here? I leave for a couple of months to visit mom, and all hell

breaks loose.” Nymyra says, crossing her arms.

I see her start sniffing, and she turns towards Chris and growls. YEP, THEY ARE DEFINITELY MATES.

She level’s me with a look, and I start explaining everything that has happened since she has been

gone. I am just getting to the part where the girls come in, and Mykenzie and Kylani walk in. DAMN,

THEY SMELL GOOD. Nymyra’s eyes just about pop out of her head when she sees them. She dips

her head and bows to them. They give her a look. I hear a growl and look over to see Nate giving

Kylani a look that Kaleb is not appreciating. I tell Kaleb and Reecie to get them back to their rooms, so

no fights break out. I look at Nate and tell him to get his ass to Daniylla and deal with that. Ashton

heads off to find Jailynn as Brighton goes to find Natalya. The rest of the guys leave to do whatever.

Chris gives Nymyra a look, and he leaves. I explain the rest to Nymyra, and she sits there shocked.

“So our a pack gained two goddesses and one fucking sexy god. I have been gone way too long. Mom

told me to tell you hi and that she would like to come to visit if possible.” Nymyra says.

Nymyra is a hybrid. She is part wolf and part vampire. Her mother is a vampire, and her father is my

mother’s brother. Natayla is my dad’s sister’s daughter. It was a shock at first when my uncle’s mate

was a vampire, but apparently, there are some vamps that don’t feed on humans. Her mother is one of

those. Nymyra is very beautiful. She stands 5’8” with long deep purple hair (her natural hair colour is a

pale blonde which she hated), and she has the deepest blue, almost purple eyes. She is just as curvy

as all the other damn sexy women we have walking around here.

I told her what had happened the last few days since the attack. To say she was pissed is an

understatement. I explained that it apparently suppressed Kylani and Mykenzie’s heat, so when all the

excitement died down, their heat came on full force, triggering all the other women to go into heat. She

laughs at this, and I give her a glare. There is a soft knock on my door, and in walks Mykayla. She

looks terrible, and I know why. Her scent hits me, and fuck. I told her to go back to our room and that I

would be there in a few minutes. She gives me a smile and heads back to our room.

“She’s beautiful Dustin. Go to your mate, she needs you right now more than I do.” Nymyra says to me.

I get up and give her a hug and tell her I am glad she is back. We leave my office together, and I head

to my room. I have a sexy fae in the heat waiting for me.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

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