The Alpha's Slave Mate

Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Chapter Twenty-Three

Caleb’s Point of View

Although I did not want to stop kissing Daphne, I was appreciative that Theo reminded us that we were in the middle of a large social gathering. Daphne’s boldness when I told her that I wanted to kiss her was a pleasant surprise. I tried to be gentle, but the moment I touched her lips an inferno erupted in my core. Everyone melted away and it was if Daphne and I were on our own private island. Her lips tasted of honey, sweet delectable and they were so soft. I tried to be gentle kissing her, I knew it was probably her first kiss. The moment she moaned in my mouth though I was lost. I could not help slipping my tongue into her mouth to explore her farther. Her tongue dancing with mine was pure ecstasy. '

“So, has she accepted that you two are mates now?” Theo’s question snaps me back into reality.

“I think that she is considering the possibility of it. Her life has changed so much in less than twenty- four hours, I think she is just trying to adjust to it all. We got caught up in the dancing and music and I could not help but kiss her. I know that she feels a pull towards me though, and she may not want to admit it yet but she has a possessive streak in her.” Theo raises an eyebrow at my words questioning how I came into this knowledge.

As Iam retelling the incident that occurred in the room before the ball, we hear a commotion from the other side of the room. Theo and 1 both start walking that way because Daphne and Hannah had walked that way to use the powder room. Drawing closer I can see Hannah with her hands on her hips looking like a raging bull with a bright shiny target in front of her. A small crowd has gathered around them, and I can only see Daphne's back. I quicken my pace when I see that her head is bowed, and my anger is already starting to flare out. '

Quickly trying to analyze the scene, I see Luna Amanda standing in front of Daphne practically screaming in her face. There is another woman with Amanda that seems to be encouraging the foul words falling from the Luna’s mouth. Theo reaches for my arm, but no one will stop me from protecting my mate.

Stepping forward I touch Daphne’s back to let her know that it is me, before pulling her slight behind me. I confront the Luna directly asking her why she is harassing my mate. I know that my voice is loud, it is not often that I must use the power of being Alpha but seeing my mate look so broken has released a cold anger in me. '

Upon the announcement that Daphne is my mate, her mother releases a pile of venomous words. I can feel the anguish coming from my mate and it feeds my anger. I have lost the ability to be political at this moment. Facing Luna Amanda, I release all my own pent up frustrations about her actions towards her own daughter. I can see some of the other members of the visiting packs were not aware that Daphne was in fact Luna Amanda’s daughter. Well now her disgusting secret is out.

In my peripheral vision I can see Theo and a few other of my warriors ensuring that if this altercation turns physical, I am protected. Daphne is safe behind me, and I see that Theo has moved Hannah out of the way so that she will not be harmed. I can see Alpha Jason moving towards us quickly, and Alpha Marcus is moving to cover my back.

As Alpha Jason approaches, he apologizes for his wife’s behavior. His words mean nothing to me, I still want to kill most of the people in this room for the hell that they put Daphne through growing up. Standing tall I make it known to everyone that Daphne is mine. I will protect her life with my own, and that I will not tolerate any disrespect towards her. Jason is trying to pull Amanda away, but she struggles a little. I think she is still in shock that her husband did not side with her. Perhaps she does not understand that my pack could easily destroy her entire pack, and if I give the order they would readily comply.

As the crowd begins to disperse, I turn all my attention to Daphne. I wanted this night to be magical for her, and now the fairy tale has turned into a nightmare. Her head is still bowed, and I think I see a tear escape her eye and run down her delicate face. I pull her in my arms, and she buries her head in my chest. I lower my head to her ear and let her know it is ok 1am here.

Hannah comes up and puts her hand on Daphne's back. Theo is standing close behind Hannah, still ready for any kind of attack that could occur. Marcus and his mate come up on the side. I can see that Alpha Jerome is attempting to make his way towards us as well.

“Caleb, Iam sorry that your mate had to go through that. I was not aware that Alpha Jason had another child besides Scarlet. Daphne, I apologize immensely for not being aware.” Marcus offers an apology to my mate. I let him know that it is ok, after all I should have told him In private after I introduced him. I was trying to shield my mate from embarrassment.

Daphne still has not raised her head from chest, its almost as if she is trying to merge herself into me. I notice that she has started shivering slightly. I make the decision that if my mate wishes to leave, I will take her from here. ¢

“Daphne would you like to leave?” I ask her softly. She mumbles something into my chest, but it is too soft for me to catch. “What was that sweetheart?” Finally, she raises her head slightly, peering in her eyes my rage explodes again as I can see that she did indeed cry a little. Her beautiful eyes are slightly puffy, and red. Her cheeks are still stained pink with embarrassment. “ Can we leave? Like will people get mad if you leave?” Her voice is so soft with her questions. Even upset my mate is absolutely astounding. °

“Sweetheart I am the Alpha of one of the most powerful packs, there is not much that I can not do. If you would like to retire back to the room than that is what we shall do. If you want to stay and eat and drink and dance than we shall do that. Your wish is my command and I will make it happen.” I smile down at her, hoping that she can read in my eyes that she is the most important person in the world to me. Daphne is more important than air in my world.

“I don’t want to cause you anymore problems Caleb.” I hate that she shifts her eyes downward when speaking, and I hate even more that her voice is getting softer.

“Theo, my mate and I will be retiring for the evening, if you need anything feel free to mind link me or call. Hannah thank you for everything. Marcus and Lola, it was a pleasure getting to see you two tonight. I hope that we can catch up more soon.” I sweep my mate up in my arms, carrying her as I did when I took her out of the front door of the manor house. I do not put her down again until we are back in the room. : Placing her softly back on her feet I wipe away the traces of any tears from her eyes. “I am sorry love, I wanted you to have a truly magical night, and I apologize for not being right by your side when it started.” Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Daphne is staring in my eyes as! speak, her mouth is slightly ajar as if she is surprised that I am apologizing to her.

All at once Daphne finds her voice and words come tumbling out almost faster than I can understand. “Caleb you have no reason to apologize, I should be the one apologizing. No one has ever stood up for me, and you charged in like a white knight ready to slay a dragon. I don’t even know how to thank you and Hannah and everyone for tonight. I mean I never even seen a dance before, and you and all your friends made that happen.” I am not sure if I should stop her or just continue to let her get it all out. She seems to be picking up speed as she pours all of her emotions out, and she is starting to use her hands like Lola when she talks. :

“Hannah and the girls made me feel like a princess, and you took me dancing. Iam sorry about my mother, she has never like me, and I know that she blames me for my brother's death. I have wished more times in my life than I can count that it would have been me that died instead of him.” Tears are now softly falling from her eyes as she continues to pour her heart out. I want to reach out, I want to

pull her into my arms. I wish that I could take this pain away from her. I am afraid that if I touch her that I will break the trance that she seems to be in, and I know that she needs to get this all out. She needs to be able to release it all in order to move forward with her life. = “I tried to be good. I tried to do everything they commanded. When I figured out that they would not love me I figured maybe just maybe one day they would at least look at me like I was better than trash.” By now Daphne is not crying softly, she is sobbing. Tears are gushing down her face, and her breathing is becoming erratic. She has wrapped her arms around her stomach almost as if she is trying to stop her body from breaking apart. My heart feels like it is being ripped from my chest. If I could build a time machine and rescue my mate long before now, I would in a heartbeat.

“What is so wrong with me, even my own parents hate me.” Daphne is staring me right in my eyes, I can not stop myself from finally grabbing her and wrapping my arms around her. I slowly lower us to the floor and hold her in my lap, rocking softly back and forth as she sobs on my shoulder. Even though I know that she needs to get this pain out, it kills me that I can not take it from her.

Finally, Daphne’s sobs seem to subside slightly, I gently place my fingers under her chin and turn her face so that she is looking up into my eyes. “Daphne there is nothing wrong with you, other than you grew up in a toxic household. You are not a monster, and you most certainly did not kill your brother.

Childbearing can be dangerous, especially if there are multiple fetuses.

Your parents let their grief turn into an unimaginable disgusting rage that they then focused on you. It was toxic and not right. I am sorry I did not find you sooner my love. You are so much stronger than I think even you know.” I softly kiss the top of her head. I hope she believes my words. '

I gently pick us both up from the floor.

Daphne's emotional break has exhausted her, and she sways slightly as I place her on her feet. Keeping one hand on her always I turn her around so that I can unzip her dress. There is nothing sexual in my movements even though seeing her bare skin sparks a fire deep within me. I reach behind me and grab one of my tee-shirts for her to put over her head. I let her know that l am going to turn around to give her a moment of privacy so that she can slip out of the dress fully and put the shirt on. She places her hand on my back when she is finished. ' Turning back around my mate looks adorable. She is trying to rub the sleep from her eye, and my shirt hangs loosely around her. I gently take her hair out of the clips so that it falls loose down her back. I sit her on the bed and remove her shoes. Finally, I tuck her in under the covers and rub her back softly. I can tell that she is taking comfort in my touch because she presses her back farther into me. Eventually I hear that her breathing has evened out, and that she has slipped into a sleep created from exhaustion. I gently get out of bed. I want to stay with my mate more than anything, but after the dramatics tonight there area few things that I must take care of. I mind link Theo and inform him that we need to talk. He informs me that he has already ensured that Hannah and the rest of our females are safe and gives me his location. Looking back at my mate resting, I sigh and head out of the room.

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