The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Alpha Zenith

I’m going to tell you a story, Astrid. And you’re going to listen to every word, he says. I glare at him but

give him my full attention because I know he can make me listen if he has to, and I’ve been through


‘Twenty-two years ago, Moonstone Crest was the strongest pack around. They hosted an annual

mating ceremony, where packs would be invited from all around the world to potentially find their


‘Unexpectedly, my pack, Shady Crest, had been invited. Unfortunately, my father was the Alpha and

did not get along with the Alpha of Moonstone Crest. My father was willing to put his hatred for Alpha

Bane aside, though, as he hoped I’d find my mate there. I could finally take over as Alpha if I did.

‘We attended the mating ceremony, and it was a spectacular event. However, not long after arriving, I

smelled the most alluring scent I had ever smelled before – vanilla and honey. I followed the scent to

no avail. I didn’t understand why my mate’s scent kept disappearing. Surely, she could smell my

scent too, which would make her follow me.’

‘Confused, I told my father I could smell my mate but couldn’t find her. We spent most of the night

searching for her. The scent finally led me to the front of the Moonstone Crest

packhouse. I looked up to see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen looking out the window. She is

frightened when she sees me. ‘Please! Wait!’ I yell as she backs away from the window. She slowly re-

approaches the windowsill, and we stare into each other’s eyes.

The world vanishes. It’s as though only she and I exist. Nothing else matters. ‘Mate’, we both say. Our

eyes turn black, then silver for a moment, and go back to our standard colours. ‘Please come down, so Exclusive © content by N(ô)ve/l/Drama.Org.

we can meet properly,’ I say, smiling. She shakes her head no. ‘I’m sorry, I can’t, she says in her sweet

voice. I give her a confused look. ‘But we’re mates! Surely you can come down so we can talk? And

maybe have a dance?’

‘Her beautiful green eyes were like emeralds and her long brown hair blows in the wind. ‘You don’t

understand. Mate bond or not, my father would never let me be with the future Alpha of Shady Crest.’

She cries.

‘Confused with her words, I ask her, what’s wrong with being the future Luna of Shady Crest? She tells

me: ‘your father has tarnished the pack’s name with his wicked ways and his treatment of his pack. He

kidnaps and hunts humans for sport, she says.’

‘Why should my father’s ways affect us?’ I ask, becoming angry. ‘My father will make me reject you

regardless of how good or bad your heart is. I’m sorry, she explains, tearfully.’

‘We can figure this out, my love! But, please, just come down. I will speak to your father and tell him

and show him I will treat you like a Queen, I beg her. She continues to wipe tears from her face and

shake her head.

‘If you won’t come down here, I will come up there!’ I tell her, breaking the front door down. I run

upstairs and push her bedroom door open. I march over to her, but she has so much sadness in her


‘Leaning over her, I hold her chin in my hand. The chemistry between us is magical. I lean my head

down to brush my lips against hers. I cup her face in my hands, and she places her hands on my


‘Our lips meld together with intense passion. It feels so right and so good. Our lips finally part, and she

bursts into tears. ‘My sweet love, who is your father?’ | ask. She looks away. ‘Alpha Bane of Moonstone

Crest, she whispers.

‘In shock, I take a step back. ‘You’re Alyssa, the daughter of Alpha Bane?’ I say. She looks up into my

eyes and nods. I pull her into my chest, letting her cry. I stroke her hair to comfort


‘Our fathers are the greatest of enemies. There has to be a way for us to be together, I say. ‘Come,

Alyssa, take my hand. Let us go to the dance. If everyone sees us happy together, maybe our fathers

will approve of us. We need to try at least, my love, I say

Alyssa nods. We smile at each other and walk hand in hand to the dance. All eyes are on us, in shock,

as we walk in. Everyone stares, not expecting us to be matched by the Moon Goddess. We dance

among the others as sparks fly between us. Alyssa’s smile brightens the room. We stare lovingly into

each other’s eyes.

‘What is the meaning of this? Get away from my daughter now!’ Alpha Bane yells across the room.

Everyone gasps and stands aside to let Alpha Bane through. Alyssa clings to my coat and looks up at

me. Her beautiful green eyes well with tears.

‘Alpha Bane, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I say, most respectfully, bowing my head. ‘Alyssa, come here

now! He snaps. ‘Dad, it’s okay. Zenith is my mate,’ she says with a nervous smile for her dad!

‘Alpha Bane’s face pales instantly. ‘No. The Moon Goddess would not be so cruel to mate my precious

daughter with the lowest pack. You’re the most hated pack in the world,’ he yells.’

I stiffen at his words. Alpha Bane, please. I can assure you Alyssa is my mate, and I’m so honoured to

accept her as my mate. I know you and my father don’t see eye to eye, but-‘I’m


“See eye to eye? Your father murders humans for fun! The man beats his pack members. He is the

only Alpha known to keep

pack members as slaves. He is sick and twisted, Alpha Bane


‘Enough!’ My Dad yells and steps forward, out of the crowd. He looks at Alyssa, clinging to me with

tears in her eyes, with my arm around her waist, clasping her tight. My Dad chuckles at the situation.’

‘Who would have thought? My son, blessed with your daughter,’ he chuckles. ‘The Moon Goddess

must surely hate you, Alpha Bane, to make you share grand-pups with me!’ Dad chuckles.

‘Dad. This mateship is a blessing for Alyssa and me. You need to keep your taunts to yourself!’ I yell at

him. My Dad growls at me for disrespecting him in front of all the packs.’

‘Alyssa! You are to reject Zenith right now!’ Alpha Bane orders. Alyssa and I both flinch at his demand.

We stare into each other’s eyes. I shake my head no. I plead with Alyssa not to do

‘She doesn’t want to reject me. She wants to accept me. ‘Now! Alpha Bane yells, making her jump.

‘You wouldn’t dare make her reject my son!’ My father yells at Alpha Bane, Alpha Bane grabs Alyssa by

the wrist and pulls her to him, ‘Alyssa, you listen to me now. You deserve better. You deserve to be with

the best Alpha out there! Do you think you will have a happy life in that packhouse?’ He yells:

‘He forcefully turns Alyssa around by her arms. ‘Do it now, or everyone will know you as a traitor to this

family. Do you want your mother living with that reputation?’ Alyssa is crying. She shakes her head no.’

‘Forgive me, Zenith. Please forgive me. I, Alyssa Moonstone, reject you, future Alpha Zenith of Shady

Crest as my mate.’ I’m crippled with severe pain in my chest. It feels like she has ripped my heart out. I

see Alyssa in the same pain, gripping her chest. Everyone gasps and watches on in horror. Rejecting

mates is extremely rare. Most would never witness a rejection in their lifetime.’

‘The mating ceremony is over! Everyone, go home!’ Alpha Bane yells. He still has his hands around

Alyssa. He is pulling her away toward the packhouse. I want to run to her, but my father grabs me and

holds me back.’

‘You will pay for this, Alpha Bane! I swear to the Moon Goddess, you will pay!’ I yell.

‘Four months pass. My father and I organise our warriors to wipe out the Moonstone pack so I can free

Alyssa and bring her home with me where she belongs. We have it all planned out. We would trespass

onto Moonstone Crest the night of Alpha Bane’s birthday celebrations, discreetly killing guards and

warriors one by one. The celebrations would be in the great hall where the mating ceremony was held.

Once I found Alyssa, I would lure her away from the hall. My warriors would close all the doors to the

hall, barricading them in. The

warriors would pour fuel outside the hall, block the doors, and then ignite a fire.

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