The Alpha’s Mate Who Cried Wolf

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

I can barely sleep. Ryker is on my mind all night. I’m apprehensive and nervous about my first shift in

four days. After a yawn and a stretch, I get dressed, make the bed, and go downstairs to the dining

room for breakfast. A few members are already at the table eating, Amelia is one of


‘Good morning, Astrid,’ she says.

‘Good morning, everyone,’ I say, sitting next to Amelia. The other ladies smile.

‘You’ll have to tell me all about Shady Crest, I tell Amelia.

“Alpha Zenith is obviously our Alpha,’ she giggles.

‘Yep. I think I got that.’ I chuckle.

‘We train here daily, including she-wolves. Alpha Zenith likes to keep our reputation intact. We’re the

strongest pack, and he wants us prepared if another pack becomes a threat so that we can take them

out. His eldest son James hasn’t found his mate yet. Alpha Zenith has one in mind. He won’t say who

just yet, but says he will only settle for the strongest she-wolf, as James will eventually take over as

Alpha,’ she explains.

‘What if James finds his true mate in the meantime?’ | ask.

‘Alpha Zenith is part of the council called the elders. They have the power to vote and choose an

Alpha’s mate for them if they feel their current mate is inadequate. If they don’t suit as Luna

or don’t benefit the pack, she explains.

Alpha Zenith is part of the Elders’ council! Ryker said they had wanted Vanessa as Ryker’s mate. Why

would Alpha Zenith make Vanessa Luna of Shadow Crest when she was the pack

slave here at Shady Crest? It makes little sense.

‘That’s terrible, to remove someone’s, true mate. A mate that the Moon Goddess chose for you. Love is

all that should matter. Being with your true mate, your one true love, I say,

feeling my eyes well up, thinking of Ryker.

‘Amelia? Where is Alpha Zenith’s mate? Where is the Luna of Shady Crest?’ | ask. Amelia bites her lip

and looks at the other two ladies sitting at the table eating breakfast.

‘Um, you see-‘They quickly stand and bow their heads. Alpha Zenith walks into the room.

‘Astrid. Good to see you’re ready for work,’ he smiles.

‘Good morning,’ I reply nervously. Other pack members approach the table for breakfast once we finish

eating, and I follow Zenith to his car.

I sat in the back of the Mercedes with Zenith this morning. There is no sign of John or James.

‘Is John not joining us?’ | ask.

‘No, he will go in his car today.’

‘Oh, okay, I say.

‘I want to discuss some things privately with you, he says. I’m nervous and don’t know what to expect.

‘It’s your eighteenth in four days,’ he says.

‘Yes, that’s correct, I say. Zenith rubs his missing half ear in thought. I want to ask him about it but don’t

want to be rude.

‘You would be a great asset to my pack, Astrid. When you turn eighteen, you’ll be able to sense your

mate,’ he states.

‘Yes, I know, I say, unsure of where he is going with this.

‘You know my son James hasn’t found his mate yet and is of


‘What does it have to do with me?’ | ask.

‘What would you say if I wanted you to be John’s mate?’ He asks.

‘T-I’m flattered, but I would prefer to find my true mate.’

‘What if you don’t find him?’ He asks.

‘What if I do?’ I retort. He lets out a chuckle.

‘Oh Astrid, you are a stubborn one! Perhaps think about the idea for a few days, he says, smiling.

‘Why would you want someone weak like me to be your son’s

mate? Wouldn’t you want a strong she-wolf to bear his pups?’| ask.

‘You’ll find out why I’m asking when you shift into your wolf on your birthday, he says, still smiling. What

is he talking about? And mate with James! I don’t want to be with anyone other than Ryker, even if

Ryker moves on with Vanessa. Just the thought of being with someone else makes me feel nauseous.

We arrive in the underground car park and ascend in the elevator in silence. I take my seat at my desk

and start answering phone calls. John and James go into their Dad’s office. James winks at me as he

walks past.

“Zenith Creations. Astrid is speaking. How may I help you?’ || say.

‘Tell the boss I got his special delivery here he ordered, the caller says. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

‘Okay, and who is speaking?’ | ask.

‘Beta Glen, he replies. I place Beta Glen on hold and call Zenith.

‘Beta Glen says he has your special delivery here, I inform him.

‘Tell him to bring him up right away.’

‘Okay.’ I press the button for Glen.

‘Zenith says bring him up right away.’ I hang up the phone.

That is weird referring to the order as him.

The elevator dings, and my jaw drops. Two men in suits drag a third into the room. The man’s hands

are bound behind his back with rope, and he has a calico bag over his head. New and old blood, stain

the man’s shirt. I contain a gasp. They drag the man past me nonchalantly and into Zenith’s office. I

hear the odd thump and agonized moans, it’s quite confronting.

The phone rings, and I answer it, it’s Zenith.

‘Make lattes please,’ he says before hanging up. I gulp at the thought of going into the room. I don’t

want to see what’s going on in there.

I place five lattes on a tray and carry them to his office, using my hip to push the door open. I set the

five lattes on the desk.

All five men stare at me. Zenith wipes his hands clean on a wet rag. The man is unconscious on the

ground. I stare wide in horror and bite my tongue. I can only see his back, but it’s enough to know

they’ve beaten him.

‘Oh, don’t worry about him, Astrid. He will be fine, Zenith smiles.

Beta Glen and Gamma Dan, Astrid, he says, introducing the men to me. My voice shakes as I stare at

the man on the floor.

‘It’s, um, nice to meet you both, I say nervously, avoiding eye


‘This isn’t the Astrid, is it Zenith? The Astrid from Moon-‘ Glen coughs after Zenith strikes him across

the head.

‘Not another word, Glen, Zenith snaps. His tone is deep and creepy. I jump back in fright. Zenith

watches me back away slowly.

‘Please don’t mind Glen here. He forgets his manners sometimes, and I need to remind him, he says,

trying to calm me.

‘Take him back to the basement!’ He snaps. Glen and Dan put the calico bag back over the man’s head

and drag him out of the office toward the elevator. I watch in horror and jump when a hand gently

squeezes my shoulder. It’s James.

‘Sorry, you had to see that, Astrid. I told Dad it wasn’t a good idea, but he says it will toughen you up

when you’re my mate, James says. I step back and glare at Zenith.

‘I never agreed to that, I say.

I told you it would toughen her up, Zenith says, grinning. James is crestfallen.

Angry, I run out of the office and into the bathroom, locking myself in a cubicle. I’m hyperventilating.

The bathroom door creaks open. I place my hands over my mouth so whoever is here cannot hear me.

‘Astrid, let’s go home, James says. I don’t want to go anywhere with James. I only want Ryker.

Closing my eyes, I imagine myself in Ryker’s arms with my head against his chest, listening to his

heartbeat. James taps the cubicle door, disrupting my daydream. I unlock the door, swing it open, and

storm out toward the elevator.

At the last second, Zenith hops into the elevator with us. The elevator dings, and we descend. No one

says anything. Outside in the car park, John waits in his car. Zenith opens his car door, gesturing for

me to hop in. I stare at the open door, hesitating, and look at James.

‘You can always come with me,’ he says. But, of course, I don’t want to be near any of them. Zenith is

impatient now. He

grabs my arm and pulls me into the back seat.

‘Get in! I’m not waiting around, he snaps.

Falling onto the seat, I let out a cry. I sit as far away from Zenith as possible and look out the window,

avoiding conversation. His phone rings on the way.

‘What kind of problem? … I see … do you think his mate will return? … Good … Vanessa, now listen to

me… yes, you will! I’m your father! I don’t care what you have to do. Bear his pups! Drug him if you

must. Alice will put it in his food. I’ve waited long enough! I’m shocked by what I’m hearing. So,

Vanessa is his daughter, and Alice is the Luna of Shady Crest?

Zenith never enslaved them!

‘I don’t care if he doesn’t want you. This isn’t about love. It’s about power. If we want to expand and

become the greatest pack, you need to bear his pups, kill him and

combine packs.’ Zenith sees my horrified expression. Colour drains from my face.

He squints and studies me for a moment.

‘Vanessa, what’s his mate’s name?’ He asks.

My stomach churns, I’m going to be sick. No one can help me. Jim’s diner is up the road. I pull the

handle on the car door, but it won’t open because it’s locked. Vanessa has told him my name. Zenith

laughs at my struggles. I’m just a pawn in his game. I punch the windows, to no avail.

‘Vanessa, she won’t be a problem and won’t be returning to Shadow Crest. I have her with me right

now, he says, laughing.

‘Oh, Astrid, the windows are bulletproof. Give it up already, honey, he says, placing his hand on my leg.

‘Don’t touch me!’ I yell.

‘Vanessa, I need to go. Your brother’s betrothed needs to be put in her place. Yes, that’s right. Why?

Because I said so! You’ll find out in a few days,’ he says, ending the call.

Slumped in the seat, defeated, Zenith leaps forward, grabs me aggressively by the hair, and yanks me

toward him.

‘You never told me Alpha Ryker was your mate! You’ll let

James mark you after your first shift. Vanessa is to be Alpha Ryker’s mate,’ he shouts.

He releases me and shoves me back into the seat. Tears run down my face. The car stops outside the

packhouse. Zenith gets out of the car and waits for me to get out. He even holds out his hand to me,

which I do not want to take.

‘Don’t make this difficult, Astrid! He yelled, ‘I will drag you out if I have to!’ I ignore him. I kick and

scream when he leans in and tries to grab me.

‘Don’t touch me! Get away from me!’ James and John are standing behind him.

‘Dad! What is going on?’ James asks.

‘This little whore of yours is being difficult.’ he says, successfully grabbing my leg and yanking me out

of the car by my ankle.

I hit the ground with force, cried out, and rolled a few metres across the gravel. My arms and legs have

scrapes, and my tights are laddered and torn. Zenith, John, and James stare at me with black eyes.

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