Chapter 92

Reign’S POV

I don’t know how, but I run all the way from the inn back home in tears.

He won’t let me be.

He keeps coming around and I don’t know what to do. It’s so frustrating and I hate the fact that I have to reject him every time. It actually kills me to reject him time and again.

I hate what I’m doing to him!

I hate myself for hurting him so much!

“What’s wrong child?” Mum Nancy asks the moment she opens the door for me, I immediately crash into her arms and cry bitterly.

All of this is too much for me to handle.

She just holds me still in her arms as I cry all I want. This is so hard!

“Shhhh… it’s okay”

“He keeps coming back” I cry harder as she leads me over to the couch in the living room where we both sit on it.

“Who keeps coming back?”


“Alpha Hardin?” She asks in horror and I’m tempted to roll my eyes. Everyone always trembles at the mention of his name and it irks me a great deal.

“Yes, Alpha Hardin”

“You mean to tell me Alpha Hardin is right here in Goodland?” She asks in horror.

“Come on, stop freaking out, it only makes me feel worse. It’s just Hardin for heaven’s sake and he is the last person I want to see right now.” I lament and she just smiles.

“Seems like he hurt you more than we know”

“More than you ever know mum, that man crushed me and now he just wants me to forgive him and move on like it never happened. I can’t do that, whenever I look at him, all I think of is what he has put me through” I complain and she looks at me long and hard and smiles.

“Are you sure about that dear?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, he’s your mate and I very well know what a mate bond is. When you look at him don’t you wish that things were better between you too? Besides, Alpha Hardin is a very fine man, don’t you want to know what it feels like to be loved and protected by such a fine Alpha?” She asks with a corny smile.

“Well, I do… in a way I want to accept his proposal, but…”

“Child, I know this is hard, but this was all programmed by the Moon goddess and her alone knows why she let you go through what you went through, but right now this your redemption. This is the time she has put for him to make it up to you, she wants you to be happy that’s why she keeps pushing him to come after you. That is Alpha Hardin we are talking about, the Paramount Alpha. He has a lot if ruling issues to deal with but here he is, chasing after you. This is the point where you say yes and go home”

“But he…”

“I know he hurt you, yes I know, but you can always bring that up anytime but for now, you need to go home with your mate. You deserve this happiness, he deserves it too and the Wall Street Pack Wolves deserve to have their Alpha and Luna together, they need you” She explains with all sincerity and I can feel the anger in my heart melt away.

I wipe my tears and nod with a smile plastered on my face. I can’t believe I actually needed all this lecture before making up my mind to accept Hardin’s apology.

She’s right about this being the Moon goddess’ plan and I think it was high time I gave Hardin a chance. I’m going to accept his apology and go back home with him. Let’s see how that goes.

“Alright then, I will do as advised”

“I can assure you that you won’t regret it. Alpha Hardin can be a bit naughty at times, but I can assure you that he is the perfect man for you and he is going to treat you right” She coos and all I can do is blush.

Hardin is a very romantic guy and I can’t wait to have him treat me like his queen.

Just then the door to the living room opens up and both Tracy and Lily walk in, panting with plastic bags in their hand.

“Thank God you are safe”

“I’m very sorry I left the way I did”

“It’s okay…” Tracy assured me as she tried to catch her breath. “We understand”

“Ma” Lily calls and walks over to her mother.

“Alpha Hardin said to tell that he will be coming over for dinner, so we need to make something delicious for…”

“Hardin is coming here for dinner?” I ask in excitement and they both just nod their heads as they look at me in awe.

“Yes…he is” Lily replies and I silently squeal in excitement.

“Mum I swear she was angry with him earlier, how come she’s suddenly so excited?” Lily asks confused.

“You’lle understand once you get older, for now, I need you to change your clothes and join me in the kitchen, we need to make something special for Alpha Hardin”

“Can I assist?” I ask enthusiastically.

“Of course you can” She accepts as she disappears into the kitchen . I take the plastic bags from the girls which all contain my new clothes and rush into my bedroom.

I look forward to seeing Hardin tonight.

“Nice room” Hardin compliments the moment we both step into my bedroom and I can’t help but blush.

I can bet on my life that my entire face is now as red as beetroot because I have done nothing but blush throughout dinner especially when our eyes met, which was very so often.

Now that I’ve come to realize it, I just want to go back home with him. I love him very much and I want to spent the rest of my life with him.

“Tracy and Nick did this”

“Cool” He remarks as he locks the door and walks towards me.

He locks the door!

“Yiu know, sometimes I try hard to actually understand you, but I end up getting frustrated.”

“How do you mean?”

“Earlier, when we met at the carnival, youol practically scolded at me and took off but ever since I stepped in here, every word that has come out of my mouth has made you blush, what exactly is going on?”

“Well, let’s just say I’m a very bipolar person. My moves are very unpredictable”

“I have to confess that that bipolar nature of yours frustrates me a great deal. Sometimes I don’t even know how to go about handling you” He laments and I chuckle and I inch closer to him.

“I had a talk with mum today and I that’s when I got to realize that no matter what, I have been unfair to you and I have been selfish. Yes you hurt me, but you have done everything in your power to make it up to me and to tell you what, I appreciate it, that’s why I have made up my mind not to push you away anymore. I’m ready to be that loving mate you have always wanted me to be, the badass Luna and of course your queen. I want us to be happy Hardin” I confess from the depth of my heart and smile when tears trickle down his eyes. I gently raise my hand up and brush the tears off his cheeks with a smile plastered on my face.

You have no idea how fulfilled I feel right now. I’m finally going to be with my mate!

Hardin holds my hand in his and gently kisses them and I let out a light gasp when he draws me closer in his arms and connects our lips together. The kiss is slow and deep and I let him explore my mouth as though he owned it.

Well, technically he does.

He kisses me thoroughly and passionately and I kiss him back with all my might.

Right now I feel like there’s fireworks igniting all over body, my heart is actually trying to hop out of my body.

I feel like I’m floating.

Damn I love this man and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

“Adam can’t hold himself back” He whispers the moment we break the kiss”

“What does he want?”

“He want me to mark you”

I swallow dryly as I stair into his charming brown eyes.

I want him to mark me.

“I want you to mark me here and now”

“Are you sure?”

“Never been so sure about anything else in my life.”

“It’s going to hurt” He cautions

“All the more reason why I want you to do it”

Before I know it, he connects our lips together and we engage in a brief kiss. A gentle moan escape my lips when he starts trailing tantalizing kisses at the side of my neck. The next thing I feel is a pair of canines, sinking into my flesh and I scream when a sharp pain courses through the spot, but suddenly, surprisingly, the pain goes away and I replaced by ecstasy.

I feel our mind link open and Lyla does nothing jump around on my mind in joy.

Everything feels different, the mate bond, the love I feel in my heart, everything is deeper and more intense and right now I am freaking possessive over him.

It’s amazing what a single action can do to a werewolf. I used to hear about the marking process and how it affected the mates, I didn’t understand until now.

I just realized that I cannot live without Hardin. That is an impossibility!

” I love you Luna” he confesses one more time before slamming his lips on mine again.

This is our new beginning.

Hardin’S POV

I quickly shut my eyes the moment I open them because of the sunrays that are peeping in through the window. I see the nine year old little girl tying up the drapes so that more light can get into the room and I smile.

She’s such a beauty. I can’t wait to have my own daughter someday, I would love for her to be exactly like her mother, Reign.

“Good morning Lily” I greet and she turns around with a smile plastered on her face.

“Good morning Alpha Hardin, I’m sorry if I woke you up, I just wanted to let the light in, Reign loves it when I do this”.

“It’s okay Lily”

“Breakfast will soon be ready” She announces and leaves the bedroom.

I turn around and find Reign sleeping peacefully in my arms and I fight my urge to cry.

Till now, I still can’t believe I finally succeeded in taming her. I am not going to waste this chance, I’m going to make sure she never regrets giving me this chance.

I yawn lazily as I try to flex my left arm and I gasp in horror when the night stand shatters into pieces the moment my hand mistakenly falls on it.

“Crap!” I exclaim in annoyance as I sit and try to process what just happened and that’s when Reign wakes up.

“Anything wrong?” She asks as she struggles to open her eyes.

“I just touched the nightstand and it sha…”

“Ouch! Ouch! You are hurting me!” She cries in pain and I literally fall off the bed as I try to get a way from her and as I try to support myself by the edge of the bed, it breaks and the bed totally dislocates but before it can go down with Reign, I rush over and carry her with some speed that I cannot comprehend.

Still in my arms, Reign looks at me in horror and I give her the same look. I gently put her down and scan around the room. Nightstand and bed, completely shattered into pieces.

How did I suddenly get so strong over night? And the speed with which I got Reign off that bed was insane, I’m not that fast, what is happening to….

Oh, I get it now.

Reign’s father had mentioned I was going to share her special powers the day I mark her. I now see.

“Hardin what’s going on?” She asks worried and I carefully pull her into my arms, making sure I don’t crush her bones ad kiss her forehead.

“I think I got some of your powers as a result of the marking process. As an Alpha I’m normally stronger and faster than any other werewolf, but now that I have added your special powers to mine, it’s just crazy and right now I need to learn how to control it else ….”

“Hardin!” I hear Miguel scream through the mind link.

“Miguel, what’s happening? Why are you screaming?”

“Fire! Fire every where Hardin, we got attacked”

“How did the rogues start up a fire in the pack!” I as in horror.

“Hardin, the person who did this…”

“Person? Juts one person set the entire pack on fire?”

“Not the entire pack but the training ground, we have struggled to curb it but it was horrible and yes, a single man caused the fire. Hardin, he is an Elemental”

“Elemental? What the fuck is an Elemental?”

“Hardin, I can’t explain it right now, but I need you to head back home immediately, there is a war coming up”

“Reign and I will be there tonight” I assure him and block the mind link.

I still can’t process all what he just told me. One person set the entire training ground on fire. An Elemental, what does that even mean?

“What’s wrong?”

“We have to go now Reign, the pack is under attack by some special werewolf called an Elemental. Like what the fuck is an Elemental?”

“Calm down Hardin, we’ll sort this out once we get there”

I quickly put on my shirt and dash downstairs where I meet the others already seated around the table for breakfast.

“Can someone tell me what the hell and Elemental is?” I ask and immediately, the plate in one of the elderly women’s hands drops down and shatters into pieces as she covers her mouth with her hands as if to suppress a scream that was about to escape from it.

“Where did you hear that from?” The elderly man asks as he rises from his seat and with a worried look his face.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“My Beta just mind linked me a few minutes ago, telling me my pack was attacked by a Fire Elemental, What the hell is an Elemental?” I ask curious and they all go silent and the look on their faces says it all.

This is not good at all!

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