Chapter 78

Hardin’S POV

I walk into my bedroom and I meet Reign discussing with Kylie and Melissa and I smile joyfully. I love it when the women in my life get along.

As I walk over to them, both Kylie and Melissa rise up from the bed.

“We will be leaving now” kylie announces and I can see a frown form on Reign’s face.

“Come on, don’t go” she cries.

“You girls can avoid me the entire day, but I can assure you that I’m going to find out what I want know, from you!” I assure them and they both hastily walk away.

I turn to Reign and smile yet again. No matter how stresses up or angry I am, it all goes away the moment I see her and that’s actually mesmerizing.

Miguel said she is my medicine. There is actually no lie in that statement. Reign is indeed my medicine.

As I walk over to her, she sits up on the bed and my heart summersaults when she smiles.

“You look pissed off, who stepped on your nerves”

She asks still smiling and I sit by her side.

“Only you have the ability to step on my nerves Reign, and you that pretty well, everyone else just gives me a headache.”

“So, who is giving you a headache”

“I’ll start from the beginning. Your cousin Clark, is back. Do you know him?”

“Uh… yeah, Wilma introduced me to him on my birthday and we had a little chitchat, I’ve never laid eyes on him again.”

“He said he had an emergency to attend to at the Blue Moon pack I he had to leave your birthday party abruptly”

“I didn’t even notice he left early”

“Well, he’s back and he told me something that would shock you”

“And what could that be?” she ask curious.

“Do you know any servant at your father’s house called Rayna?”

“Rayna!” She calls enthusiastically “I know Rayna, she was my closest friend and my age mate too, but I was about a month older”

“Well, she is your brother’s mate”

“That’s cool”

“And she just told him something intriguing”

“What could that be?”

“That night of your birthday, she overheard your father and Wilma discussing and Wilma planned to kill you because you were my real mate”

“No way!” She denies flatly and I just nod

“Yes baby”

“I know Wilma never really liked me, but she could never try to kill me, a sister can’t do that right?”

“The world is a wicked place Reign, you never know what people are up to”

“Wilma is such a horrible person, first she steals my mate and then she plans to kill me. She truly deserves what happened to her”

“Yeah, she does. I had your father arrested”


“I had him arrested, but he won’t admit the fact that he had that conversation with Wilma.”

“Wilma was dad’s favorite, there is no way he’ll accept it. He will never do anything to paint Wilma red”

“He’s going to accept it anyway, cuz I’m going to torture the truth out of him”

“Where is he right now?”

“The silver prison…” The moment those words leave my mouth, she jumps down from the bed and bolts out of my bedroom. I just shake my head and lie on my bed.

It’s about time she confronts him too.

“Dylan” I call through mind link.

“Yes Alpha” He replies instantly.

“Reign is on her way to the silver prison to talk with her father, make sure she’s safe”

“Yes Alpha!”

I block the mind link and smile as I pick up the duvet and greedily inhale her sweet pheromone that’s all over it.

I know, right?

I’ve gone bonkers!

Reign’S POV

I make my way out of the castle and walk over to the dungeon. I try not freak out when everyone keeps bowing down as I pass by them.

How come they all suddenly respect me?

Anyway, that is not important. I need to talk with my father. He needs to tell me why he did all the things he did to me.

Once I get into the dungeon, I walk over to the silver prison. I’ve been here two times so it’s easy for to locate it. I see my father sitting on the floor, with his head bowed down on his knees that have been curled up his chest and my heart sinks.

I love this man and growing up, all I ever wanted was for him to love me back as a daughter, to treat me right, to appreciate me, to compliment me when I did something good but he never did any of these things. Instead he locked me up in his house and avoided me like I was some plague. He even turned my own sister against me and I can’t help but wonder what I did to deserve that cold treatment I got from him.

It’s not my fault that I was born different, it’s not my fault that I’m as strong as I am. I didn’t ask for any of this, so I wonder why he blames me for being this way.

I wonder why her never even gave me a chance to prove To him that I’m not as dangerous as he thinks I am.

That I’m not the monster he thinks I am.

“Dad” I call quietly and he raises his head up to look at me and the moment he sees me, he frowns, just the way he always did back at home.

“Why are you here?” He asks clearly annoyed.

“Hardin told me you…”

“Hardin..” He calls as he chuckles. “You now call him Hardin, so you guys have finally gotten together, aye?”

“That’s not the case dad, Hardin and I can never get together after all what he did to me”

“Reign I don’t care if you guys can never be together even after this life, I just want you get out of here. Leave me the hell alone”

“Dad, what did I ever do to deserve all this hatred?” I ask weakly as tears spill down my cheeks. “Why have you always hated me, where exactly did I go wrong?”

“You killed my mate, you took her away from me at such a young age, she died just because she wanted to give you life, you murderer!”

“But dad I didn’t mean for her to die, I’m sorry that she had to die while giving birth to me, and in a way I always feel guilty for it, but we all know it’s not my fault dad” I cry in agony.

“Well, she would not have died if you weren’t so strong and resistant. She couldn’t survive your birth because of your extraordinary strength!”

“It’s not my fault I’ve got this strength, it’s not my fault I’m so powerful dad, why do you keep blaming it on me?”

“Because that’s what I’m supposed to do”

“Is that why you were you were cool with fact that Wilma manipulated my mate into marking her, is that why you didn’t even flinch at the fact she planned to kill me?”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well, you took away my happiness, so you don’t deserve any, that’s I encouraged her to get close to you so she can pick up your pheromone and snatch the Alpha from you. She has always been a good girl so she deserved to be Luna, not a murderer like you and stop saying that Wilma planned to kill you because no such thing happened, Wilma will never have any reason to kill you. She was better than you in every way. On the contrary you killed her because you were jealous of her!” He spits out angrily and the only thing I see in his eyes ad he speaks is hatred.

Hatred! Hatred! And only hatred.

This is pointless. Talking to him will only get me hurt all the more and he is never going to accept that Wilma planned to kill me. He is just going to keep defending her.

“Dad” I call as I wipe my tears away. “If ever I find out that you have a hand in all what happened to me, I swear I’ll tell Hardin to execute you. Mark my words” I swear as I walk out of the dungeon.

I mean my every word.

If it turns out in the end that he planned all this, I will make sure Hardin executes him and I’ll leave this pack, never to return.

Trust me, I’m not bluffing.

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