Chapter 37

Hardin’S POV

“Where’s the bastard?” Miguel roars in anger as he barges into the living room. I just mind linked him about what happened and it seems like it didn’t settle well with him. The pack doctor already attended to Reign and right now she’s resting in her bedroom.

I still can’t understand the kind of anger I felt when I saw that man hovering over her body.

I swear I wanted to kill him, but I held back because I have a better punishment for him.

What he tried to do was abominable.

First, rape is the worst crime a werewolf can comit. He very well knows that but he still went ahead to try to rape Reign.

My mate!

How dare he?

“I had the guys take him to the Silver prison”

“I can’t wait to further that itchy dick of his. How dare he?”

“You have no idea how mad I am right now, and no, it’s not what you are thinking. I’m just mad because he tried to commit such an abomination, not because I care about Reign” I lie smoothly and the look on Miguel’s face tells me that he doesn’t believe me one bit.

“I didn’t say anything, did I ?”He asks giving me a cocky grin and I just walk past him.

He’s annoying as fuck!

Reign’S POV

“What exactly is wrong with these pack members? Rape?” Ma’am Sophia asks aghast.

I just narrated to her what happened last night and she doesn’t seemed very pleased.

Like, who would?

“For a moment, I thought no one was going to come to my rescue, I was so scared”

“Oh honey, come here” She takes me into her warm embrace and gently strokes my back.

I cannot thank the Moon goddess enough for sending Ma’am Sophia into my life. She has been nothing but kind and loving to me ever since I started working here.

She is the mother I have always wished to have and I love her very much.

“It’s fine now, that rascal is going to receive the punishment he deserves. I trust Alpha Hardin to do that” She assures me.

“It’s always from one crises to the next”

“The Moon goddess knows why she always lets these stuff happen. Everything will eventually work out” She assures me and I just nod my head.

I doubt.

“Are you sure you are strong enough to go to your post?”

“Yes Ma’am, I’m perfectly okay”

“How about your arm?”

“It still hurts, but I can manage”

“Make sure not to overwork it, okay?”

“Yes Ma’am”

“I’ll take my leave now, see you around”

“Have a nice day”

“You too” She wishes as she walks out of my bedroom. I go into my bathroom to take my shower so I can report to my post already.

As I make my way to my post, I notice that everyone keeps giving me hateful glares as I walk past them and I just shake my head.

How can they be so wicked and an irrational? That man would have raped me if Alpha Hardin didn’t intervene, why exactly are they angry with me now that he is being punished?

What exactly do they want with me?

I just shake my head and sigh as I keep walking on. It’s not like the glare is going to change anything. He has been locked up and he’s going to be thought a good lesson and there’s nothing any of them can do about it.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Well, except that person has the audacity to go against the Alpha and the Beta of the pack.

I doubt there’s any of such person.

“Reign!” Someone calls sternly from behind and when I turn to look, I see an elderly girl, maybe twenty eight or twenty-nine, walking towards me with an eternal frown plastered on her face and it doesn’t surprise me at all.

Except for Kylie, Beta Miguel and Ma’am Sophia, everyone else always approaches me with a frown and bad words.

I wonder what I have done this time around.

“You scheming little devil! My mate is being punished in the silver prison because of you!”

“Hello! Your mate tried to rape me, he deserves whatever treatment he’s getting now”

“Liar! My mate will never look at a scheming murderer like you, you framed him up”

“I’m very sorry to burst your bubble miss, but your mate did look at me and he tried to commit sacrilege, so he deserves to be punished!” I spit back angrily and without warning, she lounges at me and pulls me by the hair.

“You cruel murderer! How dare you talk to me in such a manner?”

“Let me go!” I scream as I try to free myself from her grip to no avail.

I hate the fact that my arm is fractured, I hate the fact I can’t defend myself right now, I really do hate the situation I find myself in right now.

She pushes me to the ground and I fall on my butt and creep backwards but she gets in top of me and gives me a solid slap on my cheek.

“I’m going to make you go through all the suffering you’ve put my mate through right now.” She says as she raises her hand to hit me, I close my eyes and cover my face with my right arm as I wait for the slap to arrive but it doesn’t.

One second..

Two seconds… I feel her weight being lifted off my body and when I open my eyes to look, I see her flying to the other side of the quarters and lands on the ground with a loud thud.

Okay, why the hell are people always flying off me?

“Are you alright?” Someone asks and when I look up, I’m surprised to see Beta Miguel standing before me in all his glory. He extends his palm towards me, I put my right hand in it and helps me get on my feet.

“Beta Miguel” I call in surprise.

“Miguel will do, Luna. Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m perfectly okay”

“Are you sure?” He insists and I just nod. “Take the rest of the day off, orders from Alpha Hardin”.

“Honestly, I’m fine”.

“You don’t want to defy your Alpha’s orders now, do you?” He asks in a serious tone and just shake my head.

“Good, now run along while I figure out what to do with this bully” He says as he turns to look at her and I do same. She’s being taken away by a group of female soldiers.

“Thank you for defending me”

“It’s my duty Luna.” He says with a slight bow and I just look at him in in awe.

He just won’t stop.

“I’ll just go ahead” I inform as I walk away.

Two weeks, just two more weeks and I will be liberated from all this suffering.

Hardin’S POV

I look at the girl kneeling before me with my gritted teeth and my fists clenched in anger. The only thing stopping me from beating her to pulp right now is the fact that she’s a woman and she’s someone’s mate.

I can’t hit her, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to punish her. She going to regret ever raising her hand against Reign.

She will regret ever inflicting pain on my mate.

“What’s your name?” I ask calmly.

“Melissa” She answers with a raspy voice with her head still bowed down.

“So, Luke is your mate, isn’t he?”

“Yes he is, Alpha Hardin”

“Are you aware of the fact that he tried to rape another shewolf last night?” I ask and she raises her head up to look at me.

“With all due respect Alpha Hardin, I very know the kind of person my mate is, he would never think of doing a thing like that, most especially to a lowlife like Reign!”

“What did you just call her?” I ask with a creased brow and she stays quiet once she senses my anger. “Answer me!” I roar and she jumps in fright.

“A lowlife” She repeats and I feel bile rise in my stomach.

“A lowlife?” I ask yet again and she nods. I walk helter-skelter about the living room in anger. “Jada!” I call in fury and immediately, a female soldier comes rushing into my office.

“Take her away and have her locked up in the dungeon. Make sure she receives the same punishment with her mate” I order and immediately, Jada takes her out of my office.

Things are getting out of hand.

Totally out of hand.

Sweet Moon goddess!

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