Chapter 175


Up till now, I still haven’t gotten over the shock that Reed left us.

Like he left all this just because of a few words Luna Reign said to him. We have gone a long way in this battle, we have been through a lot together and he decided to give up all of that to follow a stranger’s advice.

I’m mad at him. I swear I’m so mad at him right now that if I were to have a counter attack with him, I won’t hesitate to end his life.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

His departure has made us a lot weaker and right now I can only pray that the moon goddess helps us in this battle.

“Lloyd” Kevin calls as he approaches me.

“Yes Kevin”

“Is Reed back yet?” The news of Reeds departure hit Kevin harder then it did me. Up till now he still believes he is going to come back, but from all indication, I don’t think he will. It’s either he’ll go over to Goodland and stay there like the coward he is or he will fight along side Alpha Hardin.

Well, if he knows what’s good for him, he had better no fight this war on the same side as our enemy because if we happen to meet in the battle field, I will slay him with no mercy.

“Kevin you have to get over the fact that Reed isn’t coming back” I reply and the hopeful look on his face becomes a sorrowful one.

“But, why would he choose to do this? We need him”

“No we don’t, he has chosen his own path and we don’t need him anymore. We will win this battle without him!” I assure him and he nods.

“Lloyd” He calls.

“Yes Kevin”

“Have you ever considered pondering over what Reed said?”

“Reed said a lot of things Kevin, which exactly are you talking about?”

“The fact that our Alpha will get rid us the moment we lose our powers”

“That’s blasphemy Kevin. Do not ever ponder upon those words. They have no idea what they are talking about. Our Aloha is a good man. After this war is over and we win, he is going to reward us, we are going live much better lives than before. You will see”

“I jutts hope that’s the case Lloyd, I really hope that’s the case”

“That is what’s there, now come, let’s go in there and tell them about what just happened. Alpha Lance will be pissed when he hears the news”

“Poor Alpha Lance”

I shake my head and smile as we both make our way to the living room where Alpha Ralph is seated.

He doesn’t know about Reed’s departure and I’m sure it’s going to get him worried, because right now, it’s going to be nine Elementals against two.

Both Alpha Hardin and Luna Reign are eight and Kol nine.

What a war that will be.

“So, he refused to give you the staff” I hear a voice ask from the living room and I immediately stop on my tracks and urge Kevin to stop as well, we both halt on our tracks to listen what they are about to say.

I know eavesdropping is wrong, but I have this urge to eavesdrop on this conversation.

“He got so mad I found it amusing. That man is indeed a snake. He wants that power for himself”

I hear Alpha Ralph explain and both Kevin and I exchange confused glances.

“Then we have to go get it by force” Mr. Callan adds “Since he has refused to let you have it, that can only mean that he wants to have the powers at the end of the people”

“That will only happen over my dead body”

“Then we will have to attack him and get it”

“And we will, I have a lot of plans and I won’t let him ruin them for me. I have to get those powers, I have to rule!”

“Have you spoken about this with your Elementals?”

“And what is there for me to discuss with them?” Alpha Ralph asks and I turn to look at Kevin yet again. He looks just as confused as I am.

“I mean, they are a great asset to this battle, they have to know when you are about embarking on a mission as such”

“I agree that they are a great asset to this battle, but this power doesn’t concern them. Also, I’m not sure they will want to fight against their fellow Elemental, so I don’t want to get them involved in this mission. Besides, their time with me is almost coming to an end”

“And, what does that mean?”

“When this war is over, both Lloyd and Kevin will lose their powers and they will become more of liabilities to me. You very well know I don’t keep liabilities by my side” Alpha Ralph explains and I swear in my entire life, my heart has never beat this much!

My Alpha actually calling me a liability.

Kevin turns to leave but I hold him back, we have to listen till the end.

“And that would mean?” Mr. Callan asks and Alpha Ralph chuckles.

“You can’t be so naïve Mr. Callan. That means I’m going to have them killed once I have all those powers. They will be potential treats to me and I wouldn’t want that. Once this war is over and I win, I’m going to have them killed, including Alpha Lance.”

Holy Moon goddess, Reed was right.

I look at the door and the urge to barge in and kill him crosses my mind but that would be very catastrophic. If I kill him now, my entire family is going to suffer and I don’t want that. There is a much better way to deal with him.

I turn around and walk away and Kevin follows me. I lead the way out of the castle to the garden.

I swear to the moon goddess I’m still finding hard to believe everything I just heard in there.

Alpha Ralph actually plans to kill us. So all our sacrifices mean nothing to him.

We have dedicated our lives to serving him and this entire pack and that is how he intends to pay us, by killing us because he thinks we will be potential threats.

This is so heartbreaking.

“I feel like I wanna die” Kevin cries.

“For me, I feel like I want to kill someone right now.”

“This is sad, very sad man. After everything we have done, after all the sacrifices we’ve made. We have actually put our lives a million times for this battle and this is how he wants to pay us. He wants to kill us when all of this is over, just so he can rule alone. Reed was right, Kol was right, damn it! They were all right!” He cries bitterly and I swear I feel sorry for both of us.

“We can’t do this anymore. This is all so unfair to us, we can’t keep fighting for someone who is going to kill us later on. Doesn’t make any sense.”

“Question is, if we leave we her will we go to? The moment the two Alphas find out we have abandoned them, they will hunt us down!”

“Kevin you seem to be forgetting that we have super powers. We can take them all down within the twinkle of an eye!”

“This is heartbreaking Lloyd, you have no idea how hard I’m trying not to break down right now”

“Me too, but you have to be strong. Don’t let this get to you”

“I won’t, I won’t let it get to me. So what are we supposed to do right now?”

“Come with me” I instruct as I lead the way back to the living room.

I am not a coward.

I overheard him planning on how to kill us after this battle and I am not afraid to confront him about it.

I’m an Elemental and I control the earth, if he tries to do anything funny, I will bury him deep down with just a wave of my hand.

He has to know that I now know the plans he has for us after this battle.

Kevin and I barge into the living room and meet both men still talking, probably planning on how to hang or be ahead us after the war.

Right now the only thing I feel is anger boiling in my chest.

I hate him.

I swear I hate him and I can’t wait to tell him my mind and get the hell out here.

“Alpha Ralph!” I call firmly and he shakes in fright as he turns to look at me.

“Damn it Lloyd you scared me!”

“I’m glad I did”

“What’s up guys, why do you look so tense and angry? Did you jut5s get another revelation?”

“Yeah, we did”

“Was it that bad?” He asks stepping close to me and I swear I fight my urge to connect my fist with my already clenched fists and send him flying against the wall.

I can’t do that because if I dare, all the guards and soldiers are going to gang up on not only me, but my family too. I don’t want that to happen so I keep my calm and smile.

“Yes, it was that bad”

“Can you tell me what it was about?”

“It was revealed to me that you will kill both Kevin and I after this war is over, that is after you must have become Paramount Alpha”

“What? That’s bull shit. Why would I do that?”

“Because you feel we still be potential threats to you”

“That is absolute bull…” He stops talking and look at us with creased brows. “Why do I feel like this was not a revelation”

“Because it wasn’t”

“That means you guys…” I cut him off before he can finish the sentence.

“Yes, we eavesdropped on your conversation with Mr. Callan a while ago.”

“Seriously Alpha Ralph, after everything we have been through, after all the sacrifices we made for you? After putting our lives on the line for this battle and that is how you intend to repay us? By killing us ju6ts because you think we will be threats to your position as Paramount Alpha?” Kevin asks in a bitter tone and Alpha Ralph swallows dryly as he look up at us.

His face has gone pale and all I can see in this eyes right now is guilt and regret.

He is a greedy fool.

“Guys it’s not what you think”

“It’s not what we think? Those were you words Alpha! They came straight from you heart and that is what you intend to do, what do you mean by it’s not what we think?”

“Kevin save your energy, we are not going to stand here and argue with him. Alpha Ralph, we loved you because you are our Alpha and we fought for you because we wanted you to get those powers and make our pack stronger, but since you intend to kill us after this, I don’t think I want to serve you any more”

“Guys you can’t do, I’m sorry!”

“Sorry for yourself Alpha. We are going to leave this pack and never return. Don’t even bother sending your guard or soldier to stop us, remember we are Elementals and we will finish them off before they know it. It was nice serving you Alpha Ralph, goodbye!”

Both Kevin and I exit the living room leaving him dumbfounded as fuck.

“So, where are we headed to right now?”

“I think we should send our mates to Goodland right now for safety, then we can stay here and keep exploring as we decide which Alohay to join next”

“How about Alpha Hardin, I believe he is still going to take us in” He suggests and I look at him and smile.

“You think he will?”


“I’ll sleep over it” I say with a smile as we walk on.

This battle just got messier!

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