Chapter 159

Hardin’S POV

Right now, I don’t know if I should be mad at Reign for being stubborn or be mad at myself for not protecting her enough.

I can’t think properly.

When I close my eyes, all that come to my mind is the number of ways they could be torturing her right now.

Dad said if they find a way to make her lose that baby, that means they are going to do it. That means I have to act fast!

We will discuss a plan during a meeting this night.

I also have to tell the others about the secret passage my dad just showed me, but first, I need to talk with Kol, that’s why I’m heading over to his chambers.

When I get there, I knock at the door to the living room and soon, it is opened by Diana and the moment she sees me she bows her head down.

“God day Alpha Hardin” She greets with her head still bowed down and I just smile as I shake my head.

“Good day Diana, you may lift up your head” I instruct and she does as told.

“Is my brother Kol at home?”

“Yes Alpha, he’s in his study”

“Can I go see him?” I ask politely.

“Of course, please come in” She steps aside to make way for me to get in. I walk into the living room and go straight to the flight of stairs.

I know where Kol’s office is located so I do not need her to show me.

Once I arrive at the door, I knock and when I he signals for me to go in, I creak open the door and walk in. Kol immediately rises from his chair when he sees me and I’m tempted to roll my eyes. I hate when he does that.

“Hardin” He calls and I just smile and walk over to his table where make myself comfortable on the chair opposite his without uttering a single word. “Are you alright?” He asks with raised brows and he sits on his chair.

“Has anyone told you the story of how Reign and I met?” I ask out of nowhere and he shakes his head.

“Not really”

“Cool, then I’ll tell you”

“I’m all ears”

“So, Reign was locked up by her father in his house for the first eighteen years of her life, she was only give freedom on her eighteenth birthday” I start to narrate.

“What kind of man would do that to his daughter?”

“Well, he had his reasons. So, even before Reign was released, her father and elder sister played tricks on me”

“Reign has an elder sister?” He asks astonished.

“She’s dead now”

“Oh, what happened to her”

“You’ll know soon enough. So it happened that Reign’s father had known this battle was going to take place since the day Reign was born because she was born with extraordinary strength. He didn’t want me to find out, so ha had her locked up. He knew she was my mate, so he made a plan. He encouraged his eldest daughter to get close to Reign so she could pick up her pheromone and she did. The first day I met Reign’s elder sister, Wilma, I perceived Reign’s pheromone on her and I was convinced that she was my mate. We got close and soon, I had her marked”

“That’s just crazy”

“Indeed. So when Reign was freed on her eighteenth birthday, we met. I can still recall the way her eyes glowed when she announced to me that I was her mate. I didn’t believe her, so I rejected and left her heartbroken.”

“Oh man!”

“The next day, news got to me that Wilma was dead”

“Bloody hell! What happened to her?”

“Will tell. So all evidence of the murder pointed to Reign and with all that rage and anger, I ordered my guards to arrest and torture her. She tried to tell me that she was innocent, but I refused to listen. I had her mentor killed before her eyes and once when she tried to escape, one of my guards broke her left hand”Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Poor Reign”

“Miguel was against the torturing so he told me to let her go which I finally did. She left the pack and found refuge in the Blue Moon pack. Alpha Damien rescued her.”

“Hardin that was so cruel of you”

“I know Kol. I know”

“So what happened next?”

“I went to pay Alpha Damien a visit and behold, Reign happened to be the maid who came to serve me. I saw how nicely Alpha Damien treated her and I did not like it, so I took her back with me”

“You are a dick!”

“I know. Reign worked as security guard in this pack and I didn’t miss any chance to taunt her. The other guards and maids didn’t like her either and she had such a hard time here. But do you know the funniest thing?”

“Please spill it already”

“The more I wanted to hate her, the more I fell in love with her. Finally I realized I couldn’t do it any more, so I decided to start treating her nicely, but unfortunately for me, she already hated me at that time and so began my journey of begging for forgiveness. I investigated the murder of her sister and found out hat she was innocent indeed”

“Then who was the culprit?”

“Her father”

“Holy moon goddess, how will a man kill his own daughter?”

“I asked myself the same question when I found out. We planned to publicly execute him, but the night before, he escaped. Reign left for Goodland and I followed her. She eventually forgave me and the day I marked her, all this began. Elemental powers began to unveil, I got super fast and strong and now here we are, in the middle of a battle.”

“You and Reign gave had such a rough journey!”

“It has been a very rough journey Kol”

“Hardin, I know you are devastated right now, but I promise nothing bad is going to happen to her”

“I just wish she was less stubborn. None of this would have happened if she had just followed my instructions” I cry in frustration and Kol walks over to me and engulfs me in a brotherly hug where I cry all my sorrows away.

I am at the verge of losing my unborn child.

This is so unfair!

“We are going sort this out. I promise”

“Yeah…” I disengage myself from his hold and wipe my tears away. “We definitely will. For now, I’ve called meeting, there’s something I want is all to discuss.”

“And what could that be?”

“I saw dad in his office again today”

“You saw dad?” He asks with a soft, calm voice and I swear I feel bad.

He so badly wants to meet our father too.

“Yeah, he had something to show me”

“What was it?”

“Let’s just go over to my office so we can discuss it together”

“Oh okay” He goes over to his chair and picks up his jacket.

“Kol” I call.

“Yeah bro”

“Dad said to tell you that he loves you and that if given a chance, he would do anything in the world to make it up to you.”

He smiles and walks over to me.

“When next you see him, tell him all I want is to see him once and have him say all these things to me himself” Then he walks out of the office, leaving me dumbfounded.

Well, I can’t blame him for reacting that way, can I ?

Kol and I walk into my office where we meet Miguel, Mr. Leonard and Carl patiently waiting for us. They must be wondering why I called the meeting.

“I’m glad you guys are here” I say with a smile as I walk to the sitting area to meet them.

“Same here”

Miguel and sarcasm.

I chose to ignore it today.

“I saw my father again”

“Oh goody! What good news did he bring this time?”

“Well, he did bring some really good news. He showed me a passage…”

“The ancient passage?” Mr. Leonard asks eagerly and I look at him in awe.

“Yeah, do you know about it?”

“Had a dream about it last night”

“I see… so this passage leads to an underground building that can accommodate us all”

“As in every one in this pack?” Carl asks in horror and I nod.

“Exactly. It can accommodate everyone in this pack. What we are going to do is stock it up with as much food as we can and when the final battle day is near, we will send all the women and children in it, including the old, then we the men will stay up here and fight. How does that sound?”

“Bias!” That’s Miguel.

“Seriously Miguel”

“Tss… that was a random joke. That sounds brilliant. At least we won’t have to worry about the safety of the pups and women.”


“Wait guys, are you reasoning this the way I am?”

“”How are you reasoning?”

“Well, if they are showing us this passage, does it mean Reign is going to lose the baby!”

“How do you mean?”

“Because we all know that if she gives birth to the baby, we have won, so there’ll be no need for this. But if right now they are showing us this passage, that means she is going to lose the baby” And what he just said makes a lot of sense.

Father mentioned that if they find a way to make her lose that baby she will lose it.

If he’s showing us this passage, that only means she is going to lose the baby.

“Well, that’s actually right. But whatever be the case, let’s be prepared for anything”

“We can’t just sit here and do nothing”

“That is not what I meant Kol. Remember that is my mate and unborn child we are talking about. None of you feel bad about this situation the way I do. I’m dying within, just the thought of her losing that baby makes me want to lose my sanity, but again I am your Alpha and right now we are in the middle of a battle. I have to be strong for you all that’s why you see me acting the way I am doing right now. It’s not difficult for me to storm the East End pack right now and demand for my Luna, but I know that is not a good move to take because I’m going to implicated everyone else. I’m trying hard to be stable for all of you, so don’t make me feel like I don’t care about my Luna. Please” I beg in tears and everyone goes mute.

I quickly wipe my tears away and look at them. “That said, let’s get back to what we were discussing. No matter what happens, we have to be prepared for anything, now my worry is that those guys may also know about the this passage”

“They can’t because this was a passage built by our leaders. It was their idea and they brought it up to keep their people safe. The moon goddess is not going to reveal to them any information about the passage.”

“Well, that is pretty much what I wanted to hear. Miguel, I need you to organize meeting tonight with all leaders of the agricultural department so we can discuss how we will go about stocking the hideout. For now, I would like this to end between us. If we tell the subjects just yet, the news is going to reach places we do not want it to reach”

“I will do just that.”

“That should be all for now, I will take my leave.” I sadly walk out of the office and I’m happy that no one follows me.

I just need to go to a place where I can sit and think a whole lot.

I swear this is hard.

I can’t believe I’m actually going to lose my first born child. I hope that he can forgive me for this.

I really do hope that he can forgive me for not protecting him and his mother enough.

I should have been more responsible. I hate Myself for letting this happen!

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